singaporegrrl wrote:Stop all the arguments for goodness sake. Please, if you ever get into MI, don't bring the attitude into the company. I'm facing too much of it and we wish that the new ones won't be as sensitive. Sheesh! Let me just answer all your questions ok.
Are there ex-crew in MI?
Yes, a bunch of them. My batch alone has 3, there was another batch that has 4 if I'm not mistaken. Be it, budget carriers or international carriers, we have them all.
Are ex-crew only allowed to apply for freelance?
No. An ex-crew have both choices of applying for full-time or freelance positions.
Does an ex-crew have advantage over others?
Although you have the experience, if you don't have the personality the interviwers are looking for, you won't be going through to the next round.
rinnuwatanabe wrote:they will start to think y shud they take this gerl as JAL is paying her much more then we do, do she here just for fun, or trying her luck??...this type of quest u wont know
This is just ridiculous! There's no such thing as an ex-crew's previous pay got to do with her not getting into MI. Like I said, there are a bunch of ex-crew who are flying full-time for MI. Alot of ex-crew are mothers. Therefore they would like to join MI because MI only do turnaround flights and that give them the opportunity to go home every single day and spend more time with family, especially children.
What is the pay structure like?
This is a sensitive issue that will only be informed to you once you're successful.
Does marital status effect an applicant's chance?
No. Like I've said, there are many flying mothers in MI. In fact, I have a batchgirl who is a mother and was a police officer (nothing to do with airline), and she was successful all the way.
Please do more research before you share information with others yah. Get your facts right before you post them out.
To all hopefuls, don't think that being a cabin crew is all about the glamour, dragging your cabin bag around and spreading smile all over the airport. This job, no matter what airline you come from, isn't as easy a job as you might think.
Sometimes you may dream for the job but there are crew who quit very early coz they realise that it's not for them. Think about it.
Any other questions?