x9200 wrote:*sigh* I really did not suggest you are a crypto-gay of some sort but this is an interesting response anyway

I suggested something just opposite - we are all biased - that's how the sexual drive works. Preconditioned, reprogrammed, if you do not like the other word, for some subconscious emotional responses.
I'm not fully convinced that homosexuality is pre-programmed, i think it is much more complex and unstable characteristic's, with hormone balance to be a problem. I do know for fact that having too many female hormones for example will show characteristic changes in body behaviour this can be rectified with what's called an injection of bulls balls, just to balance the hormone's.
I do believe that homosexuality maybe influenced by peer pressure and pre programming if there is a slightest chance of an imbalance of hormone's, the other side of the coin, is that some people are just sex crazy and will shag anything on 2 or 4 legs, My sisters boy was assaulted by a family of pedophiles over quite a long time before it was discovered, a neighbour, even the wife and there own children were involved in the assault. It obviously had traumatic effects on the boy and none of the counselling worked, he withdrew into himself and became very destructive, cutting up new clothes, it didn't help that it was a drug environment, he was eventually kicked out of school.
I talked to him when he was around 15 when he confided in me, that he thought he was gay, I found the whole affair quite disturbing myself, but considering what he had been exposed too at a very young age, the child obviously thought it normal, are was under great fear to expose the incidents, only years later do questions come out.
I think basically that I'm not biased towards homosexuals, I am biased towards sexual molesters, and have a fear, that my own daughter maybe assaulted too, if i don't keep an eye on her. I think under the circumstance this is only a natural response to having been exposed to certain events that have an effect on my life.
Naturally for those that think it will never happen to them or their children, are not living in the real world, my point and examples are that no matter how much you think you know your best friend, you do not. No matter how much you believe you know your husband or wife, you really do not.
In my life i have had to deal with many realities, even the short term 10 days I was jailed in A wing, a high security lock up for long serving criminal prisoners, while i was waiting to be processed, or until I could transfer the alimony that i owed. which was 1k.
I lived overseas at the time so the authorities set an example, so I lost also my job which I had previously started. Though the fact was the prison guards, thought it was funny to shove me in a cell with a homosexual psychopath and molester, has he was waiting release that weekend after serving 16 years.
He raped the other guy in the cell i shared, he was his trained bitch, he forced his bitch to attempt to hold me down, while he slashed me with a razor. I was 28 and in my prime, trained in unarmed combat and Aikido, I had close quarter combat experience, with a lot more than 2 people, so even though I felt fear, my fear was controlled, the reason he tried to slash me, was that I had previously dropped his 6ft 6inch frame, in a matter of seconds.
I rang the bell to get the wardens attention and they came, and did nothing but grin though by breakfast the next day I told them you put me back in the cell with him and i will kill him and there heads will role. Only then did they take me seriously. So when I hear the word prejudice and biased, it maybe possible, though I am not aware of it, as i deal with situations as they arise in a predetermined manner, I have extremely very good insight and intuition because of my experiences and travels and I have mixed with some pretty rough party animals in my past, though not intentionally.
This guy I would never forget because he was named Pete Murray, quite a famous DJ at the time off the Radio. Anyway this monster was released and rearrested after only 1 month of freedom for raping young male students up in Scotland, beating up and robbing an old aged woman.
Though like you I find the topic interesting, that's why i have replied, though I have not made any judgement, as I consider my own theories, though marriage and legal changes I am against, because it's against the majority vote.
I think one would also be surprised, just how many homosexuals are in the position to have influence for change in the law, again it is all logical to me that people that are different will be attracted to places whereby they can continue to get their kicks if it is to cause pain, sexual gratification or any other perverse fetish, be it behind the cloth in Church, Children's homes, Schools Teaching, the police force, the Army, both Mens and Women's.
I am just amazed that the world is still so naive, and some people too.Some countries would even go to the extent of arresting people for talking about it anything that was not seen as normal, so denial that problems exist is very common in many countries. So my opinion is that same sex marriage is detrimental to society as it is today in most Countries.
One can also see in more liberalised Countries like Denmark, that marriage is no big deal, I have no idea if this is damaging to the kids or not, but the life appeals to me more in that Country, because it is so much free, the UK appears to be full of Victorian bigotry, a little like here, which i believe is fine, we live and let live, without making a big deal out of it.