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Should I apply for Entrepass before reaching SG?

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EntrePass experience

Post by ctavakoli » Thu, 24 Jan 2008 7:27 pm


"At the end of one month I had heard nothing from them. Nor at the end of two months. So, I flew over and visited them. Turns out they had keyed the wrong address into their system and no mail was ever received. " - Strong Eagle, Moderator..

Hi All - I'm a newbie to the forum.. Well I have had an interesting experience with MOM - that's had some confusion around it, but they've always been amiable and helpful..

I submitted my application back at the beginning of December 2007. I followed up on 18-Dec-07 and they told me that there would be a decision by 24-Dec-07.. This was actually sooner than what I'd expected - I was actually only calling to see if there was any further information required. They also told me how to login online through EP Online to check the status, which I did everyday since.. I called back eagerly on 24-Dec-07 and was told that because this was an EntrePass application that they would need another week - so they told me to call back on 31-Dec-07. All throughout this time (I was in Australia), EP Online never changed from "PENDING FOR PROCESSING".. I called back on 31-Dec-07 and was told that there was still no decision and that I should call back on 14-Jan-08.. They then said that date was based on the 6 weeks turn-around that is standard for EntrePass.. Now, as it happens, I would be flying through Singapore on 15-Jan-08 enroute to Indonesia, so I hoped to hear back on the 14-Jan-08, so if I was successful, I could duck out of the airport and file the necessary documentation for the incorporation (after collecting the letter of approval).. We were going to be in Singapore for 7 hours..

On 14-Jan-08 I called them and spoke to a very friendly chap who told me there was still no status update. I explained that I had been told to call back on the 14th and that I'd be in Singapore on the 15th.. He said, "Ok Sir, I'll speak to my supervisor and see if we can get you an answer by tomorrow.. When you arrive in Singapore tomorrow call us from the airport..".. So I did as the gentleman suggested (I well and truly had the number memorized - 64385122), and they said, sorry, still pending, check back at the end of the week (18-Jan).. Ok so I flew on to Indonesia and called them back on the 18th.. They said the same thing - still pending, call back next week (on the 25th).. Throughout this process I checked everyday online and as I said, it stayed as "PENDING FOR PROCESSING".. Then, on the 23-Jan I logged on as always did to check the status, and I got the GULP, then the heat rushing through my body.. there alongside status, it plainly said "REJECTED".. nothing else, just that.. So I felt pretty down, but nonetheless called MOM.. I asked if there were any reason given for the rejection, and the lady said, "No, I can have the officer call you either today or tomorrow", I said, yes please do - and I made sure they had my number..

This morning the officer who assessed my file called. She started by saying, "Hello Mr. Tavakoli, this is Ms. #### from MOM - I assessed your file..", "Yes, hi" I said.. she continued, "Actually sir your application was approved"... APPROVED?? I thought I was imagining things.. The line was bad so I asked if she had a direct number to call her back on - she gave it to me and I immediately called ber back from the landline. It turns out that my file was approved on 26-Dec-07 - it remains a complete mystery why my status online was never changed and why when I called nobody saw the APPROVED status on the system.. Anyhow, they sent out the letter to the address of our Singaporean Director, but for some reason it was returned.. After it was returned, they waited I guess and then rejected it.. The lady was extremely apologetic after I gave her this same detailed account of what had transpired.. I wasn't angry of course - just happy that it was actually approved.. MOM's review meant a lot to me.. In any case, she said that because she had officially rejected it, she would internally need to raise an appeal and re-approve it.. I asked will there be a holdup - she assured me that it would be her headache and that she'd mail me the letter of approval today and fax it to me also, so that I could proceed without delay in incorporating the company..

I haven't received the fax yet :( but i anxiously awit such of course.. I'm glad it has been approved and the confusion will now be cleared up, but it is very strange that there was such an ongoing disconnect.. Certainly not something one would expect to happen in Singapore - as everything there runs so seamlessly..

I will keep the forum posted on any other developments.. which will hopefully all be smooth now :wink:

Interested if anyone else has had a similar experience, though I'm doubtful they have.. I must have been the unlucky 1 in 10,000 (but still fortunate enough to have gotten it I guess)..


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Post by ctavakoli » Mon, 28 Jan 2008 6:37 pm

Hi all again, just to update the experience further..

Today spoke to the officer again and she then faxed me the Approval Letter. The approval letter was dated 26-Dec-07 and as you may know it stipulates it's only valid for 30 days from that date. Nevertheless she assured me it would allow me to proceed with the incorporation and I forwarded it to the company that is handling our incorporation. They also said they should be fine to proceed with the incorporation. Once I have received the certificate of Incorporation I have to fax it to MOM with the letter of Approval. MOM is supposed to receive that fax before the 30 days expires (well this is what I understand from the letter) but given I only received it 32 days after the date on it, that's not going to happen. Once she receives that fax, the officer will process an internal appeal and re-approve it, as it's still 'rejected' in their system.. I guess after that happens, I will officially receive the pass/visa.

Edging closer I guess..


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Post by ctavakoli » Thu, 31 Jan 2008 3:36 am


EntrePass Letter of Approval submitted to ACRA and company has been incorporated! Am a happy chap this evening.. Still need to get the erroneous rejection reversed, but like i noted before, apparently the officer at the MOM is taking care of that..


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Post by ksl » Thu, 31 Jan 2008 3:59 am

ctavakoli wrote::D

EntrePass Letter of Approval submitted to ACRA and company has been incorporated! Am a happy chap this evening.. Still need to get the erroneous rejection reversed, but like i noted before, apparently the officer at the MOM is taking care of that..

Well done! What business sector are you in?

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Post by ctavakoli » Mon, 04 Feb 2008 3:04 pm

Hi ksl..

Thanks, Construction and property Development..


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Approved - Instructed to collect..

Post by ctavakoli » Mon, 11 Feb 2008 11:04 pm

Hi All,

A further and hopefully final update on the subject.. Today spoke to MOM - my file is now officially approved on the system and I've been instructed to collect my Visa.. Will pick it up on Friday..


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A thought for entrepreneurs

Post by sampharo » Wed, 13 Feb 2008 9:41 pm

Just a thought, wouldn't you think this is a good business opportunity: to open a service business company that simply does THIS for its clients? As in knows exactly what are the procedures and then carry it on behalf of their clients: Gets them a local sponsor, knows how the business plan should be written, arrange for all the papers, knows and arranges with the right banks to open accounts and write guarantees. Why can't I find any companies doing that?!


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Post by sundaymorningstaple » Wed, 13 Feb 2008 10:29 pm


There are such companies here already. See you other thread for link.

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Post by ctavakoli » Thu, 14 Feb 2008 1:05 am

hi sampharo,

as per sundaymorningstaple's post, there is no shortage of companies that do this..

. & asia biz setup are 2 that i know of off the top of my head.. but they make no guarantees - sure they might have some tricks & tips, but i'm a believer that a) getting someone else to write your business plan for you probably is a good indication you're not ready to start a business of your own and b) that if somebody else can write the business plan for your business better than you can, then they should be the ones starting the business..

also, these firms charge a bit to get this done.. i think it makes sense to use them for the incorporation, but for the entrepass, i'm gld we did it ourselves..

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so can you tell the time and cost

Post by » Thu, 14 Feb 2008 3:08 pm

hi interesting forum..
thnx for the same
can you please tell me, the total end to end time frame..
i mean the time you started research to you receiving it
example and the cost associated.. official / unofficial

a)Pre Application
Research - TIME - COST
b) Application - TIME - COST
b) Post Application - TIME - COST


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