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Dogs in Singapore

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Dogs in Singapore

Post by Indiana » Thu, 30 Aug 2007 1:55 am

My husband and I are thinking of relocating to either Singapore or Malaysia. A big concern for us is our two large dogs who need daily exercise and ideally a large space where they can be allowed off-lead for a mad sprint. Are there any areas like this available in Singapore? Is it a dog-friendly place? Would I be able to hire a dog walker for days when there is no-one in during the day? Also, I am used to going out socialising and taking the dogs with me. Most bars have outdoor areas where we can enjoy a drink with the dogs at our sides. Is this a possibility too? I have been to Singapore twice and only ever remember seeing small lap dogs. Thanks for your help in advance!

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Dogs in Singapore

Post by mules » Thu, 30 Aug 2007 10:55 pm

Hi Indiana,

Our experience is as follows.

There are plenty of dogs in Singapore, but usually (not always the case) they are not particularly socialised. We have a medium breed dog with a docile temperament, and often I found when walking him that many people would pick up their small white fluffy thing when passing us. I am not sure if it was to protect their dog from us, or protect us from their dog!! As most informed dog owners would know, lifting and carrying your dog actually contributes to behaviour problems. They have 4 legs for a reason!

There are a few dog runs that are free, but more often than not I have been surprised by some of the things that happen there. Owners clearly with no control of their dogs letting them off leash outside off the run with lots of young children around. Owners grooming their dogs on top of tables in a cafe where people are eating next to dog runs (and i mean grooming, clipping, cutting nails, etc). And the oddest things - dressing dogs in 30 degree heat in doggy tshirts and coats! Again, dogs don't have sweat glands on their body - those tshirt are not soaking up sweat, just making the dog even hotter.

That frustration aside, we found our dog, who was getting walked 5 days a week with other dogs back home seemed a little depressed after a few months here, not matter how much we walked him. To put it simply, he wanted mates of his own!

Luckily there are some good options, I can recommend a particularly good doggy day care place who are just about to move their business into a bigger place. Our dog hangs out there 2 days a week with 15 - 20 mates and he is back to his normal self again.

Also, although there aren't alot of off leash areas/run, you can take your dog on leash to most national parks, including the botanical gardens. There is no shortage of nice walks with them.

I don't want to put you off as it may not be as straightforward as your home country, but there's certainly a few good options. We have a very happy and tired pooch these days.

Also, do not be surprised when walking your dog if people suddenly give you a very wide berth and sometimes clutch onto their partners arm. I guess with quite a few strays dogs, some may not have had good dog experiences. Some of those strays scare me too!

Others may have difference experiences, but wanted to manage your expectations.

If you PM me I can give you more details on the day care.


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Post by mayamomi » Fri, 31 Aug 2007 5:42 pm

there are dog runs in bishan park and pasir ris (if they're still open!) ... u can let them loose and they can run with other dogs.. not sure about the one in pasir ris farm, but the one in bishan requires ur dogs to be first certified to be even let in, years ago when i did it, they have this certification sessions every sunday where somebody from SKC (singapore kennel club) will do a temperament test for the dogs then give a little card upon passing ... there is also next to the dog-run a little fenced up area for the agility course...

there the dogs can socialise freely with other dogs and humans...

in other parks like East coast, pasir ris, sentosa... u have to leash them at all times... and depending on the breed, u have to muzzle some kinds as well... however at sentosa at the far end of certain beaches, u may also let them run loose with other dogs, there are quite a number there as well.. as long as no one complains and ur dogs do not bother anybody, especially muslims...

don think malaysia would be a better choice than singapore if ur concern is the dogs... majority muslims ..
To you, he's a dog...
To me, he's everything...

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Post by mayamomi » Fri, 31 Aug 2007 5:49 pm

hmm ... about the bars, i've not been in singapore for a long time now... but there was this bar at alexandra called "handlebar" which was very cosy and its a solo bar on its own, outdoor, mostly bikers go there... and have seen quite a number of dogs there and have brought our own too. .. hope they're still opened!!

otherwise east coast park, serangoon gardens, holland V, they all have outdoor bars i think...

singapore is quite a dog-friendly country i should say, since i'm a dog lover myself!! :lol:

but just steer clear of the muslims in singapore, they can get hysterical.. no offence to anyone, but its a fact, for most muslims anyway.. btw, i'm muslim too...

also applies to some old-age persons with young grandchildren, they tend to over-react...
To you, he's a dog...
To me, he's everything...

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Post by steve9876 » Tue, 04 Sep 2007 12:29 am

there are a few dogs forum in singapore, there is a wealth of information there about owning dogs in spore, can take a look.

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Post by micknlea » Sun, 24 Feb 2008 4:51 pm

West Coast Park has a leash free dog run area too.
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Post by vistula » Wed, 27 Feb 2008 10:56 am

I would think twice before deciding to bring your dogs here:
-very few good size off leash places . the 3-4 I know, are smallish by the US standards w/o any certifications required to enter. Also, there no seperate runs for small and big dogs. So if your large dogs do not like small dogs, you are out of luck,
- socialization/training - less than spectacular,
- if you do not have a car, it will cost you an arm and a leg to get your dogs to any kind of activities ... and you always need to specify you need somebody who is not a Muslim,
- quarantine (30 days).
- some breeds like boxers can have a very tough time to adjust to humidity and high temp.
- btw, what you conisder a mid size dog in the US is called a large size dog here, and people sem to be rather afraid of big dogs.
- if you want to travel in the region, you will either need to have a maid or go to doggie care - not that inexpensive: a good doggie day care will run you about S$25-40 per day.

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Re: Dogs in Singapore

Post by autumni76 » Sun, 26 Oct 2008 10:46 pm

If you're considering between Singapore and Malaysia only, then I would certainly say - Singapore.
Because, Malaysia has more Muslims and they will not go near dogs due to this reason.
Also, the welfare there is not too good for dogs (i personally feel).

Dogs in Singapore are bounded by lots of rules and regulations. If you're going to live in a private housing, then not much problem with keeping large sized dogs.
Those living in government housing (HDB flats) can only keep about 62 different types of toy/small breed dogs.

Almost all places, the dogs must be leashed.

No public transports are allowed for dogs. You've got to call pet taxis or get those normal taxis whose drivers are willing to ferry dogs.
Personally, I've encountered many friendly muslim drivers who are ok with mine (but i put inside a carrier and he's a small breed).

There are frequent gatherings for dog owners and their dogs from assorted pets and dogs forums.
Some events held by community centres also organise pets events.
There are also breed specific dog forums where you can join in the gathering (like mine is a westie. So i joined the westies forum).

So far, no bars that I know of allow dogs..

several pet cafes will request that the dogs be leashed up or put inside a box (recently heard about the box.. )

The dog grooming salon is up and coming. With spa for dead sea products to volcano products etc.

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Post by positano » Mon, 27 Oct 2008 9:45 am

hi Indiana,

before you move here with your dogs you may want to consider how long you will be living here for and what the quarranties laws are like in your home country for you to bring your dogs back home eg. if your dogs have to be placed in quarrantine for 6 months when you try to return home would you still bring them here? i know many families don't want to be separated from their pets when they relocate, but you may be separated from your pets when you return home. i thought i'd throw this spanner in the works cos i've faced this dilemma.

there are dog walkers you can hire here. there are a "few" dog friendly cafes but generally Singapore is not as dog friendly as Europe. the only time i've seen people with pets at a bar was in pasir panjang in the outdoor area - there was an expat couple with a large dog sitting at their feet. if you check out some of the pet forums there are discussion threads on pet friendly places.

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Post by SGgal » Tue, 28 Oct 2008 12:43 pm

Maybe you can check out this active pet forum:

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Post by Jojoleona » Sat, 08 Nov 2008 10:47 pm

hi anyone who knows where to buy gd breed samoyed n pomeranians?
im a dog-lover here...
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Post by Leone and John » Sun, 09 Nov 2008 10:31 am

There are a lot of positives AND negatives with having dogs in Singapore ....

somethings will depend on where you are coming from, in regards length of time in quarantine - if at all.

the length of the flight, if they will be over stressed etc.

We brought two small dogs with us to Singapore (from Melbourne, Australia) two years ago. They did not go into any quarantine,but will do so for one month if they end up returning to Australia.

One was quite stressed on arrival, due to the flight and noise of same. But he was fine by the next morning.

They sleep a lot more here due to the heat and don't like going for long walks as they did 'back home'.

I have not had any issues with the residents of our condo, tho' some are very frightened of the dogs I do not get into the elevator with them when I have the dogs with me. Same with Muslims.... respect works both ways so have not had any problems at all.

As for going away most weekends or on any holiday I do not pay out any huge amount of dollars for dog walkers or maids to care for them..... I use a house sitter / sitters everytime..... FOR FREE !!

But my concern after bringing them here is that they don't have the freedom they once had and I feel often that I have done them a disservice in bringing them so far "from their normal routine and environment" - perhaps with hindsight I could have left them with family members. No matter how much I would miss them ... their care and wellbeing has always been my priority.

But then I look at them and know how much I love them too and I melt ... how could I have left them behind?

[ good luck with whatever you decide - it will be RIGHT for you ]
Leone + John Fabre
[ Singapore ]

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