16 vacancies... then, total 8*5=40... more than 1 out of 40..rev12000 wrote:GREAT, to see you here. YES YES YES, im Y and you are [G]? How you know the 16 vacancy has already been taken? Coz' i called the HR this evening, she mentioned that the interviewers are still going through the shortlisted. Thus, needs more time till coming Tuesday. OH, there goes my dream.papaya wrote:Rev, Are you Y..., whom I exchanged sms and talked to today???
She(if not you) mentioned the same thing, her friend got a call already... am frustrated...lol...
i am taking if it was not today, i slipped out from it... just 2-3 might get calls by tuesday, in case the passers denied the offers....what do you think?
I really want to take the job... sigh...sigh....
it's good to hear they are still shorlisting... how about i am slipped away...from there...sigh...sigh... more info? like how many were already got calls ? i hope only 5 or less...the super girls.