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Playgroup For Single Mother/Single Parent - anyone?

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Playgroup For Single Mother/Single Parent - anyone?

Post by littletots » Fri, 07 Sep 2007 2:27 pm

Is there any single mother by choice or divorcee with kids below 10 years old would like to get together? I'm a single parent for a 5 years old toddler would dearly want to meet some single parent out there. It will be fun to exchange idea on parenting or simply wind about working and social life beside busy sending and picking up the kid from childcare or enrichment classes.

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Post by kirstyL » Thu, 13 Sep 2007 11:13 am

How about, might as well be single parents?? I can understand your situation, having been one myself not so long ago. I am not currently a single parent, but wouldnt mind making friends if your up to it! You can email me at [email protected].

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Post by Iuli » Fri, 19 Oct 2007 8:54 pm

I am a single mother, too (2 under 10) . Would be great to exchange experiences and how to manage with work and kids and a little bit of social life!

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Post by littletots » Fri, 19 Oct 2007 10:17 pm

Sure. How do we keep in contact?

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Post by Iuli » Sun, 21 Oct 2007 10:51 pm

you can email me at [email protected]

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Leave to Remove (a child)- Single Mother looking to reloacte

Post by shuk » Sun, 06 Jun 2010 7:34 pm

Hi there,

I am a single divorced mother of a 6yr old boy looking to relocate to Singapore in August (both my brother and sister have been settled there for the past 2.5 yrs). My son has had no contact whatsoever with his father since since the age of 2yrs old. My relationship with ex was an abusive one and though I do not have a court order as such in place stopping him from seeing his son, I have made it clear right from the start that any form of contact needs to be done via the appropriate legal channels. However, my ex has not bothered to make any attempt to comply with this arrangement and therefore has by default not bothered to persue any contact since my divorce from him 3yrs ago.

My question to any other single parents looking to relocate abroad, is that did you have to seek any legal guidance and/or 'Leave to Remove' order via the Courts prior to relocating?

I know for certain that due to my ex's aggressive and unreasonable nature, he would for sure do what it takes to stop me from taking my son.

Whilst I will be seeking legal advice, I would be grateful to know if anyone faced similar issues with removing their child from the UK to relocate abroad?

Thank you.

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Post by daytripper65 » Mon, 07 Jun 2010 7:15 pm

I don't know about the UK, but in the States, both parent signatures are required to obtain passports. If there is a divorce, you need to show proof that you have sole legal and physical custody. If there is a separation, you still need a letter of consent from the "absent" parent for the passport. Perhaps this isn't as strict in the UK? I trust you'll find out.

Personally I think going through the legal channel is much safer, lest you always be worrying if he hears you've moved the kid out of the country or makes attempts to contact you.

good luck-
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Post by shuk » Tue, 08 Jun 2010 2:54 am

daytripper65 wrote:I don't know about the UK, but in the States, both parent signatures are required to obtain passports. If there is a divorce, you need to show proof that you have sole legal and physical custody. If there is a separation, you still need a letter of consent from the "absent" parent for the passport. Perhaps this isn't as strict in the UK? I trust you'll find out.

Personally I think going through the legal channel is much safer, lest you always be worrying if he hears you've moved the kid out of the country or makes attempts to contact you.

good luck-
Dear Daytripper65,

Thank you for your response. I am in receipt of my son's passport already, so that's not a problem. As for custody....well as such there is nothing as such in place. Following (and during) my divorce my ex never 'fought' or 'applied' for any form of custody and/or visitation access for his son. For one I think he didn't want to fork out any expense to do this the legal way, whereas I was personally adamant that whilst I didn't want my son's father having any contact with either of us (due to his aggressive and threatening nature towards me and my family), if any access/visitation was to be enforced it would all have to go through the appropriate legal channels. He never persued this route in any capacity and therefore no contact between him and his son were ever established to date.

I'm just so worried that if I went through the Courts, he would inevitably find out about my plans and place of relocation.


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Re: Leave to Remove (a child)- Single Mother looking to relo

Post by Mad Scientist » Tue, 08 Jun 2010 5:58 am

shuk wrote:Hi there,

My question to any other single parents looking to relocate abroad, is that did you have to seek any legal guidance and/or 'Leave to Remove' order via the Courts prior to relocating?

Whilst I will be seeking legal advice, I would be grateful to know if anyone faced similar issues with removing their child from the UK to relocate abroad?

Thank you.
My 2 cents. Since you are getting legal advise on your ex, ie. legal custody of child, separation or divorce deed etc ...which is a must, once arrive here in SG you can get a PPO or Personal Protection Order from the police if ,heaven forbids, your ex trace you and found out that you are in SG. This will protect you from harm's way from him.
BTW Extradition of minor or child from one country to another is not an internationally conform by many countries. This means if he sought extradition order in UK to get your child back, it does not hold any legalities or bearing here in SG. Just to assure you how things done in SG
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Re: Leave to Remove (a child)- Single Mother looking to relo

Post by shuk » Tue, 15 Jun 2010 5:50 am

Mad Scientist wrote:
shuk wrote:
My 2 cents. Since you are getting legal advise on your ex, ie. legal custody of child, separation or divorce deed etc ...which is a must, once arrive here in SG you can get a PPO or Personal Protection Order from the police if ,heaven forbids, your ex trace you and found out that you are in SG. This will protect you from harm's way from him.
BTW Extradition of minor or child from one country to another is not an internationally conform by many countries. This means if he sought extradition order in UK to get your child back, it does not hold any legalities or bearing here in SG. Just to assure you how things done in SG

Thank you Mad Scientist for your advice.

I have also found out that SG is not party to the Hauge Convention if my Ex was to find out where I have relocated it would be extremely difficult and expensive for him to get us (or our son) sent back to the UK.

My only concern is as ever that I don't want to be seen doing anything that breaks the law when I eventually relocate with my son due to the absence of a Court Order as such.

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Re: Leave to Remove (a child)- Single Mother looking to relo

Post by Mad Scientist » Tue, 15 Jun 2010 8:07 am

shuk wrote: My only concern is as ever that I don't want to be seen doing anything that breaks the law when I eventually relocate with my son due to the absence of a Court Order as such.
No one can fully understand your predicament as we are not in your position BUT we can lessen the impact or the pain by pointing you to the right direction or make you ponder for a wee while that there are steps that you can take to protect yourself by law.

I do not know about UK Law so I am not going to comment on it. In SG Law, divorce case comes under the jurisdiction of Family Court i.e Subordinate Court. Taking out PPO on your ex will have his name stamped in the court books and the police .
If he is a violent nature, I would suggest get a police report in UK , bring it along and have it attached with the PPO , He will be under Grade I PPO but it depends what the UK Police wrote on the report. If he has been on Police Report in UK b4, get those too.
You can link all those with the agencies here if he is that kind of person.
The SG Family Court view the Mother as the first care giver in any divorce case unless she is NOT Fit to be on that role
There are many extradition cases between UK and SG , UK and M'sia, worse of all , it involves politician , head of state or the Royal Family. None has any affect nor bearing . If you do need help when you are here, PM me, I will see what I can do to lessen the worries

The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.Yahoo !!!

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