There are a lot of positives AND negatives with having dogs in Singapore ....
somethings will depend on where you are coming from, in regards length of time in quarantine - if at all.
the length of the flight, if they will be over stressed etc.
We brought two small dogs with us to Singapore (from Melbourne, Australia) two years ago. They did not go into any quarantine,but will do so for one month if they end up returning to Australia.
One was quite stressed on arrival, due to the flight and noise of same. But he was fine by the next morning.
They sleep a lot more here due to the heat and don't like going for long walks as they did 'back home'.
I have not had any issues with the residents of our
condo, tho' some are very frightened of the dogs I do not get into the elevator with them when I have the dogs with me. Same with Muslims.... respect works both ways so have not had any problems at all.
As for going away most weekends or on any holiday I do not pay out any huge amount of dollars for dog walkers or maids to care for them..... I use a house sitter / sitters everytime..... FOR FREE !!
But my concern after bringing them here is that they don't have the freedom they once had and I feel often that I have done them a disservice in bringing them so far "from their normal routine and environment" - perhaps with hindsight I could have left them with family members. No matter how much I would miss them ... their care and wellbeing has always been my priority.
But then I look at them and know how much I love them too and I melt ... how could I have left them behind?
[ good luck with whatever you decide - it will be RIGHT for you ]