We have been here 6 months now and my just turned 16 y/o has become bored with shopping and movies! We have been looking for some team activities and or sporting groups that involve a teenage majority - however most sporting activities seem to dissolve around the 13 to 14 year old age group. At home there were numerous round-robin teenage tennis groups, netball competitions, surf life saving etc. Although there are adult tennis competitions and 'open grade netball' why isn't there any organised compeition for 14 - 17 year olds. I listen to parents complaining about teenagers 'clubbing' and hanging out around bars - but no one seems to be addressing the real issue - what other options do they have. Are there any other families out there that have experienced this dilemma???? My daughter is a happy, popular, well adjusted child - not at all 'nerdy' but wants to do more than just 'hang' every weekend.
Any thoughts on this matter?????