went before 3 interviews so far.. 2 sq and 1 silkair [bt i'm hopin to get into silkair instead of sq]. anyway.. from wat i've experienced so far.. although i failed all 3 times [bt the failures wun stop mi].. i guess wat they're lookin into.. is ur image and ur confidence lvl [from the way u tok and present urself]. also.. how much u love diz job and willin to put in for diz job.
for instance.. during grp interview.. if they ask u to do a self intro den good for u. tok abt why u wan to join sq/silkair [personally and not who and who motivated u.. ur who and who also in diz job blah blah]. dun say anything which is unrelated. remb dat diz job is into cust svc line so make use of diz pt. however.. if they shoot a direct open-ended qns on u which has no rite or wrong ans.. den good luck to u. itz based on hw u present urself liao. juz remb diz key word.. confidence. bt dun be too over-confident.. yah?
and image.. key word.. neat and tidy.. maybe plus smart. so for long hair galz.. maybe cn tie up or preferably bun up ur hair. also the most impt key point here.. SMILE! juz smile all the time lah.. i noe itz hard.. bt i tink smilin cn kip ur nervousness away.
ok.. nw here's wat i've extracted from a website [Little Dot Dot Academy Pte Ltd @ http://www.reddot.sg/star.html ]