dilemma gal wrote:thks for replying, jus wondering if the interviewers will ask questions like situation or Scenario based... hope it is not that difficult. I am kinda worry that i will be booted out during the managment round and will be banned for months. its kinda long and i m not young too...

well this one is hard to predict lo.. just like i was surprise that they didn't ask us to do a usual self-intro instead ask us what "super power we want" lolx...
what i will do if i were you, is to read up on the latest news on SIA...
You can read through the SIA cabin crew thread too...
And search though the internet what are the common question will be ask during a mgmt interview lo...
there's lots of stuff can be found through the net about cabin crew's
and list down some expected question they MIGHT ask and what would you answer... Just some points will do lo..
many things can be expected and can be unexpected too... I believe if you done your preparation well, you're 50% there already... another 50% is your on the spot performance, which is hard to predict...
there's no model answer to the question just giv e a good reason to support your answer will do...
and rememeber...
you will be able to think better when you're at ease...
Well.. i haven been to mgmt round before, but this is what i learnt from the forum, internet research bla bla bla...
hopefully that it will be some help to you... all the best girl!!!