The format war is more or less decided by Taiwan, manufacturers, and it's them that tool up for it, Blue-Ray is much cheaper to produce! Although, those that can afford the HD for films, will probably go it alone, for only a short while, but I don't believe it will last, becuase HD is in fact more expensive to make.Splatted wrote:As the article pointed it, it really depends on what perspective you choose to follow.
Blue-ray sales are driven purely by game console sales, and many people buying PS3's are not happy having to fork out the extra $$ because of it.
As stand-alone players (non game console) HD dvd outsells blue-ray by 4:1 in Europe.
This commentary has an interesting view on the format war and about the artificially inflated sales of blue-ray disks:
It is biased in favour of HD DVD, but it's food-for-thought.
Splatted wrote:I think it's already decided, KSL.
Toshiba, the inventor of HD DVD is throwing in the towel after yet another distributor, Walmart, decided not to stock their format of movies.
As an aside, just to correct something you mentioned, HD DVD was cheaper to make than Blue-ray. It was also a better product in terms of data safety, as the recording layers were deeper within the disk, hence any scratches were less likely to cause problems. Blue-ray's recording layers are more closer to the surface, which is why that protective coating is needed on all their disks, making the product a more expensive one overall.
Anyway, it's pretty much over now. Blue-ray won
With ref: to costs, it may have been proaganda the manufacturers put out at the time, I guess many aspects are taken into consideration, although from I commonsense point of view, a manufacturer, isn't going to produce, anything too perfect, they count on profit margins and volume sales...As an aside, just to correct something you mentioned, HD DVD was cheaper to make than Blue-ray. It was also a better product in terms of data safety, as the recording layers were deeper within the disk, hence any scratches were less likely to cause problems.
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