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Shop conservation House vs Condo...Dilemma opinion please...

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Shop conservation House vs Condo...Dilemma opinion please...

Post by berni29 » Mon, 27 Aug 2007 8:54 am


We are a family of 4 (kids 8 & 11) recently moved to Singapore. My wife wants to be near Orchard and we are torn between a condo with full facilities like swimming pool and tennis, and a conservation house of a similar sq ft, but with no facilities and probably weak aircon.

The big questions for us are will the kids really miss the pool/tennis during the week when they are busy with school or is it a must have for a family. I can see the possibility of the pool not being used during the week. I was thinking that maybe we could join a club of some sort for weekends. Also, if it is windows open most of the time and at night, how bad are the mosquitoes? Like most people I really hate them.

My wife and I prefer the house. I do not want bored complaining (too hot want to go in the pool) kids for two years.

I just do not know enough about the likely outcome to make a decision, so opinions welcome.

Many thanks.


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Post by seasider » Mon, 27 Aug 2007 10:39 am

I may well be biased :) but I would go for a shophouse every time. However, I don't have kids.

Do you mind me asking which area the potential shophouse is in? I think that would help us advise you better. A lot of them are in off-beat locations and, even forgetting about the lack of facilities, I don't think would be great for kids. They need to be able to socialise, go on playdates, etc., and you may well be ferrying them around all the time.

Also, where do they go to school/nursery? Will you drive them or will they be picked up by school buses?

Does the shophouse have a garden? Or just a courtyard? Where will your kids play?

The sensible person deep inside me says go for a condo, but will you and your wife be unhappy there? I know I couldn't get used to apartment life after having my own house for so many years, was thoroughly miserable with the noise and lack of private outdoor space.

BTW I wouldn't worry too much about the aircon, especially if the shophouse has ceiling fans. We only use aircon to go to sleep with, and try not to use it all-year round. High ceilings are great. :)

edited for typo

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Post by sprite » Mon, 27 Aug 2007 11:44 am

I would go for the shop house too. Your kids will most likely be very busy at school and will have plenty of opportunities to swim at friend's houses or condos. I bet there is more room in the shophouse, right? But there will also be more maintenance as well.

We never sleep with the windows open, only the air/con. Sad, but the mosquitoes are fierce and I find it just too warm for sleeping with out it.

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Post by Superglide » Mon, 27 Aug 2007 3:18 pm

Best of both worlds, take a penthouse. You will have the space for the kids and the facilities of the condo.

Shophouses look nice from the outside, but are a pain to live in with all their continuous maintenance problems. You mentioned the aircon, god bless you if that is the only problem you face there.

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Post by Asian_Geekette » Mon, 27 Aug 2007 3:48 pm

You haven't written about the location of the shop house. There maybe public swimming pools near the area. :)

I'm a bit biased. I like converted shop houses. They seem to have more character than the generic condo units. Just make sure that the air-con is ok.
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Post by Matney » Mon, 27 Aug 2007 4:28 pm

My opinion on this topic: Having kids, I guess I would go for the condo. It is also a social thing meeting others within the condo, as well as the courts and pool, gym, etc. I love shophouses and antiques, but I think with four children you need to look at the facilities that are available. A/C is usually on at night, therefore mossies are less likely to attack. You children, as well as yourself, may like the idea of coming home at the end of a hot, humid day and cooling down quickly in the pool. I know I found that quite pleasant. Yes, they will make friends who live in condos and have the facilities, but nothing like having those things at your back door and being able to use it when you want, not when you have been invited.

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Post by imalone » Tue, 28 Aug 2007 11:35 pm

I have friends who live in a house with kids. They love it. They got some swing sets and a slide, and they have a wading pool for hot days. They also joined a club and they pretty much don't miss the condo at all. When they want a family day 'by the pool' they use the club. I love visiting them, the garden is a major plus for relaxing and chilling out. The area will make a big difference, as it would at home. A playground or park within walking distance will set you up nicely. Kids like to play, they won't be in the pool all the time and you can always get out the garden hose!

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Post by seasider » Tue, 28 Aug 2007 11:43 pm

Most shophouses don't have gardens.

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Thank you, went for the shop house.....

Post by berni29 » Thu, 30 Aug 2007 3:12 pm


Many thanks for taking the time to reply.

We just liked the feel of the house so went for that. We have joined a club nearby which the kids approve of and was not expensive. We went to see the house during the torrential rain and there was no flooding so that was one worry less. The owner is supposed to be servicing the aircon and making sure it all works, and the agreement is that he covers

The last post was correct there is no garden, but there is space front and back, and a wading pool would fit at the back no problem. The front is gated and you could park a car there, but we will have some tables and a swing I think.

Thanks again


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