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Which British School and When?

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Post by uk-kiwi » Sat, 20 Oct 2007 6:37 pm

I liked Chatsworth, partly because they have the civilised start time of 9am and go through to 3pm like the primary schools in NZ where i grew up. They also start K1 at 3 years so that's a plus if you want your child in a full day playschool because you are working etc. However, some of my friends really didn't like it at all. One of them said it was worse than his school in Sri Lanka...mmm. The facilities are old and a bit run down. Tanglin, well that's a diff story. Great facilities - teaching staff get treated very well, good reputation etc. There is also Dover Court which i would say is in the middle of the two. Small school but with resonable facilities, big sports fields (Chatsworth is inner city so bit concrete jungle) and small class sizes. Very international but follow the Brit curriculum. You are most likely to get a place there so my advice (i've seen a lot of schools, btw, can't believe jockney lets their child choose the school) would be to register there as soon as you know you are coming then when you get here have a look around and go on the waitlist of one of the others if you fancy. Honestly, I doubt you'll get into Tanglin next September if you're not already on the list but you may decide that the 'holding' school is just right anyway.

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Post by zoro » Sat, 20 Oct 2007 7:41 pm

This is really great input.

I have written to Tanglin and they, as all of the posters have warned, have been clear that there will be at least a year waiting list - interesting that this is independent of the year the child is joining in (surely there are difference between the movements, or perhaps I am too naive)

Chatsworth is, as expected, with limited facilities. Good point re getting there in the car/ taxi at some times !!! I was thinking that being in the centre would make it easier.

I haven't looked into Dover Court yet but will do as it seems to be a good potential....

What I really don't want is to have to change schools for the boys every 6-8months if I can avoid it... it's hard enough as it is. In London we have just moved house as well so there's been a lot of change already. I know children adapt easily but if I can spare them some stress I will.

I am tempted to put the boys names down for several schools and decide when we get there - I am assuming the fees are refundable, right?

Thanks also for the tip on the bus company - where would the details be available , from the school, I assume?

For those who have opted for Tanglin and managed to get the children there, where do you typically live - sorry, I don't mean to pry or be personal, a general comment would help.

Same for the other two schools.

I am tempted to try the idea of a house (it would not have a pool etc as I really don't think the budget will stretch to that) but would a condo be better for the children?

Thanks again - I really didn't realise how incredibly helpful every one can be. If we make it to Sinagapore I owe you all a drink for your time and advice :)

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Post by cbavasi » Sat, 20 Oct 2007 7:56 pm

Everyone and their brother has a preference - but as the mom of two little kids a condo is the way for us! The idea of built in playmates is ideal (especially during the rainy season). With that said - I'm more for the 'cluster house' living... smaller condo (less than 80 units) rather than the ones that are like a resort. We live in the Orchard area and have just had to move house as our complex is being torn down. We decided to downsize from a 4 bed to 3 bed just to stay in the same area. I looked at 42 condos (East, West, Central) and quite honestly I couldn't deal with all the construction. I'd find a perfect place and then go to the window and it would look into a construction pit (or a flyover). I thought that maybe we'd go east as I'm a coastal gal - but the thought of all that travel after living so central was doing my head in. Since you'll be working maybe it won't bother you as much? But for me it would be a lot of shuttling around. Newton/Novena are nice places. We looked at some fantastic housing in the Chancery area. Townhouses are a nice option if you're not sure about a house or apt. A lot of the complexes have townhouses as well as apts. Also, you can get the number from the bus company from the school.

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Re: Chatsworth vs Tanglin

Post by road.not.taken » Sun, 21 Oct 2007 7:41 am

mum is maid wrote:For your information, Chatsworth has recently signed a 10 year lease on the Emerald Hill Site and will, therefore, be in this location for the foreseeable future.

The site is a "heritage" colonial building and cannot be extended or modernised externally.
Yes, and the government will break the lease as soon as it is convenient to do so or make Chatworth an offer they can't refuse to get them out of there. There are no guarantees in the shifting sands of Singapore real estate, this sort of thing happens all the time.

As far as the heritage status of the building, look what they are doing to Dempsey Hill. All conservation buildings, all being improved and moderized within limits.

Zoro, I think houses in particular have increased the most in the last year or so. A condo would be easier for a lot of reasons, but if your budget allows look at a range of everything: condos, semi-Ds, townhouses, houses. A lot depends on if you'll have a car or not. No matter where you look, pay special attention to:

*if someone forgets to lock a door/gate can the kids end up in the pool?
*If someone forgets to lock a door/gate can the kids end up on a balconey?
*is there construction next door, or likely to be?
*how long is the ride to school? work?

There are more factors, of course, these are only a few. Just keep mind that some construction here in Singapore is not built to the same safety standards as in the UK, so the height of a balcony, for example, may not be as high as you're used to at home.

As far as refunding deposits: I think Tanglin does in special circumstances, I know SAS does not, Chatworth does with proper notice? The point is, they are all different. I would ask each admissions/enrolment person specifically.

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Post by zoro » Sun, 21 Oct 2007 10:27 pm


thanks - loads of pointers that have made it clearer that we do need to get there for a trip before we move - both myself and my husband know Singapore quite well and thought we could do without it, not any more.

Will make appointments with schools, I feel we are now quite well preparred to ask the right questions.


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Post by road.not.taken » Mon, 22 Oct 2007 10:02 am

Good luck with everything Zoro, glad to help :D

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Hi - Tanglin is a trust school...

Post by rajeshwari rajamani » Mon, 22 Oct 2007 7:09 pm

Hi all,Wow this forum is buzzing.... I just want to add my two bits. I heard (from the SAS admissions officer) that only 2 schools in Singapore are trust schools, SAS and Tanglin. I thought I would mention this as Tanglin has come up as a British curriculum based school important to Zoro (original poster). What it means is that as a trust school, they plough all their profits back into the school rather than into paying the private owners of the school. How important is this? I dont know and perhaps it is a small thing, but this impressed me (about SAS) and in my mind I was thinking maybe that is why they have such good facilities. I have not visited Tanglin (could not get an appointment with them the week we were in Singapore, we just rolled into Singapore and assumed all schools would accomodate us sometime within that week!).
Sorry for the misinformation about UWC as a British school (they follow an IB programme as someone has mentioned on an earlier post). I think my impression about it as a British school came from a comment made by my husbands boss that the culture is very British.
As a non sequiter, each set of parents has their own impression of the different schools as I discovered when talking to another couple that were also doing the rounds of schools. For us, our first impression oF UWC was influenced by the admissions officer who was not very warm, and in fact a bit self important. It could have been just that she doesn't care for Indians (maybe that is too politically incorrect to come right out and say it, but every once in a while we do run into these folks!!!), but for the other couple (who are American), apparently they had a very different experience of the school. It just goes to show that perhaps it is best to go and visit the school yourself with kid in tow, and get a feel for the school. One man's definition of withdrawn is another man's idea of professionalism!! That initial visit and the chat with the admissions officer certainly gives you a feel for the school. I know what you mean when you say you dont wish to plonk down 2000+ SGD for application when it is still only a proposed move. Hopefully if ur husband is at the negotiation stage, it will be useful to know that some companies do pay for the school application and deposit money as part of the relocation package (just to give you an idea, 2000 something is application and 7000 SGD is registration at SAS).
Best of luck with the move Zoro :)
cbavasi, how could I find out which are the better condos in the East and Central? I am moving in two months and coming to the last stages of my preparation prior to moving. Is there any site that gives a rating or listing... some sites I have visited mention rentals that seem low or at least conflicting with other sites listing the same places. I am crrently trying to work up a list of good condos (7- 8 K for a 3+ 1) prior to my house hunting trip in the 1st week December, so I dont waste time in the week that I spend in Singapore. I have posted in the house hunting section asking for info, but since you mention visiting 42 of them, I took a chance that you might be able to share something... Grateful for any inputs.

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dover court and tanglin

Post by ffsgrelier » Mon, 22 Oct 2007 7:24 pm

thought i'd stick my oar in ...Hope it proves itself useful.

I have 2 kids currently in dover court, one in infant section 1 in junior.

The boys have settled in very quickly depsite joining mid year and we have been very lucky with their teachers so far. The infant section is fantastic, classes small and facilities good. The junior section is good but i sometime worry about the lack of resources going forward and there seem to be a slight problem between management and teaching staff according to rumours. Dover court has a very good section for children with learning difficulties and had 42 nationalities represented on UN day a couple of weeks ago, which was amazing.
The bus system didn't suit us because we live quite centrally and the boys were picked up at our doorstep at 7.10 am for a 8.30 school start and dropped at 4.10 pm when school finished at 3pm . Far too long a commute hence i would def recommend you call the bus company first to help re search of accomodation.

My 2 are on the waiting list for Tanglin and as settled as they are now, i will move them there. I just had to go around the school to know straight away this was the right one for us. All the people i have spoken to since we have arrived have been really positive about tanglin and the major issue is the sheer size of it but then again , most schools in sg are very big.
From my experience, both schools are much better than the one my boys attended back in the UK but like everything else, it is all down to what you believe suit your children and you best.

Just for info though, if you are considering staying in Sg a little more long term, UWC seems to be the one to consider. Everyone i know that has been around a while swears by it but it does have a lenghty waiting list.

A tad confusing and difficult especially from afar, we have all been there but it is all worth it. Singapore is a very good family place and in a few months time, you will be writing on this forum to sing its praise ...

best of luck.

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Post by cbavasi » Mon, 22 Oct 2007 8:30 pm

rajeshwari rajamani - i'll send you a PM with some particulars about apts and also our agent contact if you're interested.

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Post by zoro » Mon, 22 Oct 2007 9:34 pm

ffsgrelier, hope you are right about the next few months... we shall see.

everyone else- thanks for the wishes!

It's great to feel part of a comunity even if from far away!

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