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Stanford University Jazz, Electroacoustics, Improv. concerts

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Stanford University Jazz, Electroacoustics, Improv. concerts

Post by deeloke » Thu, 23 Aug 2007 11:12 am

TRCC (Republic Polytechnic) and CCRMA (Stanford University)
present a concert series : Jazz, Electroacoutics, Improvisations
The Applebaum Jazz Piano Duo
MON AUG 27 ‘07
The Republic Cultural Centre, Studio
7.30 pm
2 grand pianos...
4 hands...
20 fingers...
176 keys...
2 many notes.

*The Applebaum Jazz Piano Duo* is a two-piano, four-hand, twenty-finger, multi-generational ensemble featuring Bob Applebaum of Chicago and his son Mark Applebaum of Menlo Park, California.

Mark Applebaum Portrait Concert
WED AUG 29 ‘07
The Republic Cultural Centre, Lab
7.30 pm

Mark Applebaum, Stanford University professor of music, composer, improviser, and instrument builder, presents a concise concert of his electroacoustic music, featuring a performance on the Mouseketier electroacoustic sound-sculpture - a musical Frankenstein consisting of threaded rods, nails, combs, doorstops, springs, squeaky wheels, ratchets, a toilet tank flotation bulb, and other unlikely objects which are plucked, scratched, bowed, and modified by a battery of live electronics.

The Southeast Asian Stanford Improvisation Collective
FRI AUG 31 ‘07
The Republic Cultural Centre, Studio
7.30 pm

SEA-[sic], the Southeast Asian Stanford Improvisation Collective, directed by Stanford University Professor of Music Mark Applebaum, presents a concert of zany improvised works including John Zorn’s classic game piece “Cobra.”

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