Many thanks. Will see if it works.
Just to answer theknees:
I met an old friend sometime back on a flight. We said "hello" but didn't have time to catch up or exchange contacts.
I thought that there is always a possibility that we could meet again on another flight but who am I kidding?? If the probability of Cabin Crew A working with B again on another flight is remote despite them flying so frequently, then the probability of us meeting again would be slim to none since I only make 1 or 2 trips a month for work........
On another note, I really take my hats off to all you Flight Stewards/ Stewardesses/and those going for training. Kudos to all of you I say.
If after a long flight, I feel knackered/tired and all I have been doing is watching movies and taking naps in between meals and movies, you guys must be totally exhausted....
What really amazes me is how on earth the cabin crew can look as fresh as a rose after a long flight. Maybe we are all more critical on ourselves but there are times when I look into the mirror after a long flight and say: "you look like shit"
So what is the secret of looking as if you just came out of the spa?