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Villa Marina and the Mosque

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Villa Marina and the Mosque

Post by flipstar » Fri, 04 Jan 2008 10:39 pm

Well firstly, a significant day as we received our EPs and now first post on Expats forum:)

We also have been offered a 3br at Villa Marina (the complex we want to stay at) for $4k pf, 1 yr term (happy with this term). However....the apartment is facing the mosque which is next door and I have heard there have been ongoing issues with the amount of noise from the mosque??

Can any existing residents / informed vistors etc comment on this as well how residents in general enjoy the complex.

We were told that the call to prayer was only broadcast once per week at a reasonable time and otherwise it was not noisy???

We have no issues living overlooking the mosque and hearing the caller to prayer (at reasonable volume and not constantly)- in fact we see this as a pleasant part of living in this part of the world. However at high volume and if there is constantly always noise - - - not so pleasant?

Any informed views?

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