Sg femaleSG female wrote:LOL Why is everyone beating up Chris? I thought his post was rather insightful - or am I missing something?
One of the reasons why I would hesitate in dating a local man is 'cos most of the men I know from here are not imaginative with their dates... or rather they don't like to decide. I ask them "Where would you like to go?" they go "Anywhere. Anything. Whatever." So I will usually have to try to think up a good place to go for them, but then all the opinions start to come in once I decide on a place "Don't want to go there. Too boring. Nothing to see. Not a nice place to eat at..." etc etc.... And they are unromantic, quite a few Singaporean men propose to a lady mainly because they want to own a home of their own (and by government law, this is not possible until he is married). Or 'cos their parents have been nagging them to get married and to produce grandchildren.
Then they are either aimless or rather... materialistic with their ambitions. When asked what they'd like to do with their life, they usually reply "See how. Too early to think. Dunno, I only know I'm very sian (bored) with my current job." or "I want to be a millionare by 30! I want a car, condo, credit card, club membership etc... etc... I want to be a towkay (boss) of my own shop/business." Not that such ambitions are wrong, they just don't have much passion for what they're doing, apart from passion for money. For once I'd like to hear a guy saying "I want to be the best doctor, painter, taxi driver, salesman, singer in Singapore, simply because I'm passionate about my career. I feel that it develops me as a person." or "I would love to have a loving wife, start a family, and live to a ripe old age with my lady in my arms."
Some would like to focus on the appearance/character of a lady instead how to self-improve themselves to be the best boyfriend/husband a lady could ever wish for. I've asked my guy friends what sort of lady they're looking for, and they go about describing something that'd suit a supermodel, with a docile submissive housewife quality. And the worst part about it is they're not describing a perfect woman, but the woman that they actually expect to have because anything less and they reject. Then they complain to me how there're no good single girls left in Singapore. But if you were to take a look at them, you'd shudder at the standards they set for others when they can't even reach anywhere close to there themselves.
And some of them are yet in the transition of tradition and liberation. They will not protect a lady in trouble, or open doors or carry bags for a lady because... they pull in the women's lib... "You want to be equal wat!" And yet they scrutinize on their woman's clothings ie. they disallow some clothings from being worn because they don't want to expose portions of their lady's body to other men. They scrutinize on her hairstyle, they don't like their lady to meet other men, or even her own galfriends, they want to make the decision of whether their lady should give up her career to be a housewife, and they complain if her food is not up to par, or she doesn't iron clothes as straight as their moms used to do.
And others (minority fortunately) spend A LOT of time complaining about how the law is partial towards women, how divorce doesn't benefit a man but it does a woman, how they have to serve NS but women don't, how some work places prefer women to men. And they complain about how women in Singapore are not cultured, not musically inclined, not submissive, don't peel prawns for them, darker in complexion as compared to the women in China or Vietnam, not sporty, shop too much, materalistic, not knowledgeable enough about the world yada yada yada.... When I chance on one of these guys, I can almost predict what he's going to say next 'cos I've been unfortunate to meet up with quite a few of them.
One of them was even chauvanistic enough to say he hopes Singapore can become like Afghanistan where the women are subservient to men. I'm ashamed even to think that he is a fellow Singaporean who claims to be modern and mature in his thinking.
There are nice guys around, but they're like diamonds embedded in a rocky mountain... hard to find. But don't give up, you'll be glad when you finally find that right man.
Hey this is not a post for poofters ie ah -SG men like tht? wrote:"Sg Female. Above is the example of the kind of guy you were talking about. Useless, and stiff. He makes no sense, and is long-winded. He inserts big words in the next paragraph that I don't understand.(censored) Wow, this guy is a weird pervert. After inserting the big words, he say he falls down a spiral staircase. This guy is a big time gay, of course he'll fall if he's this stiff! I've never walked up a spiral staircase in my life. And after all this you can still agree with him SG female? Unbelievable"
Wow. ah lau is perfect example of uneducated Sg man. one shot got big word he says he doesn't understand.
and hes homophobic, hates gay people. see how he insults gay people. please buzz off u beng. your giving SG guys and girls a bad name - disgrace!
WHo said no variety. Got Ah Beng, Ah Seng, Ah Ter, Ah Kow, Lau Gu, Lau Chiau ....desolate wrote:Is Singapore such a desolate place where the choice of men is so very limited...especially of the local variety?:
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