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Cinema at Tampines

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Cinema at Tampines

Post by ksl » Sun, 06 Jan 2008 4:27 pm

:shock: :???: Totally whacked out, that my 7 year old childs sweets were confiscated on our way in to watch Alvin and the chipmonks at Tampines...It took me half an hour to settle down in my seat and laugh it off...but i decided to give them my opinion on the way out!

I said "what was the aim of taking the sweets away from the child" because i don't get the point, I'm well aware that food purchased outside the complex is not allowed into the Cinema and I respect that...but this is totally absurd... They said, food and drink is not allowed in, that includes sweets, you have to purchase from inside the Cinema area, although i haven't seen sweets to purchase!

I said its a little late, because we had all the sweets we was going to eat in our pocket, but you took my childs sweets, so what next, you want to start strip searching everyone coming in the cinema, for sweets!

The only thing I see achieved, is that, we will in future refrain, from purchasing any foods or beverages in this complex...and the next time, we come, you can request a strip search! Because now we know the stupid rules...that we will do, like all the Singaporeans do, and keep sweets in our pockets...from this day, we stop purchasing pop corn and beverages here!

Yep I was pretty cheased off, because my 7 year old didn't want pop corn, and they didn't sell sweets in the Cinema!

I just don't see, what they hope to achieve, with their stupidity!

I will now post this link too the Cinema complex!

Well I have now sent a letter to customer service, telling them I have posted this on the forum here, for them to read, with a link too.....

And my point is if they want to ban sweets, too, then the sign should state this, they should also provide the ability to purchase sweets inside the complex, because there is no way at all they can enforce an idiotic rule, unless they are going to search everyone!

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