mutleeyc wrote:after reading all these posts its pretty clear that i didnt get makes no sense to me, after i got in to qatar airways to the final interview, not even shortlisted for this one
Yup, been through final for UA but JAL doesn't even want to see me. Some things some where must be wrong. Maybe the photo that i submitted look too mature or they don't like dark-brown as the photo's backgound.
Yicksss, assumptions kills.
Guess, every failure will prob. me to do better in my submission next time.
Hmm ... Maybe the person who open my application for JAL recruitment don't like me, shall pray for a kinder person next round. I am still who i am confident of, i shall improve and not give up.
My dream career ... Yes!!
Do NoT TaKe LaZY PeoPLe aS aPaTHeTiC PeoPLe, aS aPaTHeTiC PeoPLe Do NoT CaRe aBouT aNYTHiNG. LaZY PeoPLe CaRe, JuST THaT THeY Do NoT Do aNYTHiNG aBouT iT.