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hey gerls letz drop the topic...

Post by sujoiedevivre » Thu, 02 Aug 2007 8:07 pm

Hey gerlz letz drop the topic about this Ex CC thingy...CheerZzz!!! :D
Ok letz start to a new topic...I wanna know what type of person there are really looking for???

I had been for previous interview unfortunately for the 1st round i didnt get thru'..haha...although we thought we had try our very best for the 1st round...and at last none of us were selected...hmm so sad... :roll: but i'll not going to give up i'll going to show up myself again...tatata... :lol:

My worries is that what type of person were they really looking for?? Is it the bubby person,the quiet ones or innocent look and although you have being natural and be yourself...but u still cant get thru hmmm...i got a friend which are failed in English for N'level and she got thru all the lucky she is...hmmm....just no luck for me though...hehe...
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Post by queenie-me » Thu, 02 Aug 2007 11:28 pm

singaporegrrl wrote:Stop all the arguments for goodness sake. Please, if you ever get into MI, don't bring the attitude into the company. I'm facing too much of it and we wish that the new ones won't be as sensitive. Sheesh! Let me just answer all your questions ok.

Are there ex-crew in MI?
Yes, a bunch of them. My batch alone has 3, there was another batch that has 4 if I'm not mistaken. Be it, budget carriers or international carriers, we have them all.

Are ex-crew only allowed to apply for freelance?
No. An ex-crew have both choices of applying for full-time or freelance positions.

Does an ex-crew have advantage over others?
Although you have the experience, if you don't have the personality the interviwers are looking for, you won't be going through to the next round.
rinnuwatanabe wrote:they will start to think y shud they take this gerl as JAL is paying her much more then we do, do she here just for fun, or trying her luck??...this type of quest u wont know
This is just ridiculous! There's no such thing as an ex-crew's previous pay got to do with her not getting into MI. Like I said, there are a bunch of ex-crew who are flying full-time for MI. Alot of ex-crew are mothers. Therefore they would like to join MI because MI only do turnaround flights and that give them the opportunity to go home every single day and spend more time with family, especially children.

What is the pay structure like?
This is a sensitive issue that will only be informed to you once you're successful.

Does marital status effect an applicant's chance?
No. Like I've said, there are many flying mothers in MI. In fact, I have a batchgirl who is a mother and was a police officer (nothing to do with airline), and she was successful all the way.

Please do more research before you share information with others yah. Get your facts right before you post them out.

To all hopefuls, don't think that being a cabin crew is all about the glamour, dragging your cabin bag around and spreading smile all over the airport. This job, no matter what airline you come from, isn't as easy a job as you might think.

Sometimes you may dream for the job but there are crew who quit very early coz they realise that it's not for them. Think about it.

Any other questions?
Good one babe.
Please do explain to them about the environment and the people too.
So that some of them [who isn't in Silkair before, and going for the interview] know what they might be going thru.

By the time you realised the job isn't for you. That's the time you might be bankrupt.

To those who are going for the interview. Please do your research and ask as many questions as you like to the interviewer. Do not be afraid and shy about it.
Good luck everyone. and

singaporegrrl: Take care babe. Hope to see you soon. And do watch your back 24/7.

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Re: hey gerls letz drop the topic...

Post by queenie-me » Thu, 02 Aug 2007 11:32 pm

sujoiedevivre wrote: My worries is that what type of person were they really looking for?? Is it the bubby person,the quiet ones or innocent look and although you have being natural and be yourself...but u still cant get thru hmmm...i got a friend which are failed in English for N'level and she got thru all the lucky she is...hmmm....just no luck for me though...hehe...
Someone who they can doll up and train to be what they like. JUST KIDDING!

They want to hire someone who is well-being, well-spoken and can endure the pressure. Someone who are bubbly and friendly and who loves to smile alot will be an advantage.

Good luck!!!

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Post by rev12000 » Fri, 03 Aug 2007 12:48 am

Psychology is the guiding principles that will help one gets more out of life, shrug off adversity more easily and generally be a happier, calmer, more fulfilled person. One will feel the benefits and so will everyone around you. :D :D :D Ironically implies to some of us.

STRESS :???: Losing my sanity all over again. Another 11 more days for THE email.

theKnees :: babe, am happy for your achievements. Gambate!! :D
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Post by JadeiteJade » Fri, 03 Aug 2007 1:13 am

rev12000 wrote:Psychology is the guiding principles that will help one gets more out of life, shrug off adversity more easily and generally be a happier, calmer, more fulfilled person. One will feel the benefits and so will everyone around you. :D :D :D Ironically implies to some of us.

STRESS :???: Losing my sanity all over again. Another 11 more days for THE email.

theKnees :: babe, am happy for your achievements. Gambate!! :D

chim chim..hehe :D

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Post by rev12000 » Fri, 03 Aug 2007 1:40 am

JadeiteJade you going for Silkair? I'll be there with a friend.
Gambate k. :kiss: We shall never give-up!! HeHe ...
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Post by rev12000 » Fri, 03 Aug 2007 2:00 am

JadeiteJade wrote:
rev12000 wrote:Psychology is the guiding principles that will help one gets more out of life, shrug off adversity more easily and generally be a happier, calmer, more fulfilled person. One will feel the benefits and so will everyone around you. :D :D :D Ironically implies to some of us.
Okay okay, i go edit. Wait hur ...
Psychology is the guiding principles that will help one gets more out of life, shrug off adversity more easily and generally be a happier, calmer, more fulfilled person. One will feel the benefits and so will everyone around you. :D :D :D Did someone mention Psychology? Let's make love not war :oops: WROLD peace :P :P :P
Like that better ... HeHeHeHeHe!!!
Do NoT TaKe LaZY PeoPLe aS aPaTHeTiC PeoPLe, aS aPaTHeTiC PeoPLe Do NoT CaRe aBouT aNYTHiNG. LaZY PeoPLe CaRe, JuST THaT THeY Do NoT Do aNYTHiNG aBouT iT.

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Post by Plavt » Fri, 03 Aug 2007 6:20 am

rev12000 wrote: Psychology is the guiding principles that will help one gets more out of life, shrug off adversity more easily and generally be a happier, calmer,
You forgot, you still have me to deal with.:P :P :lol: :lol:

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Post by theknees » Fri, 03 Aug 2007 10:53 am

rev12000 wrote: STRESS :???: Losing my sanity all over again. Another 11 more days for THE email.

theKnees :: babe, am happy for your achievements. Gambate!! :D
thanks babe!
wah babe i can't keep up with you lehhhh you're damn happening, you seem to have tried many different airlines. which airline are you waiting for the email from?
ehhh i added u on msn la. easier to talk!
ღ i wanna kiss you underneath the stars //

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Post by rev12000 » Fri, 03 Aug 2007 11:53 am

theknees wrote: thanks babe!
wah babe i can't keep up with you lehhhh you're damn happening, you seem to have tried many different airlines. which airline are you waiting for the email from?
ehhh i added u on msn la. easier to talk!
LOL ... Don't blame you, going for interviews seems to be my new found career. It seems like only yesterday bout United Airline, then Etihad. Now, i'm waiting THE email from Qatar Airways after the final interview. :shock: Another 10 more days to go ... Either a mail of rejection or a mail of acceptance for medical checks. Then again, what's done is done. Thus, trying to soothe myself down from anticipating too much. HeHeHeHeHe!! Babe, i've added you in MSN liao. CHEERIOS!!
Do NoT TaKe LaZY PeoPLe aS aPaTHeTiC PeoPLe, aS aPaTHeTiC PeoPLe Do NoT CaRe aBouT aNYTHiNG. LaZY PeoPLe CaRe, JuST THaT THeY Do NoT Do aNYTHiNG aBouT iT.

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Post by rev12000 » Fri, 03 Aug 2007 12:00 pm

Plavt wrote:
rev12000 wrote: Psychology is the guiding principles that will help one gets more out of life, shrug off adversity more easily and generally be a happier, calmer,
You forgot, you still have me to deal with.:P :P :lol: :lol:
AH, good morning Plavt. How's your day thus far, good? Hope everythings going smooth for you. Had your breakfast? Going out for lunch? AH, another well-planned weekday? Going to be busy? :x GGrrr!!! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!! :mad: [imaginations do wonders] Stomp Plavt into the mud, buried. :lol: :lol: :lol: I like that. :P :P :P
Do NoT TaKe LaZY PeoPLe aS aPaTHeTiC PeoPLe, aS aPaTHeTiC PeoPLe Do NoT CaRe aBouT aNYTHiNG. LaZY PeoPLe CaRe, JuST THaT THeY Do NoT Do aNYTHiNG aBouT iT.

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Post by rinnuwatanabe » Fri, 03 Aug 2007 12:31 pm

singaporegrrl wrote:Stop all the arguments for goodness sake. Please, if you ever get into MI, don't bring the attitude into the company. I'm facing too much of it and we wish that the new ones won't be as sensitive. Sheesh! Let me just answer all your questions ok.

Are there ex-crew in MI?
Yes, a bunch of them. My batch alone has 3, there was another batch that has 4 if I'm not mistaken. Be it, budget carriers or international carriers, we have them all.

Are ex-crew only allowed to apply for freelance?
No. An ex-crew have both choices of applying for full-time or freelance positions.

Does an ex-crew have advantage over others?
Although you have the experience, if you don't have the personality the interviwers are looking for, you won't be going through to the next round.
rinnuwatanabe wrote:they will start to think y shud they take this gerl as JAL is paying her much more then we do, do she here just for fun, or trying her luck??...this type of quest u wont know
This is just ridiculous! There's no such thing as an ex-crew's previous pay got to do with her not getting into MI. Like I said, there are a bunch of ex-crew who are flying full-time for MI. Alot of ex-crew are mothers. Therefore they would like to join MI because MI only do turnaround flights and that give them the opportunity to go home every single day and spend more time with family, especially children.

What is the pay structure like?
This is a sensitive issue that will only be informed to you once you're successful.

Does marital status effect an applicant's chance?
No. Like I've said, there are many flying mothers in MI. In fact, I have a batchgirl who is a mother and was a police officer (nothing to do with airline), and she was successful all the way.

Please do more research before you share information with others yah. Get your facts right before you post them out.

To all hopefuls, don't think that being a cabin crew is all about the glamour, dragging your cabin bag around and spreading smile all over the airport. This job, no matter what airline you come from, isn't as easy a job as you might think.

Sometimes you may dream for the job but there are crew who quit very early coz they realise that it's not for them. Think about it.

Any other questions?
This isnt a right fact or no, this is what i thoughts, if its aint the rite, my apologies but everyone have their own nature of thinkin, up to ya if u gonna accept it or not, i cudnt careless...,well another thing is Then y u be one? if u think its aint a glamour thingy? infact for me its horrandous, unless u're none of it u can said it the "glamour things" being a cabin crew ya its a glamour thingy to most of pple, for me they are just a coolie.... dragging the bag of trolley here and there and have to put on a fake smile around the airport, when in the flight u get zap here and there we dunno....

haha... for wat? being a crew is not a best thing, unless if u're a pilot then can say so... crew is just a waitress only they fly here and there... easy job uh? nah.... i dun think so....


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Post by queenie-me » Fri, 03 Aug 2007 12:37 pm

rinnuwatanabe wrote:
singaporegrrl wrote:Stop all the arguments for goodness sake. Please, if you ever get into MI, don't bring the attitude into the company. I'm facing too much of it and we wish that the new ones won't be as sensitive. Sheesh! Let me just answer all your questions ok.

Are there ex-crew in MI?
Yes, a bunch of them. My batch alone has 3, there was another batch that has 4 if I'm not mistaken. Be it, budget carriers or international carriers, we have them all.

Are ex-crew only allowed to apply for freelance?
No. An ex-crew have both choices of applying for full-time or freelance positions.

Does an ex-crew have advantage over others?
Although you have the experience, if you don't have the personality the interviwers are looking for, you won't be going through to the next round.
rinnuwatanabe wrote:they will start to think y shud they take this gerl as JAL is paying her much more then we do, do she here just for fun, or trying her luck??...this type of quest u wont know
This is just ridiculous! There's no such thing as an ex-crew's previous pay got to do with her not getting into MI. Like I said, there are a bunch of ex-crew who are flying full-time for MI. Alot of ex-crew are mothers. Therefore they would like to join MI because MI only do turnaround flights and that give them the opportunity to go home every single day and spend more time with family, especially children.

What is the pay structure like?
This is a sensitive issue that will only be informed to you once you're successful.

Does marital status effect an applicant's chance?
No. Like I've said, there are many flying mothers in MI. In fact, I have a batchgirl who is a mother and was a police officer (nothing to do with airline), and she was successful all the way.

Please do more research before you share information with others yah. Get your facts right before you post them out.

To all hopefuls, don't think that being a cabin crew is all about the glamour, dragging your cabin bag around and spreading smile all over the airport. This job, no matter what airline you come from, isn't as easy a job as you might think.

Sometimes you may dream for the job but there are crew who quit very early coz they realise that it's not for them. Think about it.

Any other questions?
This isnt a right fact or no, this is what i thoughts, if its aint the rite, my apologies but everyone have their own nature of thinkin, up to ya if u gonna accept it or not, i cudnt careless...,well another thing is Then y u be one? if u think its aint a glamour thingy? infact for me its horrandous, unless u're none of it u can said it the "glamour things" being a cabin crew ya its a glamour thingy to most of pple, for me they are just a coolie.... dragging the bag of trolley here and there and have to put on a fake smile around the airport, when in the flight u get zap here and there we dunno....

haha... for wat? being a crew is not a best thing, unless if u're a pilot then can say so... crew is just a waitress only they fly here and there... easy job uh? nah.... i dun think so....

sour grape. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
someone who thinks she knows everything and says it's EASY JOB!
hahaha. one word: JEALOUSY!

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Post by rinnuwatanabe » Fri, 03 Aug 2007 12:39 pm

queenie-me wrote:
rinnuwatanabe wrote:
singaporegrrl wrote:Stop all the arguments for goodness sake. Please, if you ever get into MI, don't bring the attitude into the company. I'm facing too much of it and we wish that the new ones won't be as sensitive. Sheesh! Let me just answer all your questions ok.

Are there ex-crew in MI?
Yes, a bunch of them. My batch alone has 3, there was another batch that has 4 if I'm not mistaken. Be it, budget carriers or international carriers, we have them all.

Are ex-crew only allowed to apply for freelance?
No. An ex-crew have both choices of applying for full-time or freelance positions.

Does an ex-crew have advantage over others?
Although you have the experience, if you don't have the personality the interviwers are looking for, you won't be going through to the next round.
This is just ridiculous! There's no such thing as an ex-crew's previous pay got to do with her not getting into MI. Like I said, there are a bunch of ex-crew who are flying full-time for MI. Alot of ex-crew are mothers. Therefore they would like to join MI because MI only do turnaround flights and that give them the opportunity to go home every single day and spend more time with family, especially children.

What is the pay structure like?
This is a sensitive issue that will only be informed to you once you're successful.

Does marital status effect an applicant's chance?
No. Like I've said, there are many flying mothers in MI. In fact, I have a batchgirl who is a mother and was a police officer (nothing to do with airline), and she was successful all the way.

Please do more research before you share information with others yah. Get your facts right before you post them out.

To all hopefuls, don't think that being a cabin crew is all about the glamour, dragging your cabin bag around and spreading smile all over the airport. This job, no matter what airline you come from, isn't as easy a job as you might think.

Sometimes you may dream for the job but there are crew who quit very early coz they realise that it's not for them. Think about it.

Any other questions?
This isnt a right fact or no, this is what i thoughts, if its aint the rite, my apologies but everyone have their own nature of thinkin, up to ya if u gonna accept it or not, i cudnt careless...,well another thing is Then y u be one? if u think its aint a glamour thingy? infact for me its horrandous, unless u're none of it u can said it the "glamour things" being a cabin crew ya its a glamour thingy to most of pple, for me they are just a coolie.... dragging the bag of trolley here and there and have to put on a fake smile around the airport, when in the flight u get zap here and there we dunno....

haha... for wat? being a crew is not a best thing, unless if u're a pilot then can say so... crew is just a waitress only they fly here and there... easy job uh? nah.... i dun think so....

sour grape. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
someone who thinks she knows everything and says it's EASY JOB!
hahaha. one word: JEALOUSY!
:P ~

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Post by rev12000 » Fri, 03 Aug 2007 12:43 pm

M.Scott Peck once mentioned, if you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem.

Only the GOOD feels guilty, if you feel guilty that's a good sign. Apparently not ... #-o
Do NoT TaKe LaZY PeoPLe aS aPaTHeTiC PeoPLe, aS aPaTHeTiC PeoPLe Do NoT CaRe aBouT aNYTHiNG. LaZY PeoPLe CaRe, JuST THaT THeY Do NoT Do aNYTHiNG aBouT iT.

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