Hey! I'm going for medical soon...but have yet to call to fix an appointment. Hehe. U going too? Oh, u're a guy or gurl? Lol!ktkhoo wrote:hey... any guys here passed all the interviews and going for medical check up?
Hey!! Thanks! YES...still feeling very excited now! But nervous n worried for medical at the same time! Just pray everything goes smoothly.stewardwannabe wrote:hey guys
i went for the interview this morning.. didn;t make it pass 1st round today.. haiz!!.. only 2 guys passed from my group
our question was introduce urself and tell us why do u wanna start a carrier as a cabin crew with SIA?..
well i was kinda nervous.. but during my speech i didn;t stutter or pause ( thank god)... but still didn;t manage to get selected.. haha
oh well.. we all can try again in the next recuritment.. haha... and get thru all the rounds.. haha..
congrats 12345 ... !!!... u mst be very excited.. haha.. lucky u!!.. good luck for medical .. where is the medical?...
anyways take care.. nite.. haha.. start preparing for the interview in march...lol
Sorry to hear that. I failed at round 1 too.stewardwannabe wrote:hey guys
i went for the interview this morning.. didn;t make it pass 1st round today.. haiz!!.. only 2 guys passed from my group
our question was introduce urself and tell us why do u wanna start a carrier as a cabin crew with SIA?..
well i was kinda nervous.. but during my speech i didn;t stutter or pause ( thank god)... but still didn;t manage to get selected.. haha
oh well.. we all can try again in the next recuritment.. haha... and get thru all the rounds.. haha..
congrats 12345 ... !!!... u mst be very excited.. haha.. lucky u!!.. good luck for medical .. where is the medical?...
anyways take care.. nite.. haha.. start preparing for the interview in march...lol
hi Caryssa,caryssa wrote:hi dream catcher..am also waiting for the next recruitment in penang...but my fren who went to 2day's interview told me tht the hr lady said penang interview on apr..n next kl interview is on march..u fr penang?dream_catcher wrote:hey! i'm so outdated with all these. I'm new here. GOt to know from my fren she passed all the interview on Saturday! so happy for her. and i missed it to go with ther y'dayanyone know when will be the next recruitment in Penang? but i guess it would be tougher as they recruited so many this time
haha..its ok my dear..i will ask my fren regarding the skincheck..n by the way, u have msn or frenster 12345?pm me yea...12345 wrote:Okay...sorry to spoil the mood ya but i think i forgot to mention that i'm a guy! Lolx!!! Coz this thread is basically filled with gurls...so sorry ya i'm the only guy around talking. Haha! But hey, u can still ask me questions...except for kebaya n skin check lah coz guys dun go thru those rounds. Lol!caryssa wrote:during the skincheck, did they use spotlight? n can we wear watch during the skincheck? congrats my dear...looking forward to be ur junior very soon..hehe..12345 wrote: Hi! I'm from pj.Thanks for ur wishes. It is indeed like a dream come through!!! Really cant let the feeling sink in yet. Haha!
Anyways, from wat i observed rite...being able to speak good and fluent english helps alot during the interview. For eg, during round 1...where there's 10 ppl, i believe the main thing they are looking for is English language proficiency. And whether the candidate is confident speaking in front of public. Not so much of the answer u give or anything.
For the other rounds, there's nothing much i can say actually. It's just more of a question and asnwer thingy. But one of the things that u must get it across to them is dat - let them know that u r ready to leave home and m'sia. That nobody at home is dependant on u and that u could leave with a peace of mind. That's one of their main concerns. Then apart from that, if u got customer service experience...just try to elaborate on it n let them know u r really service-oriented.
Oh, n also...i'm not sure if it works, but maybe just try to paint a picture that u come from a mid-class family? As in like not very rich type...very average. I think they also wanna see if u really need this job...n in this case, money would b one of the driving factors for u to hold on to the job. This is just my own guessing...not sure if that's wat they are actually thinking. Haha!
So yea, dats about it actually. Hope it helps in a way or two. Hehe. Feel free to ask any questions...i'll answer to my best ability. All d best!
So yea...sorry caryssa i cant help u on ur question. But...i THINK, just think lah...they didnt use a spotlight. Coz guys also went into that same room to do some walking for them to check our posture. I saw all the kebayas there but not any spotlights. I noticed that they were really lenient this time round for the gurls kebaya n skin check round. Most of them passed
hey dream catcher...i think the liyuin u know is the same liyuin as mine..haha..czo she is also fr penang...yea..one of my fren told me that ...but not sure if penang recruitment is reli on apr..i hope they will go penang on feb..cnt wait any longer..haha...by the way, u mind giving me ur msn add?easy for us to chat thr...dream_catcher wrote:hi Caryssa,caryssa wrote:hi dream catcher..am also waiting for the next recruitment in penang...but my fren who went to 2day's interview told me tht the hr lady said penang interview on apr..n next kl interview is on march..u fr penang?dream_catcher wrote:hey! i'm so outdated with all these. I'm new here. GOt to know from my fren she passed all the interview on Saturday! so happy for her. and i missed it to go with ther y'dayanyone know when will be the next recruitment in Penang? but i guess it would be tougher as they recruited so many this time
I'm from penang too. Argh....why is it has to be in Aprthen, we might gotta go for the March in KL first. BTW, i noticed you mentioned Li Yuin in your previous post. Wonder if its the same liyuin i know as well. Hehe...and yes, she passed!! I've got so happy for her and at the same time feeling envious.... LOL. Blame myself for not joining her down on last sat
at least, i stand a 50 50 chance to get thru ma. hehe..
hey stewardwannabe,stewardwannabe wrote:orangecake wrote:elyn3ve wrote: hey orangecake, when is ur slot on 13th Jan?
Hey elyn3ve, actually,i'm not going for the interview..
i'm already in training.i'm a malaysian myself,so i juz wanted to wish my fellow malaysians all the best..!
Have a nice day..!!
hey orangacake
wow cool.. u enjoying traning.? hope eve n I .. and soon carrysa can proceed to training..lol.. that would be awesome..lol..
which intake did u go for?
have a good day!
hi thr jason..dun feel demoralised yea..though i also feel demoralised before whn i'm rejected at the management round 1 n a half year ago..n yea..confident very important..last time whn i get in 1st round, me also stuttered a bit..but tht time am confident...haha.so mayb thts y get in..hope u n eve can attend the 27 jan interview thn..but even if cant, u n eve can always join us either in KL or PEN interview..though i duno whn they will be having a recruitment in Penang.jlkm2005 wrote:hi caryssa & dream catcher!
i am the jas(jason) that eve mentioned about...i didnt get through the interview...sad![]()
i was very nervous on that day n i think thats the reason why i didnt get through...i m the first guy to answer the interviewer question in a group of 10 males who enter the room together
there's only 1 interviewer as opposed to 2 that i thought...and the question is do you think being a man or a woman who has got more advantages??
most of my group incl me answer either 1 gender is better than another. but the 3 who got in answered both men and women are equal...i m not sure if the difference in answer will make any difference but they does appear confident(can see got abit nervous also la)
so in my opinion and after reading many threads in this forum i think confident is very very important....of course have to back up by reasonably good english also la...else the interviewer also dunno what u r talking about....haha
i will try the walk in @ spore on 27th jan but not sure if this is allow coz the interview dates are very close....still finding out..
Hi Azurite,Azurite wrote:Hey, I passed all the rounds. Now I have to do my medical check up. I kind of nervous of my medical check up. I afraid I can't get thru it.
I heard that quite a number of people failed in the medical check up in air asia, because of some sort of bacteria in the genital which is common among the ladies. But they have second chance to do the medical check up again after the bacteria is cleared.
One of my friend I met last time in the interview, told me that she get to the final round, but fail in the medical check up.
Anyone know what will they assess for the check up? If I fail the check up, am I given second chance again?
Yea...i think its mainly to check for HIV n other stuff. Coz they wud ask u to sign a consent form allowing them to test ur blood for HIV. I think they wun check on cholestorol, diabetes n all since we r not required to fast.Azurite wrote:They will take our blood sample? I tought they won't since they dun ask us to fasting.
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