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Electric guitar lessons for 8 - year old

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Electric guitar lessons for 8 - year old

Post by TAJ » Fri, 21 Sep 2007 11:57 am

I'm looking for a friendly, patient, guitar tutor for my 8 year old son. Any recommendadtions, please ( apart from'get the earplugs ready!) Thx

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Post by muratkorman » Fri, 21 Sep 2007 3:53 pm

I believe it is too early to start electric guitar for an 8 year old child. Why don't you consider 3/4 sized classic guitar education first? After getting the fundamentals, your child can choose to proceed in any direction: classic, acoustic or electric.
With my kind regards

Murat Korman

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Anybody providing at home lessons?

Post by kat. » Thu, 27 Sep 2007 4:19 pm

My 14 year old son was getting electric guitar lessons in Scotland. He had been doing it for about a year and a half and was pretty good. White Stripes, Oasis, Green Day (which he managed to teach me!) etc. Mostly rock stuff.
We have not managed to persuade him to start lessons again since we came to Singapore. Which is such a shame. He thinks the Yamaha music schools in the Malls look "naff".
I would be very interested in finding someone who could provide at home electric guitar lessons (rock music).
I agree that 8 years is a bit young. My son was also advised not to start at that age as if he struggled to reach strings etc, it would put him off. You could try the Yamaha school though, if it isn't "naff" at 8!!

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Post by TAJ » Thu, 27 Sep 2007 8:54 pm

Thanks Kat, and good luck in persuading your son to pick it up again - I guess I have the teenage years to look forward to! I have tried the Yamaha shop but they also tell me that my son is too young, however he was having lessons in England before we relocated, and really enjoyed it despite being limited by his reach! The Smoke on the Water intro sounded out thru the house regularly!
I'll persevere and of course he will keep growing!

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Post by kat. » Fri, 28 Sep 2007 1:37 pm

Cool, let me know if you find anything. I just remembered my friend's son was about 7/8 when he started getting lessons and he loves it. I suppose it depends on the child and how much they actually want to learn and ,of course, practise!!

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Post by Aitchy_UK » Fri, 19 Oct 2007 2:28 pm

re guitar lession.

im not a teacher as such but am a guitarist aged 21 from oxford, just finished my business degree in the UK and am here for my work for 3-4 months, i could happily teach beginers how to play guitar,.......Please get in contact if interested.

but to re-state whats said above, one should always start on an accoustic for a few years before moving to electric, electrics sound and look cooler but its like taking your first driving lession in a TVR.... lay the foundations first! 8-)

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