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vaccination to prevent cervical cancer

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vaccination to prevent cervical cancer

Post by whalebrown » Wed, 04 Jul 2007 9:49 pm

I think as parents we should give the best for our children. I brought my girl for the vaccination against cervical cancer. The data is pretty good - prevents 70% of cervical cancer cases. And its recommended from age 9 years onwards.

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Post by kiwileon » Wed, 18 Jul 2007 1:17 pm

Parents should also be well informed about what they are doing.

Be aware that you are not vaccinating against cancer (there is no such a vaccination) but this vaccine is actually for the genital wart virus, which has been closely linked to cervical cancer. Not having sex or using condoms can also prevent the female from contracting the virus if you don't like the idea of injecting more drugs.

Feel free to do this - just be FULLY informed before hand - remember there is no such thing as a vaccination with ABSOLUTELY NO side effects.

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Post by jpatokal » Thu, 19 Jul 2007 12:34 am

kiwileon wrote:Not having sex or using condoms can also prevent the female from contracting the virus if you don't like the idea of injecting more drugs.
Vaccination or lifelong celibacy? Gee, that's a tough choice :tongue:

And genital warts can be transmitted even if the partner is wearing a condom.
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Post by kiwileon » Thu, 19 Jul 2007 3:39 pm

Absolutely true that genital warts can be transmitted while using a condom, use of a "full glove" condom is necessary (one which also covers the testacles - can I use that word on this site?) and is not a guarantee. The only way to really prevent ANY STD is not to engage in sex. Not something I would be happy with lol. I certainly wasn't trying to suggest people should be celibate - that is also a personal choice.

Anyway, my point is that people should be aware of what they are doing when it comes to vaccinations - do your own research and make your own decision - don't go off and be injected with something or subject your child to it, simply because someone started a thread on an a web site suggesting you needed to do it or you wouldn't be a good parent.

Remember that vaccinations for public good went out of fashion 30 years ago - its all about money and drug company profits now. (that should cause a stir) There are definite health advantages for many vaccinations, and health improvements in societies where many common diseases are able to be removed are undeniable. in the greater scheme of things having 1 person in 10,000 go blind or sterile out of the 10,000 people vaccinated for something is completely acceptable. Possible for that one person as well.

Just decide if you really need a vaccination before you get it, and make that decision based on facts and not marketing or chat lines.

Also, you could limit your sexual partners to those that don't have a disease that you don't want to catch. Sound advice for any teenager eh? :D :roll:

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Post by jpatokal » Thu, 19 Jul 2007 9:43 pm

kiwileon wrote:Absolutely true that genital warts can be transmitted while using a condom, use of a "full glove" condom is necessary (one which also covers the testacles - can I use that word on this site?)
Can you use the word "testicles"? Only if you spell it right. :D
Remember that vaccinations for public good went out of fashion 30 years ago - its all about money and drug company profits now. (that should cause a stir) There are definite health advantages for many vaccinations, and health improvements in societies where many common diseases are able to be removed are undeniable. in the greater scheme of things having 1 person in 10,000 go blind or sterile out of the 10,000 people vaccinated for something is completely acceptable. Possible for that one person as well.
A woman's odds of contracting cervical cancer in her lifetime are 1 in 123, and 2/3rds of those will die from it. Which odds do you prefer?
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