Dat is niet erg Jassie
When I arrived on the 9th and decided to call up a local Rental at Katong to confirm pick up the following morning, "it is taken since I have not received your sms...."

wondered... is that a fact when my mobile confirmed it was received? Perhaps it is a tactic to push the $45 I was firmly assured on the phone to a higher level they then suggested I could have at 70-plus dollars...hmmm
I did not attend the premises of the Club as it is strictly an Exclusive member's club... which I accepted and understand but I was also kept very busy with other itineraries till this evening... my only break from many drinking sessions and eat outs with locals instead...IT WAS "hartstiikke geweldig" without renting any after all!!!
I am located at block 18 at Leedon Heights and enjoyed easy access from this location. I am leaving tomorrow and will be back soon, maybe stay a little longer... wie weet?
Stuur maar een PMtje en misschien kunnen wij iets regelen over 'n lente ontmoeting en icm een etentje... laat iets horen.
de groetjes... doei....
Desmond. (21:35)
Jassie79 wrote:Hoi Desmond!
Sorry for the late reply....!
The opening hours of the hollandse club is from 8am till midnite.
Should you need to contact the administration site, they are open at
normal office hours which is from 9am till 5pm.
Regarding renting a car in Singapore....Dat is een beetje lastig to confirm the price.Cos there are lots of car rental offices. Het is wel zeker that the local ones are much cheaper than Hertz, Budget etc.
We rented a nissan sunny when we haven't bought our car in the beginning which is 1.6liter car...for SGD60 per day.
Prices are much higher in festive seasons ofcourse. And easy to get within short notice out of the festive seasons.
Hoop je hiermee een beetje geholpen te hebben.