Singapore Expats

US Private Equity Professional Moving to Singapore

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US Private Equity Professional Moving to Singapore

Post by ltrock » Fri, 04 Jan 2008 10:21 am

I will be moving to Singapore in the next few months from the U.S. and am looking for any advice or insight on finding a private equity or hedge fund position in Singapore. In terms of background, I have over 10 years of experience in investment banking and private equity at boutique firms in the U.S. I'm interested in the following:

1. How's the current job market for private equity and hedge fund professionals?
2. Any suggestions on finding private equity or hedge fund positions? Any suggested contacts (i.e., headhunters, etc.)?
3. Estimated compensation level given experience level
4. Is it possible to get far along the recruiting process from the U.S. (i.e., phone interviews with in-person interviews for final round)?
5. What are major issues of moving to Singapore without a job or an expat package? Am I forgoing any potential compensation?

Thank you in advance for your advice and insight.

jan walsh
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Positions in Singapore

Post by jan walsh » Mon, 19 Jan 2009 10:11 am

Dear ITrock

HI there,

Firstly let me answer some of your questions below :

1. How's the current job market for private equity and hedge fund professionals? You will notice many online job sites of recruiters 'looking' for these positions however, please be for-warn these can be a resume collection exercise conducted by these recruitment firms (big or small)

2. Any suggestions on finding private equity or hedge fund positions? Any suggested contacts (i.e., headhunters, etc.)? At your level, it is recommended to use a headhunter instead of a recruiter. For the purpose of package negotiation, focus and industry specialization that you will recieve, rather than a general recruiter. Unfortunately, this part of the world, the definition of a headhunter and recruiter is rather thin hence, the reason why I used the term - Executive placement/ functions specialization.

3. Estimated compensation level given experience level - At the present moment, it is the employers market. Hence, the usual expatriate package hardly exist BUT not impossible.

4. Is it possible to get far along the recruiting process from the U.S. (i.e., phone interviews with in-person interviews for final round)? YES

5. What are major issues of moving to Singapore without a job or an expat package? Am I forgoing any potential compensation? - Let's put this in perspective:

Expatriate package as you know typically means: housing + Car + insurance benefits + relocation benefits (shipping of your household items) + education benefits for your children

Key consideration for you:

1. If you are married and have kids ad prefers to send them to Singapore American School or any overseas schools for the matter: expect to pay high fees. Many expatriate family these days place their kids in the local schools (depending on location) some of these schools are really good and it saves ( and I mean LOTS of SAVING!) a chunk from your salary.

2. At the present moment the expatriate package are mostly applicable for 'C' level executives in mostly larger MNCs

3. Home rental is slowly coming down in singapore (thank god!) so, you can easily get a 2-3 bedroom (1200 -1400 sq feet) apartment near town, Between S$3,500 - S$5,000.

4. Public Transportation is a bliss in Singapore. Driving can be a nightmare here as drivers here can be rather aggressive and unpleasant at times.

5. You must also consider Taxation when you return to US. I am quite sure, US has a double taxation ruling of what you make outside of the states as well.

Keeping the best for last, I am not sure what functions are you looking for within the hedge fund and private equity industry. However, I have a client (MNC) who is looking for your skill and your level.

You were doing okay except for your first & last paragraphs which was edited/deleted to remove solicitation which is against forum rules. - moderator

Best regards,

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Joined: Sun, 08 Mar 2009 1:30 pm
Location: Singapore

Post by ywijayaputra » Sun, 08 Mar 2009 1:55 pm

Dear Asianalien,

I'm new in this forum and I am interested to know about the PE opportunities that you might have especially at the senior analyst/associate level. Sorry I can't use the PM function because I'm new, so can you PM me instead and send me your email address?

Many thanks.

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