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Teeth Whitening

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Post by gf » Tue, 04 Nov 2008 4:41 pm

tankel wrote:Hi gf,
Could you pm me too all the details abt your clinic and cost of whitening as well? I am interested in teeth whitening as well... thx!
sure no prob. will pm you.

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Post by savannah_lenaia » Tue, 04 Nov 2008 9:53 pm

Has anyone had their teeth whitened in KL?

I've done a bit of research and it looks like it might be a little cheaper there than in Sing (by about $300 or more)...As I'm heading that way anyway to do a bit of shopping I'm wondering if anyone would be so kind as to share their experiences with dentists/whitening over there?



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Post by gf » Wed, 05 Nov 2008 12:44 am

savannah_lenaia wrote:Has anyone had their teeth whitened in KL?

I've done a bit of research and it looks like it might be a little cheaper there than in Sing (by about $300 or more)...As I'm heading that way anyway to do a bit of shopping I'm wondering if anyone would be so kind as to share their experiences with dentists/whitening over there?


i'm not sure about the exact prices but as with everywhere else, there should be a range depending on which clinic you go to, what kind of services they provide, the type of whitening system etc
But by virtue of the exchange rate, i think it makes sense that whitening done in Malaysia should generally be cheaper than singapore.

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Post by zzLingzz » Tue, 11 Nov 2008 12:48 am

Hi Gf

Can I have your clinic address, details n price for laser whitening? Thanks alot

[email protected][/url]

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Post by paulabreen » Tue, 11 Nov 2008 7:32 pm

hi, can any anyone advise which of the following is the most durable and the better product for dental veeners:

Empress II
Empress Esthetic


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Post by savannah_lenaia » Tue, 11 Nov 2008 10:58 pm

paulabreen wrote:hi, can any anyone advise which of the following is the most durable and the better product for dental veeners:

Empress II
Empress Esthetic

I dont know about durable, but i have seen some absolute HIDEOUS results with style

They are big and chunky because they place them over your natural teeth rather than filing them down...

One of my friend has Empress (not sure which type though). They look pretty good.

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Post by savannah_lenaia » Tue, 11 Nov 2008 11:00 pm


i'm not sure about the exact prices but as with everywhere else, there should be a range depending on which clinic you go to, what kind of services they provide, the type of whitening system etc
But by virtue of the exchange rate, i think it makes sense that whitening done in Malaysia should generally be cheaper than singapore.[/quote]

Thanks - that's exactly what I was thinking.

It doesn't seem to be a whole lot cheaper though - even WITH the exchange rate. Most places i've inquired about charge $650 - $750...And some of those are just for the in-office bleaching, not the lasers...

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Contact details required

Post by exhui » Thu, 13 Nov 2008 12:05 am

Hi gf, kindly pm or email me all the details abt your clinic and cost of whitening. I am interested in teeth whitening for myself and gf. Thank you:-)

[email protected]

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Post by potatoes » Fri, 14 Nov 2008 4:08 am

hi gf,
im interested for teeth whithening treatment as well.
may i have your clinic's website and details?
would like to know the cost of the treatment also.
thanks! :)

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Post by gf » Sun, 16 Nov 2008 11:23 pm

savannah_lenaia wrote:
paulabreen wrote:hi, can any anyone advise which of the following is the most durable and the better product for dental veeners:

Empress II
Empress Esthetic

I dont know about durable, but i have seen some absolute HIDEOUS results with style

They are big and chunky because they place them over your natural teeth rather than filing them down...

One of my friend has Empress (not sure which type though). They look pretty good.
the Procera should give the best aesthetics.
Basically for materials for veneers, you would require a high translucency because that would allow a certain amount of light to shine through and make the teeth appear real.
If its totally opaque, at the tips of the teeth (the incisal edges) it'll be very obvious that its prosthetic.
The laboratory fees for a Procera veneers is also the highest (if i am not mistaken) so i do believe most places will charge the highest price for it.
Empress 2 is also quite ok, and it has the added advantage of high strength and low enamel abrasiveness. meaning it'll be less likely to abrade your opposing teeth.

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Post by gf » Sun, 16 Nov 2008 11:42 pm

savannah_lenaia wrote:
paulabreen wrote:hi, can any anyone advise which of the following is the most durable and the better product for dental veeners:

Empress II
Empress Esthetic

I dont know about durable, but i have seen some absolute HIDEOUS results with style

They are big and chunky because they place them over your natural teeth rather than filing them down...

One of my friend has Empress (not sure which type though). They look pretty good.
you're right. the selling point of lumineers is that "you don't have to grind down the teeth"
But i personally don't like them because of several reasons:
1)tooth surfaces are of course uneven in nature. so if you're going to bond a lumineer over, there'll be uneven gaps at the junction between the lumineer and tooth surface which can accumulate stains etc.
2) the amount of "Grinding" is so minimal for veneers! basically we have to keep the "Grinding" to the enamel layer to allow for maximum bonding. and this means grinding less than a couple of millimetres! most of the time it's hardly visible.
3) without grinding, there are limitations as to how the veneers can be positioned etc so the aesthetic result may be limited.

so i personally don't advocate lumineers for my patients.
Having said that, do as your dentist for his opinion on which material is most suitable because every case differs.
for example, Procera has high strength but is more opaque than Empress 2, so if your teeth are highly translucent, you might want to use Empress 2. However if the underlying teeth are highly discoloured, you might want to use Procera to mask the underlying colour better.

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Post by gf » Sun, 16 Nov 2008 11:52 pm

potatoes wrote:hi gf,
im interested for teeth whithening treatment as well.
may i have your clinic's website and details?
would like to know the cost of the treatment also.
thanks! :)
i've pm-ed those who asked for them, the details.
do forgive the tardiness sometimes though.


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Post by phy » Mon, 17 Nov 2008 12:10 pm

gf wrote:
mail_lum wrote:Hi gf,

i would like to find out more about teeth whitening, can you PM me your clinic's website and details please? thank you :)
sure np. i pm-ed you.
Hi gf,

I wld like to have your clinic's details too. Pls pm me. Thanks!

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Re: whitening

Post by hx12 » Thu, 20 Nov 2008 5:04 pm

Hi gf

I need your clinic's address & contact as well. Pls PM me. Tx!!


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Post by gf » Fri, 21 Nov 2008 3:28 pm

petroits wrote:I've just visited gf's clinic and im very happy with the result, my teeth got 12 shades whiter which it is more than what i expected and the price is reasonable it is only 800 dollars but the price to pay is to bear the pain of the sensitivity after the whitening.
great to hear that you have a good aesthetic result at the end but i didn't see you, or did i? :D
probably one of my colleagues.

the sensitivity will go away after a couple of days, some sensitivity right after the procedure is normal.


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