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Radio Stations and DAB Digital Radio

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Amelia Camelia
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Radio Stations and DAB Digital Radio

Post by Amelia Camelia » Thu, 12 Jul 2007 11:56 pm

Hello everyone,

I would really like to listen to some London radio stations. I thought it would be as easy as popping into my local BEST Denki and asking them for a DAB Digital radio set... except they had no idea what I was talking about and offered me an mp3 player instead.

Does anyone know what the best way is get radio stations from abroad? I don't want to use my PC which is kinda what I have been doing because the sound quality isn't good enough.

Anyone know where I can get information about Digital Radios or even buy them in Singapore? or maybe I would be better off asking someone to bring one over from London?

I'd really appreciate any help or advice... because I just cannot get on with 80's music!


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Post by ScoobyDoes » Fri, 13 Jul 2007 1:08 pm

And how do you suppose you'll pick up the signal from the UK? :shock:

Digital signals are still "transmitted" in the same way as AM/FM signals are but only in a different format. It's not like because it's "digital" it has this magic power to span the globe.

Until MediaCorp here signs up to pull in channels from overseas either by satelite or the internet then broadcast them island wide you'll only get UK / Foreign radio online or in AM format. SmartRadio was launched here in 99 using the DAB technology but i think there is still only 13 or 14 channels available.

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Post by lost_canuck » Fri, 13 Jul 2007 9:46 pm

you have to go buy an internet radio, check sim lim $500 dollars tho, get all the London/world radio you can stand

Amelia Camelia
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Post by Amelia Camelia » Sat, 14 Jul 2007 11:00 am

Sorry lost_canuck - I'm checking both areas so you only need to reply to one of the posts...

What you have sounds exactly like what I want!

I've never heard of an internet radio before - that sounds just like the ticket!!

I'm loathed to go to Sim Lim though - the price is ok if it means we can listen to what we like.

Thanks so much for your help - do you think you could give details of the specific radio you have and exactly where you bought it from in Sim Lim - that place makes my head spin and I'm really not at all technical, which is basically the reason for the post in the first place.

The price is ok... I was considering buying speakers for my laptop and basically buying another one so the old one could be a dedicated radio!

How does the internet connection work then with the internet radio? Does it come with it's own provider? I'm currently with Starhub broadband, it's fine most of the time but I do notice a degradation in service when my husband uses the connection with his laptop too...

Thanks again,

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