Singapore Expats

single woman

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single woman

Post by Niki » Thu, 02 Sep 2004 9:53 am

How easy would be for an Italian young woman to find interesting men in Sing?


Post by Alya » Thu, 02 Sep 2004 12:40 pm

Interesting men in Singapore? Regardless of them being local or 'expat'/foreign, i have to say... NIL, NADA, NEIN, there are no interesting men in Singapore... and if there are, someone tell where they are so i could meet them too.

If it so happens that there is an interesting man out there, he is usually married or if he is single, he just wants someone 15 - 20 years younger or he just wants to get laid.. hmnn now that i think about it, if he's that sort, it doesnt make him interesting anylonger (not to me anyway)

There is a dearth of single men here, so to all those corporate HR people, can we please suggest that when you send your people out here, can you send the single ones please? It'll be cheaper for you all anyway, you wont have to pay school fees and such.

As for the local men... look i'm not caucasian nor an 'expat' so any locals wanting to jump on my throat, hold back, bec you know this to be true.. this discussion has been held several times on this board.

For those of us who have lived overseas, travelled, who are not the 'typical' Sporean/Msian it is just as difficult for us to find a male partner here as it is for the 'expat' woman. We are bright, witty, charming, we are not the SPGs or out looking for a ticket out of the country. We want to meet decent men to go out with, get to know, have a relationship with, maybe even marry, whats wrong with that?

Local men leave a lot to be desired, they're a dead end. Expat men, if they are single, its fun, fun, fun.. its mostly about getting laid or having several different girls and leading all of them on. Then when one finds out he's been fooling around and she tears up his house, he complains she's a psycho! (an ex colleague of mine, a British banker was sleeping with 3 different women!) Serve him bloody right for lying and fooling around.

Sorry, Niki, i know ive digressed a bit and dont mean to put you off. I dont know what you really are looking for when you say "interesting men". If you have friends, then have them introduce you to guys or ask your embassy about the events it holds. If you are outgoing and like socialising a lot, then you'll do well.

Good luck!


Post by Niki » Thu, 02 Sep 2004 6:34 pm

Wow Alya, thanks a lot for your review on relationships in Sing, which looks just like the situation in other Asian countries: Pathetic.
While being paradise for men can be real hell for women. I know the feeling. And about being called psycho...hahahaha, no matter how far you go, you always find the same cliches! A woman who wants to have a monogame relationship has become someone who should be locked up these days.

By the way, no question of you being witty and fun. Still no man? They dont know what they are missing!


Post by Alya » Thu, 02 Sep 2004 8:10 pm

Niki, i guess this post on the other thread was yours?:

Im Italian by the way. What I would like to know is, will I have fun? Are locals friendly? Are all foreigners old and rich as it looks like for what I read in every forum? Will I be able to find young, no-snob people to go out with? Is is an affordable city and most important of all, how easy and cheap is it to travel to Indonesia and malasia from there?

Well, as JP pointed out his reply on the other thread it all depends on who/where you hang out with/at and a big factor is $$. Its an expensive city and if you are on an expat salary,, great , otherwise its susah lah (difficult lah) as they say!

How long have you been here? Give me yr email address, and we'll write to each other 'offlist' to compare notes! :)

Ah Lau

Wah Lau!

Post by Ah Lau » Thu, 02 Sep 2004 8:47 pm

Wah Lau! The situation so bad ah? Sure got like that meh?
We local guys not so bad mah! Its just u so stuck up, like constipated u know! Relax! Let it all flow out. Dun so kun cheong. We local guys are quite a regular lot u know. It's just that we get typecasted as ah bengs, sengs and so on. And we know... you are no lian.. so high up... so howe lian..aiyo.. come down lah. We are just regular blokes wanting fun too u know.. just like u..only less constipated... :oops: haha sori hah... me so crude.. but thats part of being unconstipated and letting it all hang...oh sori flow out..We r quite ..aiya..i always have problem with this word. It's jus we speak another lingo..and u find it too chim.. so we got it all...looks...brains..not so beng give us a chance can?.. chat us up some time when u see us at the bus stop and we promise to grin and show u our sparklers if nothing else... and ooooh... that as well if u wish... but u show me yours and we'll show u notes mah... :lol:

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Single Girl

Post by Bubbles » Fri, 03 Sep 2004 12:33 am

To Ah Lau

Excuse me?

In other words............I only understood about a quarter of your post, is that Singlish? I like it, but don't understand it.
Where can I learn it.

Ah Lau

Re: Single Girl

Post by Ah Lau » Fri, 03 Sep 2004 8:28 am

Bubbles wrote:To Ah Lau

Excuse me?

In other words............I only understood about a quarter of your post, is that Singlish? I like it, but don't understand it.
Where can I learn it.
Dear Bubbs ( can I call u that?...not too rude huh? dun wan to be accused of relating you to the lighted variety...Singapore variety called light bubbs..)

Sure can teach. Anytime also can. Main condition is dun be constipated like those lonely single women...hehe..sori hah.. joke only
The main thing is to let all flow out..yah all the juices..let the tongue roll...tongue in cheek type lah...u know the tongue inside your cheek.....
the lovely tongue that can do many things...haha.enuf of that for another day..
tell you wat... u teach me your royal english so i can speak to her majesty...then i teach u to speak singlish so u can speak to goh chok tong....our new senior minister......our new cant speak to him...he speak royal too...went to oxbridge....u know the bridge u have in your country where oxes cross....thats why i need to learn from u..hehe :lol:


Post by Tootsie » Fri, 03 Sep 2004 12:26 pm

Achuarry, i think u that fellow live in jurong one you know, that fella lah, always write so many crever things here one, but u wat ah,u disguisded in another way leh,, i oso can see thru one u know!

i got talk to ah beng one, in the bus stop, in the fish market, anywhere also can, but wah lau, little while can but long time cannot lah,i for asreep arready!


Post by Guest » Fri, 03 Sep 2004 12:42 pm

about man in singapore :) i found my husband after 2 month beeing in singapore and now we are marryed :)
but he is not local
good luck!

Ah Lau


Post by Ah Lau » Fri, 03 Sep 2004 12:48 pm

Guest wrote:about man in singapore :) i found my husband after 2 month beeing in singapore and now we are marryed :)
but he is not local
good luck!
Aiyo! Need luck not marry locl meh?
Marry local bring u luck lah..
Y u so like that look down on local one hor... :shock:

Ah Lau


Post by Ah Lau » Fri, 03 Sep 2004 12:57 pm

Tootsie wrote:Achuarry, i think u that fellow live in jurong one you know, that fella lah, always write so many crever things here one, but u wat ah,u disguisded in another way leh,, i oso can see thru one u know!

i got talk to ah beng one, in the bus stop, in the fish market, anywhere also can, but wah lau, little while can but long time cannot lah,i for asreep arready!
U get wrong Beng lah.
Try Bengkali next time, guarantee sure dun fall asleep one...


Post by Tootsie » Fri, 03 Sep 2004 1:01 pm

eh Ah Lau, not Bengkali laaahhh... dey cannot say B, so say Mangali but achuaary mean Bangali , u know or notttt? aiyahh!

Ah Lau

Aiya so fussy

Post by Ah Lau » Fri, 03 Sep 2004 1:06 pm

Tootsie wrote:eh Ah Lau, not Bengkali laaahhh... dey cannot say B, so say Mangali but achuaary mean Bangali , u know or notttt? aiyahh!
Aiya, Beng, Mang, Bang..... wats the difference I not speak Queen's Singlish leh..

SG female

Post by SG female » Fri, 03 Sep 2004 2:46 pm

Hi Bubbles,

Let me help - Here's what Ah Lau (Mr. Old) said in proper english :wink: :

"Is the situation that bad? Are you sure? We local guys aren't as bad as you say! It's just because you're proud, and stiff. You've got to relax, and let your real self go. Don't be so panicky/easily frustrated. We local guys are quite a regular lot. It's just that we get typecasted as Ah Bengs (gangsters), Ah Sengs (mobsters) and so on. And we know that you're no Ah Lian (girl who tries to be fashionable but ends up looking cheap), you're of such high class, so proud. You should learn to humble yourself. We are just regular blokes wanting to have fun, just like you, only less stiff. Sorry, I'm pretty crude, but that's part of being cool and letting it all hang. We are quite philosophical, it's just that we speak differently and you find it too difficult to understand. So we got it all, the looks, brains, and aren't gangsters so could you give us a chance? Chat with us when you see us at the bus stop and we promise to grin and show you our sparkling teeth if nothing else. You smile and we'll smile, we learn from each other."

At least the gist of it :lol: Sorry Ah Lau if I got some parts wrong.

Bubbles, you can visit ... on=lexicon to pick up more Singlish words. I would be glad to teach you what I know, just start a thread in here with my nick in brackets with your question so I will be alerted. I will check back here every now and then. :)

Ah Lau


Post by Ah Lau » Fri, 03 Sep 2004 3:57 pm

SG female wrote:Hi Bubbles,

Let me help - Here's what Ah Lau (Mr. Old) said in proper english :wink: :

"Is the situation that bad? Are you sure? We local guys aren't as bad as you say! It's just because you're proud, and stiff. You've got to relax, and let your real self go. Don't be so panicky/easily frustrated. We local guys are quite a regular lot. It's just that we get typecasted as Ah Bengs (gangsters), Ah Sengs (mobsters) and so on. And we know that you're no Ah Lian (girl who tries to be fashionable but ends up looking cheap), you're of such high class, so proud. You should learn to humble yourself. We are just regular blokes wanting to have fun, just like you, only less stiff. Sorry, I'm pretty crude, but that's part of being cool and letting it all hang. We are quite philosophical, it's just that we speak differently and you find it too difficult to understand. So we got it all, the looks, brains, and aren't gangsters so could you give us a chance? Chat with us when you see us at the bus stop and we promise to grin and show you our sparkling teeth if nothing else. You smile and we'll smile, we learn from each other."

At least the gist of it :lol: Sorry Ah Lau if I got some parts wrong.

Bubbles, you can visit ... on=lexicon to pick up more Singlish words. I would be glad to teach you what I know, just start a thread in here with my nick in brackets with your question so I will be alerted. I will check back here every now and then. :)
Wah Lau, sg female I outclass by u leh. U can say wat i say i queens language...
make me lose face hehe :oops: u char boh so clever one leh
tts y i stand next to u i so scared i almost pee in my pants
Singapore smarty pants gals always have this effect on me...hehe dunno y
Always have a smart answer for any those rgs gals so smart one...score nothing but straight A's Where us guys stand a chance next to some of me heliucated frens says...cant hold a candle next to them....for me they like flood lights next to my wee little candle light.....they out tok out do ...out everything me..where i stand a chance in this cruel cruel world
No wonder new PM Lee...(he no problem.... oxbridge shortage of char boh drooling over him) got such problem in Singapore's reproduction...aiya dunno how to put it lah..
U see singapore char boh get really aroused by IVY League and Oxbridge degrees..but these types dun make babies.. whereas us beng and seng...we no need encouragement....we see we bang...haha...sori if i sound so chor lor...jus being frank here...all this helps in nation building mah...i suggest we should nominate some beng or seng as national icon for enhancing the nation's collective reproductive urge...haha maybe a gurmit like that type...wat say u?
anyway back to sg female, bubbs and toots...haha i nearly say something else for last nick...sounds similar to the char boh anatomy...we beng got more than what u see on outside...we look no class...we talk no class...but u wan us to prob....just tell us where..and who...and we go otherwords.. u say we do...wat more u wan? IVY League OXbridge fellas they research research...until no one left to reproduce...

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