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Life As an SIA A Flight Attendant

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Life As an SIA A Flight Attendant

Post by indcisive » Wed, 02 Jan 2008 11:18 pm

hmm.. i wonder if theres any good cabin crew stories here...
Sure there is.. I've been flying for a few months now.. still remember the days I use to frequent this forum, waiting anxiously through-out the selection process.. venturing into the unknown, stage after stage and finally getting through.. and to my suprise it felt really good.. a sense of accomplishment in a way :)

then came the training period which i believe is by far one of the best times of my life if not the best.. making new friends of the same interest and goal which is to be a SQ gal, well for me it would be SQ boy ;) sharing laughs and jokes day in day out and hanging out after, looking forward to each day and ending it with a big smile.. thou parting was hard but inevitable i guess.. a good 3 months plus it was.. and within that period not only I learnt the skills and know hows of a FA but also became be a better person unknowingly.. at least i like to think of it that way :)

no doubt, as many have read.. out there it ain't exactly a bed of roses and trust me the list never ends but then again a job is a job.. there are good days, there are bad ones.. its how one perceives it.. and within this short period of flying, it has open my eyes to things in this world that i would not have ever imagine experiencing a year ago before i decided to give sq a try.. and never.. not once i regretted making that decision.. it is indeed a big world out there.. and to those who contemplates, bare this is in mind.. life is short so make the most out of it.. i wont say this is a dream job and heck i might even leave in a year or 2 or even stay till the day i retire who knows.. what im trying to say is that life is uncertain so live it the way u won't regret.. at least deep down u know u've tried ;)

p/s - apologise if its a tad too long.. thanks for reading.. cheers and happy new year to all!

I have used your post to create a new thread, the other was getting a trifle old and perhaps an excuse for a few arguments. Anyway Happy New Year and enjoy your job, maybe I will be travelling with you one day.



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Post by starrynitezz » Thu, 03 Jan 2008 10:04 pm

hmm.. do u have any stories to share? i din want to post on the other thread cos its kinda demoralising to read on.. hee..

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Post by koyie » Thu, 03 Jan 2008 11:54 pm

many of the FA working as a FA just because of the $$..and it's a sad story that not everyone really has the passion to serve...

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Post by indcisive » Fri, 04 Jan 2008 11:26 pm

hmm.. do u have any stories to share? i din want to post on the other thread cos its kinda demoralising to read on.. hee..
err.. i thought i gave u my story already lol.. what kind of stories are you looking for anyway?
many of the FA working as a FA just because of the $$..and it's a sad story that not everyone really has the passion to serve...
true in many ways if looking from the perspective of serving but isn't it same in most of the job out there, money is vital no matter how we look at it so some choose to make it their goal and i guess that what makes em keep on going. Infact a certain amount of this so called passion actually kinda dies off once you're on the job or it may even be the only reason why you can hold on to it coz bulk of the job well at least the most challenging of em all is actually the people you work with rather than the passengers which most of us perceive to be our main duty but in actual fact they are the least of our worries :X i digress..

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Post by starrynitezz » Fri, 04 Jan 2008 11:48 pm

anything interesting n out of the ordinary..

ha~ people = always.
my department consists of roughly 30 people, and its quite political.. i have learnt not to take sides. hmm.. back to the topic...

i heard that they practise seniority right?

n... i heard that SIA have shorter layovers now?

my idea of FA's life is rather vague.. :oops:

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Post by Plavt » Sat, 05 Jan 2008 1:01 am

indcisive wrote: most challenging of em all is actually the people you work with rather than the passengers which most of us perceive to be our main duty but in actual fact they are the least of our worries :X i digress..
Well that's nice to know but come on indicisive let's have the full story. I gather you are a guy so do tell us have some of the ladies been having a good bitch, moan, whinge? :devil: :P :twisted: :lol:

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Post by stussygoes » Tue, 08 Jan 2008 12:10 am

Yup... there are bound to be good examples.

I met someone sometime back and was told that it's actually real fun.

But didn't get a chance to know everything.

Anyone wanna share their positive stories?

Please do!

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Post by indcisive » Wed, 09 Jan 2008 11:42 pm

yes.. they do practice seniority, insubordination is taken very seriously.. as for the the layovers, apparently they aren't as long as they used to be mainly because of the increase in the flight frequencies. And politics.. its everywhere.. good thing bout this job is that if you don't like or have a hard time working with that one person, u only have to bare with it for that 1 flight and tomorrow is brand new day :)

for me, this job is just a job.. trust me there will be days that you will feel or rather people u work with will make u feel as low and tiny as possible to the extend u feel like quiting on the spot or heck lashing out at that person so think about it long and hard before taking this leap into the unknown.. like everyone said, it ain't as glamorous and great as it seems but if you can shrug this sort of things off and be patient and humble, you'll get to enjoy the better half of this job such as the money, the traveling, meeting people, making friends because theres always a little good in every bad ;) all this aside, there are great and really outgoing people in this industry.. u'll be surprise how nice people can be as well.. they'll break the ice in an instance and before u know it, you're both or a group of u are having a conversation as thou u've all been buddies for ages. and good news.. these are the majority :) so don't be hard pressed by the negative stories u hear. Although, you yourself have to be willing to open up and be outgoing and initiate the first move.. it takes two hand to clap aye..

haha plavt.. if only i know where to begin.. u'd be surprise that in this so called service industry which everyone is thought to be tactful, polite, and understanding.. but there are just people out there that finds pleasure in making one's life a misery and no matter how u think about it, you just cant find the answer as to why these people live their life as such.. and guess what it ain't just the ladies ;)

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Post by Plavt » Thu, 10 Jan 2008 1:14 am

indcisive wrote:
haha plavt.. if only i know where to begin.. u'd be surprise that in this so called service industry which everyone is thought to be tactful, polite, and understanding.. but there are just people out there that finds pleasure in making one's life a misery and no matter how u think about it, you just cant find the answer as to why these people live their life as such.. and guess what it ain't just the ladies ;)
I can well believe it, I have had my share of having to work with half-wits, idiots, back-stabbers and alike. You no doubt know only too well that when your a passenger you never really see the true side of those who make up the cabin crew only the occasional surly or unpleasant person. All the same it is a difficult job and you I like your posts - some of the few that give a real insight, I can't make it clear to many here just how much trouble you have to go to, to get such a job which many in the end can't abide.

However, hang in there and enjoy yourself, forget about the dopes who are trying to put you down, that only shows their own inadequacies.

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