Dear Daytripper65,daytripper65 wrote:I don't know about the UK, but in the States, both parent signatures are required to obtain passports. If there is a divorce, you need to show proof that you have sole legal and physical custody. If there is a separation, you still need a letter of consent from the "absent" parent for the passport. Perhaps this isn't as strict in the UK? I trust you'll find out.
Personally I think going through the legal channel is much safer, lest you always be worrying if he hears you've moved the kid out of the country or makes attempts to contact you.
good luck-
My 2 cents. Since you are getting legal advise on your ex, ie. legal custody of child, separation or divorce deed etc ...which is a must, once arrive here in SG you can get a PPO or Personal Protection Order from the police if ,heaven forbids, your ex trace you and found out that you are in SG. This will protect you from harm's way from him.shuk wrote:Hi there,
My question to any other single parents looking to relocate abroad, is that did you have to seek any legal guidance and/or 'Leave to Remove' order via the Courts prior to relocating?
Whilst I will be seeking legal advice, I would be grateful to know if anyone faced similar issues with removing their child from the UK to relocate abroad?
Thank you.
Mad Scientist wrote:shuk wrote:
My 2 cents. Since you are getting legal advise on your ex, ie. legal custody of child, separation or divorce deed etc ...which is a must, once arrive here in SG you can get a PPO or Personal Protection Order from the police if ,heaven forbids, your ex trace you and found out that you are in SG. This will protect you from harm's way from him.
BTW Extradition of minor or child from one country to another is not an internationally conform by many countries. This means if he sought extradition order in UK to get your child back, it does not hold any legalities or bearing here in SG. Just to assure you how things done in SG
No one can fully understand your predicament as we are not in your position BUT we can lessen the impact or the pain by pointing you to the right direction or make you ponder for a wee while that there are steps that you can take to protect yourself by law.shuk wrote: My only concern is as ever that I don't want to be seen doing anything that breaks the law when I eventually relocate with my son due to the absence of a Court Order as such.
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