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SIA Walk-in intv on 20 October

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Post by aphrokittee » Sun, 21 Oct 2007 3:42 pm

Zenpaki wrote:For the girls in grp 7, sorry you girls didnt make it. But im sure one day you will! I was actually just two rows behind you girls. I was in group 9.
thanks Zenpaki, we are gonna try again for december's interview. oh you were just 2 rows behind us! congratulations on passing all rounds dude ;)

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Post by aphrokittee » Sun, 21 Oct 2007 3:44 pm

skynie8183 wrote:Hi...Venie, actually i was same group with u...i am #4..and i am failed as well...very sad...this is my 5th attempts liao....think wanna give up d...
haizz.... :cry:
girls don't give up! :D

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Post by VeniE » Sun, 21 Oct 2007 6:53 pm

skynie8183 wrote:
VeniE wrote:Hello ppl...

hope everyone is doing fine..

me i fail @ second round... this time round it seems they were quite strict @ kebaya & skin check lo...

anyway, i was in group 27 no.1..
my qns post for round one was "what you did to make the environment friendly?"

haiz.. my 8th attempts.. fail again... now waiting for next one liao..
Hi...Venie, actually i was same group with u...i am #4..and i am failed as well...very sad...this is my 5th attempts liao....think wanna give up d...
haizz.... :cry:
hey..hihi... keke...

our group 3 girls including me pass round 1 right..

den round 2 only 1 girl mange to pass... dun know you still remb her not, she was the one working in the optical industry de.

haiz, i will still try again.. you too k... dun give up.. try again.. muz jia you jia you..
Last edited by VeniE on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 9:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by viewfrombelow » Sun, 21 Oct 2007 7:36 pm

Aquagal wrote:I was num 6! i think u r e youngest in our grp. I wore a red grey stripes blouse and black skirt. met up wid chermainrae frm forum. rem we spoke briefly outside e balllrm? haha.. Next time we shall meet for e next walk-in! :lol:
:lol: I was right behind you

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Post by summerboy02 » Sun, 21 Oct 2007 10:42 pm

Zenpaki wrote:
12345 wrote:
Hey Zenpaki,

Congrats on clearing all the rounds today!!! May i ask if there was a round where they actually ask u to do some "modelling" thingy? Like walking back n forth for them to check on ur posture n stuff :lol:
Thanks 12345,

If your talking abt guys, we had to walk towards a SIA staff just once. When we reached her, she had a light blub right infront of her. We were made to stretch our hands out where she check our palms front and back probably for any scars. She then proceeded to use her light blub(lol) and ask us to turn left and right to check our face. And that was all.

Hope this helps. For the girls in grp 7, sorry you girls didnt make it. But im sure one day you will! I was actually just two rows behind you girls. I was in group 9.
Dear Zenpaki

Didnt know theres a skin check with light bulb for the stewards this time round...Wonder if there are any guys who are booted out due to Bad complexion?This round was done before the 1-1 interview?

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Post by bLiSs-LiCioUs » Mon, 22 Oct 2007 12:37 am

hope the next walk in comes soon....!!! :(

pink petals
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Post by pink petals » Mon, 22 Oct 2007 12:39 am

yah! hope it comes real soon! hopefully in nov.. hehe..... :D

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Post by softie » Mon, 22 Oct 2007 12:47 am

yuanz wrote:
softie wrote:im feeling very demoralised. guess i dont have the X factor they are looking for.

dont know if i should still try out the next walk-in interview...
Hey softie don't give up! if you're really passionate about the job you shouldn't miss any opportunities to fulfill your own dream. I wanted very much to attend the walk in yesterday but didn't in the end, really regretted it. i will definitely attend the next one, so i think you should just go for it and try to improve yourself during this period of time. Every interview is a learning experience, with the experiences accumulated, i'm sure you can make it some day which might be the very next one! So to those who didnt manage yesterday, lets all continue to improve ourselves and do our best for the next one! :wink:

Hi yuanz.

Thanks for your encouragement! im looking for a new job.. hence my determination to become a FA. really dislike my current job now.. cant wait to get out.

But the interview on Sat was truly an experience for me. Most prob, i will try out the walk in interview in Dec.

Good luck to u! Really appreciate your words of encouragement! =)

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Post by VeniE » Mon, 22 Oct 2007 9:27 am

summerboy02 wrote:
Zenpaki wrote:
12345 wrote:
Hey Zenpaki,

Congrats on clearing all the rounds today!!! May i ask if there was a round where they actually ask u to do some "modelling" thingy? Like walking back n forth for them to check on ur posture n stuff :lol:
Thanks 12345,

If your talking abt guys, we had to walk towards a SIA staff just once. When we reached her, she had a light blub right infront of her. We were made to stretch our hands out where she check our palms front and back probably for any scars. She then proceeded to use her light blub(lol) and ask us to turn left and right to check our face. And that was all.

Hope this helps. For the girls in grp 7, sorry you girls didnt make it. But im sure one day you will! I was actually just two rows behind you girls. I was in group 9.
Dear Zenpaki

Didnt know theres a skin check with light bulb for the stewards this time round...Wonder if there are any guys who are booted out due to Bad complexion?This round was done before the 1-1 interview?
yup.. there are guys being boot out during the skin check round. while i was waiting for my result for round 2 (kebaya round, but i fail la..) i saw a lady was announcing the result for a group of guys, that group out of 10 guys, 4 or 5 manage to pass skin check.

yes, it is before the one to one interview.

this time's walk-in they were very strict on your "cat walk" and your skin complexion mainly because they took out the WCT round where they will do assessment as well.

in my group , many girls were boot out coz they walk with one shoulder higher or their walking don't have the SIA girl poise.
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Post by bearbear » Mon, 22 Oct 2007 11:47 am

Hello, may i know what are we supposed to do in the kebaya round? Anyway, i got a really huge scar at the back of my right leg. Those kind caused by motorbike's exhaust. Do you think i will be penalised because of that?

JAL called me down for an interview but i prefer SIA. *sighs*

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Post by lisy6806 » Mon, 22 Oct 2007 12:57 pm

bearbear wrote:Hello, may i know what are we supposed to do in the kebaya round? Anyway, i got a really huge scar at the back of my right leg. Those kind caused by motorbike's exhaust. Do you think i will be penalised because of that?

JAL called me down for an interview but i prefer SIA. *sighs*
perhaps just give it a try first loh with JAL, u cant possibly wait for SIA to hires u morever SIA is v strict. What if you gets in JAL u can take it as a stepping stone to SIA when u retires from JAL. hehe

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Post by bearbear » Mon, 22 Oct 2007 1:33 pm

lisy6806 wrote:
bearbear wrote:Hello, may i know what are we supposed to do in the kebaya round? Anyway, i got a really huge scar at the back of my right leg. Those kind caused by motorbike's exhaust. Do you think i will be penalised because of that?

JAL called me down for an interview but i prefer SIA. *sighs*
perhaps just give it a try first loh with JAL, u cant possibly wait for SIA to hires u morever SIA is v strict. What if you gets in JAL u can take it as a stepping stone to SIA when u retires from JAL. hehe
Any idea which airlines has better benefits? Hmms, say just only between SIA and JAL? Furthermore, i believe the uniform can cover my scar. Cos the kebaya is like so long.

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Post by beenhoon » Mon, 22 Oct 2007 2:16 pm

bearbear wrote:
lisy6806 wrote:
bearbear wrote:Hello, may i know what are we supposed to do in the kebaya round? Anyway, i got a really huge scar at the back of my right leg. Those kind caused by motorbike's exhaust. Do you think i will be penalised because of that?

JAL called me down for an interview but i prefer SIA. *sighs*
perhaps just give it a try first loh with JAL, u cant possibly wait for SIA to hires u morever SIA is v strict. What if you gets in JAL u can take it as a stepping stone to SIA when u retires from JAL. hehe
Any idea which airlines has better benefits? Hmms, say just only between SIA and JAL? Furthermore, i believe the uniform can cover my scar. Cos the kebaya is like so long.
i guess benefits wise, smiliar. maybe the pay wise a bit different, SIA FA earns more than JAL FA cos of the destinations they fly to. SIA has more destinations than JAL. :)

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Post by beenhoon » Mon, 22 Oct 2007 2:26 pm

VeniE wrote: this time's walk-in they were very strict on your "cat walk" and your skin complexion mainly because they took out the WCT round where they will do assessment as well.

in my group , many girls were boot out coz they walk with one shoulder higher or their walking don't have the SIA girl poise.
Hi VeniE,

they seem to be quite strict with the kebaya round this time. walk with one shoulder higher, u mean they have uneven shoulders, even when standing (but not walking)? and i personally feel that booting out the girls cos they dun have the SIA girl poise is a bit, erhem, weird, cos thats where the training and grooming comes in during the trainee period.

haix... sometimes duno what SIA wants.. it really depends on your luck cos there are like more than 10 interviewers in round1 and some might like you and some dun like you. if u kana the ones who dun like you, thats it. :-|

but again, dun give up girls, keep trying... :)

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Post by CelT » Mon, 22 Oct 2007 2:59 pm

Hey gals,

I guess they wont accept slant shoulders for various reason..

SIA is really looking at being proportional....slant shoulders already means improportional....another reason may be due to S spine....people with S spain problem cant fly for long....that will be a health issue then...During medical, doc will fail u for that...

SIA looks at first impression...cos passengers dont see u often..probably once...& the first impression means alot to, the interviewers are probably looking at u the moment u enter the room for rd 1...they already have an impression of u the moment u walk in, smile & sit down...yr speech is probably an "add on" if u have left a good impression for them...that may explains y some interviewers are not exactly listening when we are talking....

those are just my thoughts.... :D

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