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Post by christopher » Wed, 15 Sep 2004 12:37 pm

"Why, thank you", SG female. I was simply trying to point out that the term 'boring' extends both ways - both in behaviour displayed and in expectations imported. My original replies were also getting a little 'deep n serious'. That's why I inserted a self-deprecating 'kidding' and 'fall down the spiral stairs' quip. Obviously, some guardians of rightitude feel that I offended them.

"Why, thank you", to the previous poster. You've done a great job in bringing your brand of 'icered attitude' to this fine civilized forum.

One should never speak of the dead unless to say a good thing.

eg: "It's a good thing he's dead."

Ah Lau

u din meet me mah

Post by Ah Lau » Wed, 15 Sep 2004 8:54 pm

SG female wrote:LOL Why is everyone beating up Chris? I thought his post was rather insightful - or am I missing something?

One of the reasons why I would hesitate in dating a local man is 'cos most of the men I know from here are not imaginative with their dates... or rather they don't like to decide. I ask them "Where would you like to go?" they go "Anywhere. Anything. Whatever." So I will usually have to try to think up a good place to go for them, but then all the opinions start to come in once I decide on a place "Don't want to go there. Too boring. Nothing to see. Not a nice place to eat at..." etc etc.... And they are unromantic, quite a few Singaporean men propose to a lady mainly because they want to own a home of their own (and by government law, this is not possible until he is married). Or 'cos their parents have been nagging them to get married and to produce grandchildren.

Then they are either aimless or rather... materialistic with their ambitions. When asked what they'd like to do with their life, they usually reply "See how. Too early to think. Dunno, I only know I'm very sian (bored) with my current job." or "I want to be a millionare by 30! I want a car, condo, credit card, club membership etc... etc... I want to be a towkay (boss) of my own shop/business." Not that such ambitions are wrong, they just don't have much passion for what they're doing, apart from passion for money. For once I'd like to hear a guy saying "I want to be the best doctor, painter, taxi driver, salesman, singer in Singapore, simply because I'm passionate about my career. I feel that it develops me as a person." or "I would love to have a loving wife, start a family, and live to a ripe old age with my lady in my arms."

Some would like to focus on the appearance/character of a lady instead how to self-improve themselves to be the best boyfriend/husband a lady could ever wish for. I've asked my guy friends what sort of lady they're looking for, and they go about describing something that'd suit a supermodel, with a docile submissive housewife quality. And the worst part about it is they're not describing a perfect woman, but the woman that they actually expect to have because anything less and they reject. Then they complain to me how there're no good single girls left in Singapore. But if you were to take a look at them, you'd shudder at the standards they set for others when they can't even reach anywhere close to there themselves.

And some of them are yet in the transition of tradition and liberation. They will not protect a lady in trouble, or open doors or carry bags for a lady because... they pull in the women's lib... "You want to be equal wat!" And yet they scrutinize on their woman's clothings ie. they disallow some clothings from being worn because they don't want to expose portions of their lady's body to other men. They scrutinize on her hairstyle, they don't like their lady to meet other men, or even her own galfriends, they want to make the decision of whether their lady should give up her career to be a housewife, and they complain if her food is not up to par, or she doesn't iron clothes as straight as their moms used to do.

And others (minority fortunately) spend A LOT of time complaining about how the law is partial towards women, how divorce doesn't benefit a man but it does a woman, how they have to serve NS but women don't, how some work places prefer women to men. And they complain about how women in Singapore are not cultured, not musically inclined, not submissive, don't peel prawns for them, darker in complexion as compared to the women in China or Vietnam, not sporty, shop too much, materalistic, not knowledgeable enough about the world yada yada yada.... When I chance on one of these guys, I can almost predict what he's going to say next 'cos I've been unfortunate to meet up with quite a few of them.

One of them was even chauvanistic enough to say he hopes Singapore can become like Afghanistan where the women are subservient to men. I'm ashamed even to think that he is a fellow Singaporean who claims to be modern and mature in his thinking.

There are nice guys around, but they're like diamonds embedded in a rocky mountain... hard to find. But don't give up, you'll be glad when you finally find that right man.
Sg female

U no luck lah, meet all shitty guys.
My peng yew and me, we fun one, not so square and kiasu.
Only thing is cant talk high class english like you and your peng yew
Lau and his frens all have great time. The char boh we like must be able to talk cock like us. Mostly singapore char boh too serious, don't like to talk cock.But we guys mostly when we talk cock is like saying things from our hearts in guy way. You may think its cock, but i tell you, no bull, we say what we feel through talking cock. Its like talking with know stylo milo? ahhh like that. IF we tell you our feeling like u char tell each other your feeling..its like we are char boh...chey....pui pui ..rather die in shit pot than talk like char boh. Sori last expression i know crude, but is like part of talking style mah. So for us matters kali pok travolta hair char boh look at him faint right. You ask yourself why u faint. Is becos he shake his hips n then sweep his brylcream hair with his hand mah. Thats stylo milo mah. You char boh like that kind of style. We Beng and Seng also got our style.Only thing is we do it our way like the singer sing "I did it my Way" See I not so suaku after all. His name is F. Sin. Even his name got style hehe. I like him. So dont say singapore guys no style. We sure got style. only u need to appreciate mah. Be less serious lah. Drink tiger, say 'pak chiew cheng' after u down one glass and then laugh loud loud and pinch your boy fren cheek. He sure go wild over you! Hehe. This is my recipe for happiness for single singapore gal.. Hey come to think of single singapore gal all the words sound same same... all rhyme ma haha :lol:


Post by Guest » Wed, 15 Sep 2004 9:12 pm

"Why, thank you", SG female. I was simply trying to point out that the term 'boring' extends both ways - both in behaviour displayed and in expectations imported

Sg Female.
Above example is the kind of guy u toking about. Chia pah buay pang sai one. Si pei constipated. Dont know what he talking. Talk until die standing
Like talking through ass like thatt. After awhile face look like ass.

His next sentence

My original replies were also getting a little 'deep n serious'. That's why I inserted a self-deprecating 'kidding' and 'fall down the spiral stairs' quip

he insert something, so chim i don't know what he mean. Seems like he insert something deep inside his ass seriously. Wah piang this guy, one kind of wierd perv.. Then can say after he insert he fall down spiral stair. Shit, you insert inside down there and walk up spiral stair sure fall down one. Wah Lau this guy is big time ah kua. Only ah kua insert and walk up spiral stair. I neber walk spiral stair in my life before.

Aiya, Sg female, and you can agree with him some more. Chey :!:

Ah Lau


Post by Ah Lau » Wed, 15 Sep 2004 9:14 pm

Aiya I guess liao he insert suppository up his ass since u say he so constipated hehe :lol:

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Single Woman

Post by Bubbles » Thu, 16 Sep 2004 5:34 am

I'm trying, I'm trying very, very damned hard understand just what the hell is going on.

Has this discussion now turned medical? What..........suppositories?

I like this sort of discussion, suits me down to the ground. It's full of waffle, madness and things I don't understand. Perfect for a madwoman like me.

Tell me everyone.........who are the main players in this discussion. I know Ah Lau is PLAIN ENGLISH.........describe who he he the good guy, or the baddie? Is he in Singapore........or the moon? Who are the others slagging him off..........and ARE they slagging him off? How would I know? It's all in Ancient Martian (Singlish)'m going crazy...............but at least I'm doing it in the Queen's English someone will know what I expired from..?????????????


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Post by christopher » Thu, 16 Sep 2004 10:31 am

Don't bother Bubbles. Ah Lau (and his multiple handles), is apparently a little insecure about my comments and is trying to start a flame fest here.

Unfortunately for him, I don't feed trolls.

One should never speak of the dead unless to say a good thing.

eg: "It's a good thing he's dead."


Chris the man?

Post by Troll » Thu, 16 Sep 2004 10:59 am

Aiya chris, look at your pathetic responses the specimen that you are meant to be.. stand up and be accounted for. Unless all that's said about you is true hehe :lol:

SG female

Post by SG female » Thu, 16 Sep 2004 12:40 pm

WOW, so much to translate *phew*!

Ah Lau:
"SG female, you're unlucky to have met so many guys who're full of s***. On the other hand, my friends and I are fun, not square and obnoxious. The only thing is that we can't talk in proper english like you and your friends. Ah Lau and his friends have great fun, the girls we like must also be able to joke/talk lightly like us. Most S'porean gals are too serious. But when we guys joke/seem to talk lightly, we're really expressing our hearts, in a guyish sort of way. You may not take it seriously, but I tell you without a doubt, we are saying what we really feel when we joke. Like talking with a style, you know stylo milo (to describe someone/something as impressive)? Like that. If we tell you our feeling the way you gals do, we'll be like girls ourselves. And we'd rather eat dung than talk sissy. Sorry I know I'm a bit crude, but it's part of my brand of humor - eg John Travolta hairstyle looks like a curry puff, you gals look at him and swoon right? Ask yourself why do you swoon? Is it because he shakes his hips and sweeps his hair with cream using his hand? That is stylo milo (impressive). You gals like that kind of style. We gangsters/low class guys, have also got our style. Only thing is that we do it our own way. Look! I'm not that much of a country bumpkin. Don't say that we have no style, we do! You only need to learn to appreciate us.
(the rest censored for underaged audiences)"

"Sg Female. Above is the example of the kind of guy you were talking about. Useless, and stiff. He makes no sense, and is long-winded. He inserts big words in the next paragraph that I don't understand. (censored) Wow, this guy is a weird pervert. After inserting the big words, he say he falls down a spiral staircase. This guy is a big time gay, of course he'll fall if he's this stiff! I've never walked up a spiral staircase in my life. And after all this you can still agree with him SG female? Unbelievable :!: "

Guest, if he makes no sense to you it doesn't mean he's not making sense at all. Christopher is trying to explain how men are not always as boring as they seem, and is also what Ah Lau is trying to say... only one's in singlish and the other's in english. Try to understand the language first before you start cussing others like that.

Seems to be a lot of miscommunication going on in this thread in my opinion. Bubbles, the bit about suppositories is just a bad joke between Ah Lau and Guest (himself?), something about the singlish expression of being stiff. Ah Lau is neither the good guy nor the baddie, he's just... himself. And trying to explain why Ah Bengs (S'porean gangsters/low class men) are the way they are. He's S'porean alright.

If you've been away, few of the other gals (including myself) have felt somewhat that he's not attempting to learn from the comments we gave, but rather rationalize with the habits he has. He just explained the reason for that above. But why people are slagging christopher is still a question mark to me, probably misunderstanding.

LOL yeah Singlish can be a bewilderment! But once you've been with locals long enough, you can't stop speaking it. I speak it in daily life myself, but of course I try to be proper when I type in order that others may understand what I'm saying. My uncle, a New Zealander, has lived here for a couple of years and is crazy about the S'porean lifestyle. He rattles off with Singlish like nobody's business - and he appreciates more local food that even we do, sometimes. heh...



Post by Happygirl » Fri, 17 Sep 2004 4:25 pm

I must say my bit to defend 'local/ locoregional' men. When I was in school, I was an ang moh lover wanna-be. This was where I grew up we had no ang mohs around, only on TV. My dream man was Richard Dean Anderson in his prime.So I grew up thinking that I would someday find my equivalent of RDA in some ang moh guy. I just had a weakness for RDA lookalikes.

Fastforward many years. I went to university, 'accidentally' got into a relationship with a chinese (non singaporean) guy. What I meant was it was a crush and things moved too fast before I could even weigh my other options. We had good times and a some fair amount of bad times. By the time we were in our 4th year, I'd felt things had fizzled out. WHy? because I lost direction. I felt that our relationship was more of friends and not lovers.I had many other 'suitors' who tried to distract me.

ANyway last year, I had this 'epiphany' .I realised that the person I had been looking for all this while was with me all along.It didnt take me over night, more like 6 months of serious contemplation. The reason why it didnt seem to work out was because subconsciously I didnt want it to work out. Why? because of this impossibly stupid and childish dream of RDA,of unexplored territories, unfulfilled dreams. ( more like self imposed illusions)

I can honestly say, upon close inspection, chinese guys aren't so bad after all. Throughout our 6 years together I can say that my bf has been the most honest, sincere, loving, reliable, faithful person I've ever met.Best of all he believes in God and practices his faith, something a lot of people either dont believe in or dont do(men and women, caucasian or non) I am glad I didnt let him go then, in my moment(s) of stupidity.

So what if local men are momma's boys? You have to see the extent of it. My bf loves his mom a lot. Speak to her on the phone a few times a week, more than I speak to my mom. (we are not singaporeans, just working here). He takes care of his mom, and his brother, yet I never feel that I come second to them.In fact he makes me feel special. I've felt and known that men who are close to their mothers would treat their wives well, if not better as they grow older. I've heard someone say once, never love a man who hates his mother. Why? go figure!

While I'm sure there are many nice caucasian guys out there, I've decided that they are not for me. In spite of my fixation towards RDA types, in the end I find myself to have more asian values, principles.

It's really true when they say you must really know yourself, who you are to know what's best for you.




Post by HappyGirl » Fri, 17 Sep 2004 5:18 pm

It's me again,

Isnt it strange to find that all throughout your life you have been meeting materialistic, boring, chauvinistic Singaporean men? OK, since I'm not from Singapore myself I cant be 100% sure but the Singaporean guy friends that I have form a sort of 'spectrum'. There are some with super-poser attitudes, materialistic guys who like to talk about their BMWs and how much money they have/rich powerful connections (in case you dont know that they have one). Then there are also the down to earth types, hardworking, passionate, fantastic guys who are fun to be with.

During my 'poser' days I had lots of 'friends' like those in the 1st category because. Because more often than not, they are very attractive, hang around cool places. Nice, down to earth guys were perceived as boring and old fashioned to those belonging to the first clique.Or more like, I chose to believe so even without letting myself get to know them better.

To sum it up:
1)It is partially/really true that birds of a feather flock together.
2)A lot of people use post reasoning to justify their actions. E.g I like caucasian men because local men are boring chauvinists as opposed to " I like caucasian men because..(whatever reason). Noone 'forced' you to date caucasian men exclusively.If you do it is just a personal preference and I respect that but dont diss local men and tell people about boring chauvinistic local guys to justify your decisions. I can tell you that there are also lot of crappy boring western men who are ham sup chauvinists and think asian girls are cheap f*ks. Yes, having a relationship with ang mohs may be more exciting/romantic but not necessarily so in the long run. (if there is a long run).


P>S My comments are not meant towards any particular person. I apologise to those who deem it offensive.

wow -SG men like tht?

no wonder

Post by wow -SG men like tht? » Sat, 18 Sep 2004 8:26 pm

"Sg Female. Above is the example of the kind of guy you were talking about. Useless, and stiff. He makes no sense, and is long-winded. He inserts big words in the next paragraph that I don't understand.(censored) Wow, this guy is a weird pervert. After inserting the big words, he say he falls down a spiral staircase. This guy is a big time gay, of course he'll fall if he's this stiff! I've never walked up a spiral staircase in my life. And after all this you can still agree with him SG female? Unbelievable"

Wow. ah lau is perfect example of uneducated Sg man. one shot got big word he says he doesn't understand.

and hes homophobic, hates gay people. see how he insults gay people. please buzz off u beng. your giving SG guys and girls a bad name - disgrace!


Gays lah not guys

Post by guest » Sat, 18 Sep 2004 8:39 pm

Hey its gays lah not guys hehe

Single gal

For single gals only

Post by Single gal » Sat, 18 Sep 2004 8:43 pm

wow -SG men like tht? wrote:"Sg Female. Above is the example of the kind of guy you were talking about. Useless, and stiff. He makes no sense, and is long-winded. He inserts big words in the next paragraph that I don't understand.(censored) Wow, this guy is a weird pervert. After inserting the big words, he say he falls down a spiral staircase. This guy is a big time gay, of course he'll fall if he's this stiff! I've never walked up a spiral staircase in my life. And after all this you can still agree with him SG female? Unbelievable"

Wow. ah lau is perfect example of uneducated Sg man. one shot got big word he says he doesn't understand.

and hes homophobic, hates gay people. see how he insults gay people. please buzz off u beng. your giving SG guys and girls a bad name - disgrace!
Hey this is not a post for poofters ie ah kwas.
It's about single gals-


Singapore like that?

Post by desolate » Sat, 25 Sep 2004 12:21 am

Is Singapore such a desolate place where the choice of men is so very limited...especially of the local variety? :?: :roll:

Ah Lau

wat no variety

Post by Ah Lau » Sat, 25 Sep 2004 7:24 pm

desolate wrote:Is Singapore such a desolate place where the choice of men is so very limited...especially of the local variety? :?: :roll:
WHo said no variety. Got Ah Beng, Ah Seng, Ah Ter, Ah Kow, Lau Gu, Lau Chiau .... :lol:

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