Dear Bubbs ( can I call u that?...not too rude huh? dun wan to be accused of relating you to the lighted variety...Singapore variety called light bubbs..)Bubbles wrote:To Ah Lau
Excuse me?
In other words............I only understood about a quarter of your post, is that Singlish? I like it, but don't understand it.
Where can I learn it.
Aiyo! Need luck not marry locl meh?Guest wrote:about man in singaporei found my husband after 2 month beeing in singapore and now we are marryed
but he is not local
good luck!
U get wrong Beng lah.Tootsie wrote:Achuarry, i think u that fellow live in jurong one you know, that fella lah, always write so many crever things here one, but u wat ah,u disguisded in another way leh,, i oso can see thru one u know!
i got talk to ah beng one, in the bus stop, in the fish market, anywhere also can, but wah lau, little while can but long time cannot lah,i for asreep arready!
Aiya, Beng, Mang, Bang..... wats the difference I not speak Queen's Singlish leh..Tootsie wrote:eh Ah Lau, not Bengkali laaahhh... dey cannot say B, so say Mangali but achuaary mean Bangali , u know or notttt? aiyahh!
Wah Lau, sg female I outclass by u leh. U can say wat i say i queens language...SG female wrote:Hi Bubbles,
Let me help - Here's what Ah Lau (Mr. Old) said in proper english:
"Is the situation that bad? Are you sure? We local guys aren't as bad as you say! It's just because you're proud, and stiff. You've got to relax, and let your real self go. Don't be so panicky/easily frustrated. We local guys are quite a regular lot. It's just that we get typecasted as Ah Bengs (gangsters), Ah Sengs (mobsters) and so on. And we know that you're no Ah Lian (girl who tries to be fashionable but ends up looking cheap), you're of such high class, so proud. You should learn to humble yourself. We are just regular blokes wanting to have fun, just like you, only less stiff. Sorry, I'm pretty crude, but that's part of being cool and letting it all hang. We are quite philosophical, it's just that we speak differently and you find it too difficult to understand. So we got it all, the looks, brains, and aren't gangsters so could you give us a chance? Chat with us when you see us at the bus stop and we promise to grin and show you our sparkling teeth if nothing else. You smile and we'll smile, we learn from each other."
At least the gist of itSorry Ah Lau if I got some parts wrong.
Bubbles, you can visit ... on=lexicon to pick up more Singlish words. I would be glad to teach you what I know, just start a thread in here with my nick in brackets with your question so I will be alerted. I will check back here every now and then.
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