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Your opinion about these condos please

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Your opinion about these condos please

Post by bebe119 » Thu, 11 Oct 2007 3:13 am

Hi, we are a family of four and will be assigned to Singapore for a minimum of two years. Our kids are 4,5 and 3 yrs and will visit the German kindergarden in the Bukit Timah Area. Hubby will work in the CBD while I will work in an home office in the mornings. I would like to spend the afternoon with the kids at the condo facilities or do some trips/play dates. We will try to manage without a car at first, therefore, a bus stop nearby the condo seems to be absolutely necessary.

We were on our first look-see trip recently and figured out some condos that looked nice and seem to suit our needs (fairly new, nice pool, kids pool, gym, tennis, buses nearby running down to Newton MRT, not to far from the German European School Singapore, some shopping places around). I would appreciate any opinion about the following condos:

The Shelford
The Tessarina
The Trevose
The Sterling
The Nexus

Are they family friendly, is there a proper management etc. Anything else we have to consider? Any suggestions about other condos in the Bukit Timah area?

Our housing budget will be somewhere around 6500-8000 SGD per month and although rents are really high at the moment, I hope that this should get us a partially furnished 3+1 in one of the above mentioned condos - do you agree :???: ?

Thanks for your opinions!

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Post by tilly1234 » Thu, 11 Oct 2007 11:42 am

Hi bebe119,

of the above mentioned condos I only know Shelford, but I believe that would be fine for you.
Regarding the budget: I was shown a quite large 1-bedroom (fully furnished) at Shelford 6 weeks ago, and they asked for 2900 SGD (and I hadn't negotiated yet...).
So I tend to think your budget will be okay for you.
As you say, Shelford doesn't have an MRT station nearby... if you're without a car and with 2 kids, you might want to search for something that is closer to the MRT...?

I wish you luck! :)

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Post by cbavasi » Thu, 11 Oct 2007 12:09 pm

totally agree - if you're looking bukit timah - especially taking the kids to the school in the morning you would want to factor in a car. i looked at the shelford - it's nice but the units were quite tiny and we were shown a 3 bed at 8k. you would definitely need a car to get your hubby to MRT. a lot of the places have shuttles - but if he works in finance and needs to get to the office early the shuttles may run too late. tessarina is very nice but again units are quite small for a family of 4. unfortunately the rents have really increased in the bukit timah area since last year (we've viewed the same apts 8-10k that were 5.5k a year ago!) some of the units listed on this site are a bit dated - so make sure you look at the date - the prices can vary quite a bit.

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Post by bebe119 » Thu, 11 Oct 2007 3:57 pm

Hi, thanks for your answers. The kids will be picked up by the school bus, so I don't have to bring them to/from school/kindergarden. When we visited, we tried the way from Bukit Timah area to work via bus and MRT and it took us about 30 mins. That is absolutely okay for my husband as his travel time at present is much longer. He also might take taxis to the nearest MRT. But yes, we also think that we might need a car but wanted to try without one at first.

Thanks, further comments are appreciated :)

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