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Expats, do you think Singapore is that boring place?

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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Sat, 22 Sep 2007 9:01 pm

Makan24-7 wrote:Ahhh. i'm having problems expressing myself properly..... It must be the 7pints of hoegaarden i've had already...
:mrgreen: That'll do it every time! And see......went abroad to get your beer as well. Why not Tiger, ABC Stout, or Anchor? :P Because they're boring! :wink:

Interesting context you are trying to push into the argument though. I understand what you are saying, but we are talking about a Country. If it's a city-state so what? we are not comparing land masses. square miles, dogs per GDP or any other form of measurement. We are only talking about "Singapore" and "Singapore" is boring. Singapore is boring even compared with KL as far as I'm concerned. But that's comparing a city with a country.

I understand your argument but it doesn't hold any beer here. If I want to go further afield I need either a passport or a visa or both. The fact that Singapore is very, very small is only a convenient excuse for its boredom...... Before they sterilized everything it was much better. I lived on a farm most of my early life. I will be going back to that farm when I retire. I never got bored there. I relaxed but that's another story which I've touched on before. I plan on dying there as well. For me, anyway, this place is too plasticky for my liking. Let's face it. The country's architect designed it as a large factory. The Amusements were added later as a sop to the already cowed population so they can say look at what we are doing for you (while we suck your last drop of blood out of you).

They don't call this place Singapore Inc. for no reason.

Meanwhile have another hoegaarden.... :cool:

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Post by Superglide » Sat, 22 Sep 2007 11:27 pm


Hoegaarden, a village in Vlaanderen, the Flemish / Dutch speaking part of Belgium. Brewing a beer that has such a complex, yet "simple" taste, refreshing, clearly lemonish, crispy, cooling.

I drank my first Hoegaarden when studying in Tilburg (look it up!). 20 years old, ready to knock the world down, beat it up and conquer anything wanted in the whole wide world. It changed my world.

So different then and now, form any other beer. The earthy taste, recalling the vast flat landscape of Vlaanderen, so well described in the songs of Jacques Brel:

Wanneer de Noordzee koppig breekt aan hoge duinen
en witte vlokken schuim uiteenslaan op de kruinen,
wanneer de norse vloed beukt aan het zwart basalt
en over dijk en duin de grijze nevel valt
wanneer bij eb het strand woest is als een woestijn
en natte westenwinden gieren van venijn,
dan vecht mijn land...Mijn vlakke land...

Wanneer de regen daalt op straten, pleinen, perken,
op dak en torenspits van hemelhoge kerken,
die in dit vlakke land de enige bergen zijn,
wanneer onder de wolken mensen dwergen zijn,
wanneer de dagen gaan in domme regelmaat
en bolle oostenwind het land nog vlakker slaat,
dan wacht mijn land...Mijn vlakke land...

Wanneer de lage lucht vlak over het water scheert,
wanneer de lage lucht ons nederigheid leert,
wanneer de lage lucht er grijs als leisteen is,
wanneer de lage lucht er vaal als keileem is,
wanneer de noordewind de vlakte vierendeelt,
wanneer de noordewind er onze adem steelt,
dan kraakt mijn land...Mijn vlakke land...

Wanneer de Schelde blinkt in zuidelijke zon
en elke Vlaamse vrouw flaneert in zonjapon
wanneer de eerste spin z'n lente-webben weeft
of dampende het veld in juli zonlicht heeft,
wanneer de zuidenwind er schatert door het graan
wanneer de zuidenwind er jubelt langs de baan,
dan juicht mijn land...Mijn vlakke land...

Nothing, nothing compares to it (not even Sinnead O'Connor)

Now try that for "Singapore"

Where does it lead us?

"can lah", "also can", "yah lor", "wah lah" and alike.

Sure, there's Tiger beer... :roll:
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Post by keinicke » Mon, 24 Sep 2007 3:12 pm

"I can read you never made it to Amsterdam?

keinicke wrote:
See you guys at the beach or in the jungle soon

You mean in Malaysia or Thailand? Wink"

Actually I did make it to Amsterdam several times - and Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Sydney etc which has similar (semi) legal setups.

Point I was trying to make was again comparing it to the Asia region.

As for beaches I do swim in Singapore actually - ever heard of the SG diving islands a short boat ride away or simply eastcoast park ;) ?

Other than that the Bintan resorts are built for the us even they might as well have spared the immigration formalities as really its an extension of Spore completely 'sealed' off from the rest of the island & Indonesia!
Life's a bonus isn't it?

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Post by Superglide » Mon, 24 Sep 2007 4:04 pm

Sure, if ECP beach is your kind of tropical beach, go for it! :D
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Post by sillingw » Tue, 25 Sep 2007 8:45 pm

So - one question

If you are so well travelled, so articulate, so intelligent and so bored after so many years here..................

Why are you still here????????????

book a ticket, fly away and you are gone - not so hard

stay here and critisize continuously - no credibility

Me - I stay here and I love it

when I hate it, I go,,,,,,

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Post by audiojunky » Wed, 26 Sep 2007 8:52 am

Not to get all philosophical here but I think any place in the world can be awesome if you have a great set of friends to hang around and drink with :cool:

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Post by Addadude » Wed, 26 Sep 2007 9:38 am

SMS, I'm curious. You mentioned that years ago, before this precious garden city was sterilised, it was a lot more fun. With 25 years of service to Singapore behind you, what was so cool in the past that you can't enjoy now? (Or are we touching on sensitive isuues that your wife is better off not knowing? :twisted: )

BTW, for all those large gentlemen out there, I discovered on Sunday that Queensway Shopping Centre has quite a few shops that sell XXXXXL stuff.

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Post by Superglide » Wed, 26 Sep 2007 9:50 am

sillingw wrote:So - one question

If you are so well travelled, so articulate, so intelligent and so bored after so many years here..................

Why are you still here????????????

book a ticket, fly away and you are gone - not so hard

stay here and critisize continuously - no credibility

Me - I stay here and I love it

when I hate it, I go,,,,,,
Well, first of all, I didnot start the thread in complaining about this city, BUT if you ask me, I tell you how boring it is.

And like huggy said, it can be ok to be bored every now and then. So that answers your question to why I didnot pack my stuff yet.

Bit of a "pffffff" comment anyway, to say: if you don't like it, move out. Often the most common reply of an insecure local bloke here in Singers, when criticizing their beloved country.
Addadude wrote:BTW, for all those large gentlemen out there, I discovered on Sunday that Queensway Shopping Centre has quite a few shops that sell XXXXXL stuff.
I know you're joking, but still: I think you miss my point regarding this.

I know I can get XXXXL stuff here in selected shops, but 1. not the stuff I like (Replay jeans for example) 2. Not the stuff I need (long sleeve business shirts) 3. not the quality I want (cheap local cotton).

Ok, rant over again!
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Post by Addadude » Wed, 26 Sep 2007 10:27 am

I was trying to help SMS out actually. he doesn't seem to be so brand conscious but he mentioned finding that the extra large sizes that he found in Mustafa's were cut for Indians. I'm pretty sure the stuff at Queensway is more ang moh fitting...

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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Wed, 26 Sep 2007 1:03 pm

Addadude wrote:SMS, I'm curious. You mentioned that years ago, before this precious garden city was sterilised, it was a lot more fun. With 25 years of service to Singapore behind you, what was so cool in the past that you can't enjoy now? (Or are we touching on sensitive isuues that your wife is better off not knowing? :twisted: )

BTW, for all those large gentlemen out there, I discovered on Sunday that Queensway Shopping Centre has quite a few shops that sell XXXXXL stuff.
Bit of a problem there, to me there is a difference between something being "a lot more fun" and "what was so cool". Most things were more fun until there were more and more regulations created to keep people from having fun (now they are bringing it back - but only licensed in certain areas or .... kinda like bartop dancing if you know what I'm trying to say. Years ago things were a lot more spontaneous. So what if somebody occasionally got injured. Shit happens. The gov't steps in and WHAM all laws and legislation and you cannot , you cannot, you cannot or you can BUT ONLY IF....yadda, yadda, yadda.

As far as so cool? I didn't say that. That's the real difference a lot more fun means more spontaneous, more cool? Well, most places are way more cool. And yes and no re: the wife.... :cool:

I'm not that large. It's just that the average none-tailored clothing here is cut for the asian body build (rightly so) and I don't have an asian body. Asian cut pants are like small hotels......usually no ballroom! Sorry, Tailors tend to not be able to do a decent pair of Jeans and when I can buy Levi's, lee's & wranglers in the US for $16.95 I'll be damned if I'll pay $150 sgd for them here. I will check out Queensway though as they might import from the US or UK.


I'm not sure who you were talking to, but it it was me instead of superglide, it's simple.

I have certain filial responsibilities that I vowed to see to 25 years ago. When that has finished and my son has finished his NS my butt is outta here. I've got 220 acres of waterfront farm waiting for me to retire on. But filial obligations are obligations that I won't break.

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Post by Superglide » Wed, 26 Sep 2007 2:15 pm

sundaymorningstaple wrote:my butt is outta here. I've got 220 acres of waterfront farm waiting for me to retire on. But filial obligations are obligations that I won't break.
220 acres should just fit that big b*tt of yours! :P :wink:
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Post by mayamomi » Wed, 26 Sep 2007 3:05 pm

sillingw wrote:So - one question

If you are so well travelled, so articulate, so intelligent and so bored after so many years here..................

Why are you still here????????????

book a ticket, fly away and you are gone - not so hard

stay here and critisize continuously - no credibility

Me - I stay here and I love it

when I hate it, I go,,,,,,
i know the op said Singaporeans' comments not needed, but i can't help it...

the topic is on whether this is a boring place and Superglide said it is.. so wats wrong?? thats within the topic... no one said "if u think this is a boring place, u should leave..." or is that new legislation??? or is that a new thread u gonna start?? :roll: :P

anyway, Singapore IS a boring place ... thats why i'm outta there ... to a more boring place ... :???: but lots of more interesting people to regulate my blood pressure... :roll:
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Post by Arizona » Wed, 26 Sep 2007 4:59 pm

sundaymorningstaple wrote:
Makan24-7 wrote:Ahhh. i'm having problems expressing myself properly..... It must be the 7pints of hoegaarden i've had already...
:mrgreen: That'll do it every time! And see......went abroad to get your beer as well. Why not Tiger, ABC Stout, or Anchor? :P Because they're boring! :wink:

Interesting context you are trying to push into the argument though. I understand what you are saying, but we are talking about a Country. If it's a city-state so what? we are not comparing land masses. square miles, dogs per GDP or any other form of measurement. We are only talking about "Singapore" and "Singapore" is boring. Singapore is boring even compared with KL as far as I'm concerned. But that's comparing a city with a country.

I understand your argument but it doesn't hold any beer here. If I want to go further afield I need either a passport or a visa or both. The fact that Singapore is very, very small is only a convenient excuse for its boredom...... Before they sterilized everything it was much better. I lived on a farm most of my early life. I will be going back to that farm when I retire. I never got bored there. I relaxed but that's another story which I've touched on before. I plan on dying there as well. For me, anyway, this place is too plasticky for my liking. Let's face it. The country's architect designed it as a large factory. The Amusements were added later as a sop to the already cowed population so they can say look at what we are doing for you (while we suck your last drop of blood out of you).

They don't call this place Singapore Inc. for no reason.

Meanwhile have another hoegaarden.... :cool:
Slang for Singapore, Land of SPGs?
Ooops my bad.

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Post by Superglide » Wed, 26 Sep 2007 6:10 pm

nah, way more tasty! :)
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Re: Expats, do you think Singapore is that boring place?

Post by celinedede » Tue, 01 Jan 2008 9:10 pm

joegymfit wrote:I am doing some research & hope to tap some valuable feedback from any foreign expats working or living in Singapore.

Singaporeans, please do not comment. I seek only foreigners.

The boring question is: Do you find Singapore is such a boring place to you? If you think so, please do not mind to write a few of your opinion on where & why do you think Singapore is boring.

Thank you.

By the way, I am a working Malaysian here for the last decade. So, Singapore is not new to me.
Wahaha, Malaysians are considered expats?? :roll: You are foreign workers who flock to SG because the pay in MY is too low.Expats live in nice private housing. The Malaysians I met only rent a room within a HDB flat.

You are like most Malaysians working in SG. Always boosting about how MY is better than SG. MY QUESTION : If you think MY is that great, why are still in SG?? Why don't you pack your bag and go back to MY? I think you are such a waste of our space in SG.

Most Malaysians I met are crap. Not great performers at work but are great bootlickers. I think they speak worse English than SG people. "Wetgetables" instead of vegetables. You don't have to give me examples of high-flying msians. For 1 high-flyer, there are 100 crappy msians in SG. I wonder why do msians feel superior?

SG is boring??? Well, definitely not as boring as MY in my opinion. I won't be bothered to step into MY if it is not for business trips. <YAWN>Boring place. Just look at their fashion. PUKE!

Yes, I am Singaporean. I saw this forum when I was searching for my property. It does not mean you say SG people can't comment means I should obey. I should tell these msians what is SG people 's opinion about them.I think you should not be in this forum at all, because Malaysians are NOT expats in my opinion, please do not upgrade yourself.

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