I'm referring to quite a few employers, and some employment websites. I have worked in singapore in the past, but that was with my US employers on an assignment. But this time while I'm actively seeking employment (on my own), a fair number of employment agencies, job-websites and even some employers directly ask your race/religion/gender and bizarrely for a photo as well! I don't know how to answer them...
I mean I feel this information is impertinent for my profession/position, then why do they ask? Is it mandated by law to disclose race/origin information in Singapore? I grew up in two Asian countries, went to school in the US and in all my (4 year) professional experience, never had an employer ask these details. Besides when they see me in person in an interview, they anyway know everything about me, so why ask in a resume or pre-screening? Should I refuse to entertain their questions? Any knowledgable opinions?
Please don't start racist(or anti-racist) banter, I seriously feel uncomfortabel disclosing any information other than my professional background.