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Post by sweetkisses » Tue, 06 May 2014 3:24 am

Dear Envyme2

I understand how you feel. I've posted about my bad experience with dr prinya before. And also a recent update on dr prinya thread in this forum. My incision wound in my alar on both sides was also infected due to the "dissolvable stitches" didn't dissolve at all. I had chronic infection at my alar for nearly 5 months and I am always taking anti-biotics for the infection. After finishing a course, the infection stops for awhile and comes back again. Boxes after boxes of augmentin.

I've said it many times in this forum and also to all my friends. Dr prinya doesn't have the skills. He doesn't perform surgery with passion. Why? Because 3 surgeons operated on my face before and I can say dr prinya is the most indecisive surgeon I've ever encountered before. He doesn't have any beauty perception at all.

My face was screwed by him before. I lived the past 6 months in shame and low self esteem. With unbalanced flaring upturned nostrils due to the very short nose implant he gave me, the infected alar, and the thick incision scar I had from removing my chin implant. If you watched beauty gone wrong on channel 5, I'm another one classic case (operated by unskilled surgeon)

Now, 6 months later, finally I can have my nose revised and the result was close to what I wanted. The doctor listened and told me what can be done and what can't be done and he even said the implant dr prinya put in is too short and caused my nostrils to be upturned!! And there's a slight crack in my implant which may be caused by over stretching the lower part of the silicon as it is L shape silicon implant. I can see the immediate difference after my nose revision. I'm still swelling now but I can say I definitely have nicer tip now than before. Can't imagine I lived with that ugly nose for 6 months!! Omg!

Please do not go back to him for revision even if it's free though I think it is unlikely because he is a money sucker! I met a lady who also had unsatisfactory results with dr prinya for lipo, he even charged her for the revision!

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Post by envyme2 » Tue, 06 May 2014 11:49 pm

Dear Sweetkisses,

OH MY GOD! I didn't see your bad experience about it. damn. if only i've seen it earlier.. the last time i visit this thread, it has only 100pages. right now has over 500 and i think its crazy for me to read page by page..

i did research around on dr prinya and the reviews of him were all pleasant! even on just the previous page by yokonori were also pleasant.

truly prinya is really OVERRATED!

Omg yes true true! during consultation he asked me how do i think if he were to cut my aunt's eyelid higher or lower etc etc. like how would i know how the results would turn out to be! he is the surgeon and he should know.

he cant seems to decide how he wants it to be. i just gave him an awkward smile as i dont know it either! after some silence observation on my aunt's eye, he then decided to do higher cut for her.
of cos we gotta trust our surgeon.

on the 2nd trip i did mentioned to him that he did not touch on my lower tummy which was SUPPOSED to be done, even on my consultation card he drew the areas that he would be doing. All he did was smile smile, touch my lower tummy and say hmm, i need to do vaser if not will be saggy..

i was actually expecting him to include FREE on this session but he tried to escaped from my concerns.

so i just let it go and proceed with my thigh lipo hoping it would turn out good..

i feel really sad for u to have to bear with that pain and failed surgery for the entire 6mths..

nw im worried and super guilty towards my aunt.. poor thing..

may i ask you, for your revision, who did u approach? sg doc? or?

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Post by sweetkisses » Wed, 07 May 2014 2:25 pm

Dear Envyme2

I am sorry to hear what happened to you and your auntie. Hugs. Can totally understand how your auntie feel with the low confidence.

Before i went to prinya I spent nights reading up the forum and doing my research. During that time he was quite new in this forum. Not much reviews yet. But all i saw was people wanting to go to him for revision but their dates are much later than mine. I did hesitate for awhile before booking my appt with him because I read somewhere that dr prinya is not a certified plastic surgeon. For my understanding (please correct me if I'm wrong), in thailand plastic surgeries are not regulated like Singapore. Doctors who had experience in General surgery or been in a general surgery or plastic surgery posting during their medical school years can perform plastic surgeries. Like Dr Pat, if I'm not wrong he doesn't specialize in plastic surgery. But he performs plastic surgeries. So I was looking at Dr Chi who told me he specialized in plastics. During then, I wasn't very comfortable with dr chi even though he is a plastic surgeon because he was not the one who replied to my mails personally unlike prinya who even promised to make my bridge higher and shaper tip by using a L shaped implant (FYI, he said this to most people because both my friends emailed him got the same reply as me). Don't know what went through my mind that time but I just went ahead to book my appt with him.

Like what I've said and what you mentioned, prinya doesn't have decision making skills. I sat down with him during my consult, told him I want to correct my slanted bridge and unsatisfactory height of the bridge. The next thing was he gave me a box of silicon to choose! I'm like wth. How do i know what to choose and what suits me. So he showed me 2 implants and say he will try it on me (machiam like trying clothes though) during my op and wake me up to see if I like it but didn't happened.

Next was my chin implant, i told him I wanted my chin to be shaper even though I had a long face (the shape of my face is like Rebecca lim) but i always prefer a shaper chin. So he measured my face and say my face is quite long already. And say he will put in a small chin implant. Gosh. When I woke up with the surgery I saw that implant he put in my chin, I was shocked. Bcos I look like a witch ++++. So he took out the implant and reshape it and put it in again. Blah blah blah. Chin implant slanted causing me pain and it was so ugly that I've to spend 1k for dr jj chua in Singapore to remove it.

After this whole saga, I went to Bkk and consult Dr Pat again who operated on me 5 years back for rhinoplasty. He said, "you don't even need a chin implant". He Immediately pointed out the problems with my nose done by dr prinya. I've also consulted so surgeons in Korea and they all pointed out the same issues. Implant too short result to piggy upturned nose, unsatisfactory bridge height (much lower than my first implant) and many more.

Initially I wanted to revise my nose again with dr pat but I don't really want to look the same as my first nose. So I went to Dr Chi.

I felt very comfortable with him during the consult. I told him what I wanted and he say can do to the maximum depending on my skin as well. He also said "don't worry, I am very confident to make your new nose nicer than your current one"). During my op, he curved an implant and try it on me and curved and curved until he got it right.

My surgery with dr chi wasn't as fast as prinya's. Because dr chi removed scar tissues on my nose caused by the previous op which dr prinya didn't do. I'm 2 weeks post op today and I can clearly see that my nose and it's tip is beautiful.

Lesson learnt, to me, be it the surgeon is a certified ps or not, I've to feel comfortable with him. both Dr Pat and Dr Chi are decisive surgeons, especially Dr Pat. And they know what are they doing. Even though I revised my nose done by dr pat, but I can say my first nose done by him is beautiful just that the bridge is not high enough for my liking and it was slanted too. But I can't blame him because during then, 5 years ago, it was my first plastic surgery so I asked for a natural looking nose. Haha.

Today, around 2 weeks post op, because I'm still swelling, so I don't really want to say which doc I went to for my revision. But since you asked, I went to dr chi. I'll definitely update again when I'm 2 months post op.

*ps: with regards to dr prinya specialization in plastics or not, please correct me if I'm wrong. Because it was the info I gathered in the forum. I do not know the healthcare system in thailand. But definitely in Singapore, in order to be a plastic surgeon, on top of their MBBS, they have to specialized in general surgery then sub specialized in plastics. I guess that's the reason why plastic surgery is so expensive in Singapore. Hahaha.
Last edited by sweetkisses on Thu, 08 May 2014 8:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by sweetkisses » Thu, 08 May 2014 8:01 am

Dear envyme2,

By the way, I did epicanthoplasty with dr chi along with my revision rhinoplasty. I can't really do a review on it yet because my epi scars are raised and red now.

Initially wanted to do double eyelids with epi but dr chi said I do not need double eyelids surgery as i already have. But I'm regretting now. Because after doing the epi, I feel that my eyes became long, the eyelids became more tapered and looks weird without having deeper double eyelids. Not that I'm complaining though just felt that I can look better with that additional surgery :)

I'm going back to dr chi next week for my double eyelids surgery in Phuket. I'll update here once I'm back!

Hope this helps for your aunt! :)

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Post by envyme2 » Thu, 08 May 2014 1:14 pm

Dear Sweetkisses,

omg, prinya didn't do what he promised (showing u the implants to see whether u r fine with it during surgery).
thats is really terrible!!!

oh u went to dr chi for revision.. my aunt is thinking of going to some sg doc for revision tho cost abit higher, she has lost confidence in thai's doc. korea would be best but the cost is much higher.

im so glad u r at least satisfied with your new nose now tho it hasnt been fully recovered yet but the result is somewhat there alr.


im not so sure whether he is a real plastic surgeon or the requirements to be deem as the "real ps surgeon" in thai like in sg tho.

BUT! If he is really not a certified plastic surgeon den its SCARY!!! If i knew that earlier i will NOT go to him!

lesson learnt. i condemn prinya!

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Post by boii18 » Fri, 09 May 2014 5:31 am

These posts.. attacking dr prinya.. are they genuine, we are not sure. Are they geared towards shifting customers to Dr arthur in Medan?

Anyway dr arthur in medan IS NOT A PLASTIC SURGEON. he is a general practitioner who went for some short courses on cosmetic surgery. note he says he is a cosmetic surgeon but not a plastic surgeon. he is not a board-certified plastic surgeon. You do not see board certified(plastic surgery). you might see board certified (cosmetic surgery). any GP can enter some weeks-long course or months-long course and get a board certification in "cosmetic surgery"; the board is simply a group of aesthetic doctors who are interested in "cosmetic surgery". it is not an official national body.

I did my research; dr prinya is a plastic surgeon. however, i did lipo under him and it was so painful; it felt like the area was not anesthesized properly.. i keep shouting pain but he could do nothing.

i hope this clarifies some earlier doubts. the information is totally wrong. prinya is PS, and arthur is not.

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Post by carapie » Fri, 09 May 2014 10:23 pm

Oh man guys I've already booked for rhinoplasty, alarplasty and epicanthoplasty with Dr Prinya :( am feeling really uncertain now :( but I've read the reviews on Ms Lemonade's blog and they all seem to be pretty positive though?? :( also everyone going to Hatyai in the near future please be careful, bombs just went off there this Tuesday :(

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Post by carapie » Fri, 09 May 2014 10:59 pm

stitch_madness wrote:
carapie wrote:Hello guys I really need some advice, hope someone can lend me their expertise >< I'm going to hatyai for double eyelid surgery, medial epicanthoplasty and lateral canthoplasty on the 19th of May with Doctor Prinya, is it safe for me to go for rhinoplasty and alarplasty immediately the next day with Doctor Nara? Or is it too soon? And also I'm leaving hatyai on the 21st of May alr, is that too soon too? Will it be too 'bloody' to fly? Thank you very much for everyone's help!!!!
Hi! Have u fixed the date with Dr Prinya already? I will be seeing Dr Prinya fr rhino arnd the same dates as you!
Hello! I've fixed a date on the 19th of May :) will you be going alone? I'll be going with my sister! Initially I wanted to go with someone from this forum but no one replied me in time and I had to book plane tickets and everything :( I'm actually pretty worried now after reading all these negative reviews of Dr prinya I really hope he knows what he's doing :(( all the best of luck for your rhinoplasty! What date is your appointment on and which hotel are you staying at?

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Dr Prinya

Post by yokonori » Sat, 10 May 2014 1:36 am

I didn't realize it was bad.

This is my 2nd visits to Dr Prinya.
Did blepharoplasty. It looks terrible for the 1st few days. Now is the 16th day. Healing well.

My gf who did her lipo also can see visible results.

Only my gf who did the laser is complaining can't feel the results .

Another who did the rhino also healing well...

Is it individual skin? Or.... I will drop him an email to check. But so far he is slow in replying. But he did replied ....

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Post by sweetkisses » Sat, 10 May 2014 3:02 am

boii18 wrote:These posts.. attacking dr prinya.. are they genuine, we are not sure. Are they geared towards shifting customers to Dr arthur in Medan?

Anyway dr arthur in medan IS NOT A PLASTIC SURGEON. he is a general practitioner who went for some short courses on cosmetic surgery. note he says he is a cosmetic surgeon but not a plastic surgeon. he is not a board-certified plastic surgeon. You do not see board certified(plastic surgery). you might see board certified (cosmetic surgery). any GP can enter some weeks-long course or months-long course and get a board certification in "cosmetic surgery"; the board is simply a group of aesthetic doctors who are interested in "cosmetic surgery". it is not an official national body.

I did my research; dr prinya is a plastic surgeon. however, i did lipo under him and it was so painful; it felt like the area was not anesthesized properly.. i keep shouting pain but he could do nothing.

i hope this clarifies some earlier doubts. the information is totally wrong. prinya is PS, and arthur is not.
Dear boii18,

First of all, thank you. Thank you for all your contributions to this thread. I've read a lot of your post and it was indeed helpful for everyone here.

With regards to your question whether are the posts attacking prinya are true or not. I do not know about others. But it's definitely all true for me, nothing but the truth. I still have my receipts for removal of chin implant by dr jj chua and seen dr wong for bacteria infection on my alar site. If you still have doubts, pm me your email address. I'll send them all to you.

Since I've already clarified, I am not sure if prinya is a certified ps, now that I know he is so I apologize for the wrong assumptions.

Even if he is a certified ps, based on my personal experience, I would say in my personal point of view, he doesn't have the skills and decision making.

There's no need for a reason for me to come to the forum and bitch about a doctor if he do at least an acceptable job. No one likes to give negative feedbacks but for me, in my own personal case, it seems necessary.

It was a rough patch for me during the past 6 months because of all the infections and ugly upturned nose. It was not easy for me to share these painful experience which I do not want to think again. So please do not doubt.

Anybody who are interested to see Dr Prinya's short implant on me as compared to my current revised nose, drop me an email. But do not ask for any other photos because that's beyond my comfort zone :) [email protected]
Last edited by sweetkisses on Sat, 10 May 2014 4:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by sweetkisses » Sat, 10 May 2014 3:39 am

envyme2 wrote:Dear Sweetkisses,

omg, prinya didn't do what he promised (showing u the implants to see whether u r fine with it during surgery).
thats is really terrible!!!

oh u went to dr chi for revision.. my aunt is thinking of going to some sg doc for revision tho cost abit higher, she has lost confidence in thai's doc. korea would be best but the cost is much higher.

im so glad u r at least satisfied with your new nose now tho it hasnt been fully recovered yet but the result is somewhat there alr.


im not so sure whether he is a real plastic surgeon or the requirements to be deem as the "real ps surgeon" in thai like in sg tho.

BUT! If he is really not a certified plastic surgeon den its SCARY!!! If i knew that earlier i will NOT go to him!

lesson learnt. i condemn prinya!
Dear Envyme2,

Lol. My sis had the same thinking. She initially wanted do her eyes in thailand years back but she changed her mind last minute because her gf who did her eyes with a local surgeon looks good so she went to him instead. My sis likes the results and I think it's nice too. Do drop me an email if you want to know which doc is it :) [email protected]

Oh btw, boii18 just clarified that dr prinya is a certified ps.

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Post by envyme2 » Mon, 12 May 2014 12:39 am

boii18 wrote:These posts.. attacking dr prinya.. are they genuine, we are not sure. Are they geared towards shifting customers to Dr arthur in Medan?

Anyway dr arthur in medan IS NOT A PLASTIC SURGEON. he is a general practitioner who went for some short courses on cosmetic surgery. note he says he is a cosmetic surgeon but not a plastic surgeon. he is not a board-certified plastic surgeon. You do not see board certified(plastic surgery). you might see board certified (cosmetic surgery). any GP can enter some weeks-long course or months-long course and get a board certification in "cosmetic surgery"; the board is simply a group of aesthetic doctors who are interested in "cosmetic surgery". it is not an official national body.

I did my research; dr prinya is a plastic surgeon. however, i did lipo under him and it was so painful; it felt like the area was not anesthesized properly.. i keep shouting pain but he could do nothing.

i hope this clarifies some earlier doubts. the information is totally wrong. prinya is PS, and arthur is not.
hello excuse me boii18, before u want to doubt our posts, please kindly read again to understand the meaning behind my posts. how is that "shifting the customers towards dr arthur in medan"?!

I doubt u did read each and every word of my experience with him. I do not recommend him too because the results he did on me wasn't a satisfactory level and that I wasn't comfortable with him throughout my entire consultation till the end of my surgery.

moreover, i did talk about dr nara, how come it wasn't mentioned in your post if I am "promoting" him or "defaming" him?

yes sweetkisses is right, no one likes to waste the time posting negative reviews online! becos each time we post something negative, we are recollecting the painful memories.

and yes, you've done lipo with prinya too, you too know how PAINFUL it was! Exactly like the sedation and anesthesia wasn't injected enough. I cried painfully during the procedure but all prinya could do was to apologize while the nurse was allowing me to grab on their hands. that is how painful it was.

just when i thought that would be the worst, little did i know that my incision scarred badly and one of them was infected. i have to visit a doc in sg to clean them.

well for my aunt's double eye lid surgery? she complaint to me that she felt a little painful when he was cutting. same thing, its like the anesthesia wasn't injected enough.

her result was depressing and now that we are thinking where to go for her revision.

how do u think i would post positive reviews of him when these happened to us?

well, the only thing good about him was he is patient in explaining during consultation, he sounds gentle and friendly. that's it.

I'm not stopping anyone from going to prinya, i'm just sharing MY reviews which I wished i had knew earlier abt the past negative posts from sweetkisses and yours as well for the painful lipo so I will not even consider going to him! I blame myself for not having a thorough read thru of these 500+pages!

so pls dont write such ridiculous comments like I'm trying to defame prinya and promote other docs. this really demoralize people in trying to give their sincere review. I spent a bloody 1 hr typing that reviews for the 3 docs i've been to. i gain nothing!

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Post by boii18 » Mon, 12 May 2014 7:09 am

apologies for my rather acerbic comments!

becus there are really a lot of dr arthur moles here who are misinforming readers. to put it on record, dr arthur is NOT a board-certified plastic surgeon. feel free to ask him direcrtly this quesstion, and if you undergo a procedure under him under wrong information it is fraudulent misrepresentation.

yes dr prinya lipo is really painful and no sedation. when i went for another procedure he gave me a few Xanax pills but i was still wide awake.

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Post by sweetkisses » Tue, 13 May 2014 2:58 pm

envyme2 wrote:
boii18 wrote:These posts.. attacking dr prinya.. are they genuine, we are not sure. Are they geared towards shifting customers to Dr arthur in Medan?

Anyway dr arthur in medan IS NOT A PLASTIC SURGEON. he is a general practitioner who went for some short courses on cosmetic surgery. note he says he is a cosmetic surgeon but not a plastic surgeon. he is not a board-certified plastic surgeon. You do not see board certified(plastic surgery). you might see board certified (cosmetic surgery). any GP can enter some weeks-long course or months-long course and get a board certification in "cosmetic surgery"; the board is simply a group of aesthetic doctors who are interested in "cosmetic surgery". it is not an official national body.

I did my research; dr prinya is a plastic surgeon. however, i did lipo under him and it was so painful; it felt like the area was not anesthesized properly.. i keep shouting pain but he could do nothing.

i hope this clarifies some earlier doubts. the information is totally wrong. prinya is PS, and arthur is not.
hello excuse me boii18, before u want to doubt our posts, please kindly read again to understand the meaning behind my posts. how is that "shifting the customers towards dr arthur in medan"?!

I doubt u did read each and every word of my experience with him. I do not recommend him too because the results he did on me wasn't a satisfactory level and that I wasn't comfortable with him throughout my entire consultation till the end of my surgery.

moreover, i did talk about dr nara, how come it wasn't mentioned in your post if I am "promoting" him or "defaming" him?

yes sweetkisses is right, no one likes to waste the time posting negative reviews online! becos each time we post something negative, we are recollecting the painful memories.

and yes, you've done lipo with prinya too, you too know how PAINFUL it was! Exactly like the sedation and anesthesia wasn't injected enough. I cried painfully during the procedure but all prinya could do was to apologize while the nurse was allowing me to grab on their hands. that is how painful it was.

just when i thought that would be the worst, little did i know that my incision scarred badly and one of them was infected. i have to visit a doc in sg to clean them.

well for my aunt's double eye lid surgery? she complaint to me that she felt a little painful when he was cutting. same thing, its like the anesthesia wasn't injected enough.

her result was depressing and now that we are thinking where to go for her revision.

how do u think i would post positive reviews of him when these happened to us?

well, the only thing good about him was he is patient in explaining during consultation, he sounds gentle and friendly. that's it.

I'm not stopping anyone from going to prinya, i'm just sharing MY reviews which I wished i had knew earlier abt the past negative posts from sweetkisses and yours as well for the painful lipo so I will not even consider going to him! I blame myself for not having a thorough read thru of these 500+pages!

so pls dont write such ridiculous comments like I'm trying to defame prinya and promote other docs. this really demoralize people in trying to give their sincere review. I spent a bloody 1 hr typing that reviews for the 3 docs i've been to. i gain nothing!
Hello Envyme2,

If there is a like button here, i'll definitely hit it 100 times :) well written!

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Jesse Toh
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Post by Jesse Toh » Tue, 13 May 2014 9:28 pm

Anyone knows where to remove nasal implants cost effectively in Singapore? Desperate here...

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