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Plastic surgery in Thailand (Bangkok / Hatyai)

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Post by carapie » Sat, 09 Nov 2013 8:50 pm

AlexHill wrote:Hello,

I have been a silent reader for a long time. I just did double eyelid surgery, alarplasty & tip reduction surgery yesterday with Dr Prinya. My eyelids are very swollen & my alars keep bleeding.

It is too early to gauge the success of the surgery but I must say that Dr Prinya is a very nice & patient doctor. He will draw and explain the procedures in detail to you. On top of that, upon request he will show you pictures of his previous patients on his phone who underwent the same procedures so you know what to expect. He speaks English pretty well too.

What I find commendable is he won't try to recommend unneeded surgery and will even advice against it. I wanted to do implants on my nose but he said my bridge is already very high & I should opt for fillers instead.

It is really too early to say whether my surgeries were successful or not. But, I will try to update when I have the time.

ps. rossnyc is right. They do give you sleeping pills (among many pills) before your surgery. I don't know what is the purpose but I didn't sleep at all and he uses LA for all the procedures. I even drank some of it when he injected the sites for nose. :D
Hello Alex yay finally I found someone who've done double eyelid surgery with Dr Prinya! Really really looking forward to your update when you have the time :)

I'm going to Hatyai next year in May (already have a room at Hi Season Hotel from 18th to 20th May). Have an appointment with Dr Prinya for epicanthoplasty and double eyelid surgery, if there's anyone willing to go together as buddies that'd be great! :)

And btw if anyone's planning to go to Hatyai for surgery next year I suggest booking the hotels now.. Had a really hard time trying to find empty rooms when I tried to make reservations :( many of the better hotels like Centara or Golden Crown were already fully booked. But I've read that Hi Season has clean rooms with Wifi so it's okay I guess~

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Post by Pearllynn » Sun, 10 Nov 2013 8:54 pm

Sayyoyoyoo wrote:
Pearllynn wrote:
Sayyoyoyoo wrote:hi all last min decision to head over to Chi on the 30 for buccal fat pad removal and chin implant. anyone heading over this week too? I have done dbl eyelid with Nara earlier this year too.
Hey Sayyoyoyoo, would you mind to share with us your experience with Dr Nara for dbl eyelid? :)

Thanks :)
Hi sorry for the late reply. Hvnt being checking this forum forum for a while. I'm very satisfied with my eyelids now just hoping that the crease will go down some more. Don't get me wrong, the crease have really go down a lot since the day of my surgery. Good luck for your surgery :)
Thanks. :) Would you mind to share with me your double eyelid photo(eyes potion), pls? Thank you! :)
Be happy :)

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Dr Chi - jaypaek

Post by aireeru » Mon, 11 Nov 2013 4:56 pm

jaypaek wrote:Hello people!

I need help! I guess plastic surgery has it own way of making people addicted to being prettier.. ): I just finish my chin implant and now I want to correct my nose and I need help.

Now my current nose is like this.


I am ok with my nose bridge.

If I want to have a smaller nose tip, doesnt have to be sharper. Just smaller, dont want it to be round.. Is that process tip plasty or nose reduction?

If I just choose to do tip plasty without any implant, will it flatten my nose?

And I will definitely do alarplasty! But my main concern is after doing alarplasty, will the nose wing still be bulbous? or it will become flat?

Please help me ):

*Anyway, awesome chin implant from Dr Chi! This is post opp 3 weeks!*
Hi, can I know what was the price for the chin implant u did and how long did the operation took? Also have u done alarplasty?

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Post by AlexHill » Tue, 12 Nov 2013 2:30 am

sweetkisses. I am really sorry to hear about your experience with Dr Prinya.

Since I benefited from the information from this forum. I think it is only right if I contribute back in the only way I know how.

I read about Dr Prinya's questionable skills after I made the deposit 1 week before my surgery. But, I decided to go ahead with it anyway.

A little background.

I did my ptosis, epicanthoplasty & double eyelids at teiumps 3 years ago. It turned out so natural that everyone could tell I looked better but couldn't put their finger on it. But, it costed me 4.2 million won. (there was no tax in June 2011)

The reason why I went ahead with my surgery is because I was planning to revise it anyway. Revisions are more common than most people think. I know my attitude is terrible & wrong on many many levels.

Anyway, sorry for writing so much.

Long story short. I am very satisfied with my results. (Even though I am planning future tweaks and adjustments.)

Many friends have complimented me, & those who know about it keep asking me to recommend them to the clinic. (my close friend even said it was a good call on my part) While I was recovering, the locals kept asking me where I did my surgeries. (could be interpreted in numerous ways.)

His double eyelids techniques are pretty good if you have realistic expectations. The scars could take forever to fade if he removed a lot of skin. (Like in my case.) I had plenty of fears and insecurities while I was recovering. (I kept visiting this forum regularly, nearly obsessively)

I am equally satisfied with my alarplasty too, but my nasal tip reduction is a little disappointing. (I keep telling myself it is still a little swollen.)

ps. Is it me or are some of the pictures on Dr Prinya's website were lifted from Korean websites?

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Dr Prinya

Post by sweetkisses » Tue, 12 Nov 2013 3:26 pm

Hi Rossnyc,

I received your pm but I couldn't reply due to insufficient posts. I read about your bad experience with Dr Prinya before I went to him. The reason why I still go to him is because you are the only one who shared negative feedbacks on this site and since there are more positive than negative, I went ahead. I am still regretting my decision until this very moment. I couldn't even bring myself to take a selfie because my nostrils are just too unbalance. It is not just unbalance from the bottom view, it is extremely obvious even from my front view, especially in photos or when I smile. I have sent my photos to two surgeons in Bangkok and one of them said it is unbalanced because of the sewing technique. I have decided to have my nose revised next year when I am 3 months post op. I know it is better to wait till 6 months but until you see my nose, anyone will agree I should revise it as soon as possible.

I am not even a single bit exaggerating. Imagine I did rhinoplasty revision, chin implant and alarplasty with Dr prinya and I spent $980 excluding taxes for Dr JJ Chua to remove my chin implant that was slanted to the left and was also way too big for my face. I have to spend another $xxxx amount in Bangkok (have yet to decide which clinic) to correct my nostrils and slanting implant. All these are unnecessary if Dr Prinya did at least an acceptable job.

Well, as I have seen many people are happy with Dr Prinya, can I just say I am unlucky?

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Post by sweetkisses » Tue, 12 Nov 2013 3:39 pm

how do I insert an image here? I can share a photo of my nostrils (just nostrils only, nose bridge and face cropped away due to privacy) to everyone. I can't figure how to insert an image. Appreciate if anyone can help please? Tia~

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Post by cardiff » Fri, 15 Nov 2013 12:58 am

Anyone will be in Hatyai between 3-6 december? I will be there to visit Dr Prinya. :)

Also, anyone know where I can get compression suit for lipo surgery?

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Post by Theimperfectme » Fri, 15 Nov 2013 6:47 pm


I just got back from hatyai few days ago and going to share my experience while i was there

Day 1
Arrived at hatyai international airport around 2.20pm local time, meet up with several ladies from this forum so we can accompany each other and share accomodation. Took cab n went straight to hotel
Nothing much for first day, mostly looking around the area, and eat

Day 2
Met another girl to go together to dr prinya. Took tuk tuk to go to dr prinya's clinic.. The drivers didn't know the address when we show the map but after we told that we are going to dr prinya, they instantly know the address..
Got to the clinic before 9 am (very eager to be first in line lol). Since my appointment and another girl were on the next day we cannot see the doctor, only 1 girl with the appointed date can see the doctor and did her procedures. So we decided to go sight seeing and going to pick up our lady friend later when she is finished..
Till 12 pm nurse said she still on surgery, so we head to the market, buy some things and went back to hotel for a nap.. Suddenly a call from dr nara's clinic woke us saying they have a slot for us.. Rushed there, got my tummy lipo along with jaw botox and my friend got her nose job..
Back at hotel and the other lady friend had already went back to the hotel after her procedures at dr prinya
My tummy was swollen that night but no drainage leak, perhaps it was because the drainage was squished out before doc stitched me up. My friend's nose started to swollen, and my other friend from dr prinya was too tired and fell asleep before she can share her story

Day 3
All 3 went back to dr prinya oh and another (different girl from yesterday) joined us to go there. This time several ladies n men also have already lined up at the door, but since we have come there before and booked appointment the nurses let us to go in first. Consultation with dr prinya (very communicative doctor, english is much better than dr nara), wait for few hours till my turn for lipo arm and thigh. Doctor suggested traditional for arm and vaser for thigh (makes sense since he said the result will be smoother for thigh if did under vaser) but in the end i go for traditional lipo for both. Oh and got my chin filler, first he injected 1ml, and add some more for better result but he said i only need to pay for the price of 1ml!!

During lipo, mrs prinya (she's also a doctor) cannot find my vein for sedatives.. Injected the drainage liquid with local anesthesy mixed in it to my arm and thigh.. Was quite painful for the thigh, pain level 9/10.. Dr prinya kept saying he is sorry n wish he can give me more sedative but cannot due to my small vein (blame my vein for this lol), told the nurses to hold my hands during procedure.. I feel sorry for the nurse i hope her hands are alrite from being squished..
I can see the bruises on my thigh instantly after he stitch me up.. Went downstairs (operation room is on the 2nd floor), my 2 ladies friends are already waiting for me. I have to sit for a while because i felt dizzy.. Doc took 3 full jars of fat!!!! A bit surprised seeing that many fat can be sucked out from the arm an inner thigh only. Go back to hotel, going to rest for a bit before walking around when i started to leak!! Bad!!! Went to the bathroom n force myself to push the drainage out (bathroom floor looks like a murder scene).. After we are certain i can walk around without dripping, we went for dinner date with the other lady we met this morning, bought some bandage n all other medical supplies etc

Day 4
Getting ready to go back home, made 1 last visit to dr prinya for consultation, go back to hotel, look around for souvenirs and went to the airport

Till today my thighs were still bruising and i still walk like a robot, but the pain is bearable 2/10, whole body was swollen especially after i landed from my flight.. Note : good compression garment is a must! I use a slimming girdle when my compression garment were washed and i feel uncomfortable

The end. Some things are not mentioned bcause i forgot or to keep long story short, post here if want to know anything else and i will try to answer
Pps : dr nara and dr prinya are both good doctors.. I feel very safe on their hands

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Post by cardiff » Sat, 16 Nov 2013 12:11 am

Theimperfectme wrote:Hello,

I just got back from hatyai few days ago and going to share my experience while i was there

Day 1
Arrived at hatyai international airport around 2.20pm local time, meet up with several ladies from this forum so we can accompany each other and share accomodation. Took cab n went straight to hotel
Nothing much for first day, mostly looking around the area, and eat

Day 2
Met another girl to go together to dr prinya. Took tuk tuk to go to dr prinya's clinic.. The drivers didn't know the address when we show the map but after we told that we are going to dr prinya, they instantly know the address..
Got to the clinic before 9 am (very eager to be first in line lol). Since my appointment and another girl were on the next day we cannot see the doctor, only 1 girl with the appointed date can see the doctor and did her procedures. So we decided to go sight seeing and going to pick up our lady friend later when she is finished..
Till 12 pm nurse said she still on surgery, so we head to the market, buy some things and went back to hotel for a nap.. Suddenly a call from dr nara's clinic woke us saying they have a slot for us.. Rushed there, got my tummy lipo along with jaw botox and my friend got her nose job..
Back at hotel and the other lady friend had already went back to the hotel after her procedures at dr prinya
My tummy was swollen that night but no drainage leak, perhaps it was because the drainage was squished out before doc stitched me up. My friend's nose started to swollen, and my other friend from dr prinya was too tired and fell asleep before she can share her story

Day 3
All 3 went back to dr prinya oh and another (different girl from yesterday) joined us to go there. This time several ladies n men also have already lined up at the door, but since we have come there before and booked appointment the nurses let us to go in first. Consultation with dr prinya (very communicative doctor, english is much better than dr nara), wait for few hours till my turn for lipo arm and thigh. Doctor suggested traditional for arm and vaser for thigh (makes sense since he said the result will be smoother for thigh if did under vaser) but in the end i go for traditional lipo for both. Oh and got my chin filler, first he injected 1ml, and add some more for better result but he said i only need to pay for the price of 1ml!!

During lipo, mrs prinya (she's also a doctor) cannot find my vein for sedatives.. Injected the drainage liquid with local anesthesy mixed in it to my arm and thigh.. Was quite painful for the thigh, pain level 9/10.. Dr prinya kept saying he is sorry n wish he can give me more sedative but cannot due to my small vein (blame my vein for this lol), told the nurses to hold my hands during procedure.. I feel sorry for the nurse i hope her hands are alrite from being squished..
I can see the bruises on my thigh instantly after he stitch me up.. Went downstairs (operation room is on the 2nd floor), my 2 ladies friends are already waiting for me. I have to sit for a while because i felt dizzy.. Doc took 3 full jars of fat!!!! A bit surprised seeing that many fat can be sucked out from the arm an inner thigh only. Go back to hotel, going to rest for a bit before walking around when i started to leak!! Bad!!! Went to the bathroom n force myself to push the drainage out (bathroom floor looks like a murder scene).. After we are certain i can walk around without dripping, we went for dinner date with the other lady we met this morning, bought some bandage n all other medical supplies etc

Day 4
Getting ready to go back home, made 1 last visit to dr prinya for consultation, go back to hotel, look around for souvenirs and went to the airport

Till today my thighs were still bruising and i still walk like a robot, but the pain is bearable 2/10, whole body was swollen especially after i landed from my flight.. Note : good compression garment is a must! I use a slimming girdle when my compression garment were washed and i feel uncomfortable

The end. Some things are not mentioned bcause i forgot or to keep long story short, post here if want to know anything else and i will try to answer
Pps : dr nara and dr prinya are both good doctors.. I feel very safe on their hands
Thanks dear. That was so informative, very thankful that you shared your experience here with us, really :)

I am going to Dr Prinya's clinic really soon, in 3 weeks' time. However I am going alone and no one to really give me any advice. What compression garment do you recommend? Any general tips for a lady who is going there alone~? How do you bathe when the wounds are still healing?

btw, I heard post-op massage is a must for result to be effective. so remember to go for massage!

I wish you a speedy recovery and may you look really great with a new body soon!

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Post by Theimperfectme » Sat, 16 Nov 2013 8:40 am

Hiya, i used design veronique brand, but the clinic also sells compression garment there, or if u have your own girdle or other tight garment u can show it to the doc n ask for his advice.

For the first day u cannot take a shower so remember to bathe n wash the hair before surgery. After 1 or 2 days a waterproof plaster can be used to cover the stitches n bathe or no need for the waterproof plaster just make sure the stitches are dry and clean after each shower

Thank you for the wishes, yes massage is very important, i booked my first massage appointment on wednesday. If u can get someone to go with u especially if this is your first ps experience, what procedures u will do? Lipo on which area?

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Post by cardiff » Sat, 16 Nov 2013 10:51 am

Theimperfectme wrote:Hiya, i used design veronique brand, but the clinic also sells compression garment there, or if u have your own girdle or other tight garment u can show it to the doc n ask for his advice.

For the first day u cannot take a shower so remember to bathe n wash the hair before surgery. After 1 or 2 days a waterproof plaster can be used to cover the stitches n bathe or no need for the waterproof plaster just make sure the stitches are dry and clean after each shower

Thank you for the wishes, yes massage is very important, i booked my first massage appointment on wednesday. If u can get someone to go with u especially if this is your first ps experience, what procedures u will do? Lipo on which area?
Sigh Veronique is really expensive, what more I am doing so many areas. Haha.

I will be doing on chin, thigh, tummy and waist. Dr Prinya recommended vaser for chin, and the rest will be traditional.

Since you also did tummy and thigh, let me ask you! For the garment, did you buy thigh and tummy separately? Or you buy the whole suit? Do you get one size smaller for stage two garment?

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Post by Theimperfectme » Sat, 16 Nov 2013 11:52 am

Hello again

I got the suit for tummy n thigh (thigh length) but it u do consider the body suit and are doing thigh area, my suggestion is get the one to the calves or full ankle length.. Your calves will be swollen as a result of the thigh being compressed.. I still havent decided to buy the 2nd stage one, dunno what size to get because im still in my baloon shape
But if i am going to buy more compression garment i will choose the stage 1 with smaller size (easier to wear them thanks to the zipper)

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Post by cardiff » Sat, 16 Nov 2013 3:11 pm

Theimperfectme wrote:Hello again

I got the suit for tummy n thigh (thigh length) but it u do consider the body suit and are doing thigh area, my suggestion is get the one to the calves or full ankle length.. Your calves will be swollen as a result of the thigh being compressed.. I still havent decided to buy the 2nd stage one, dunno what size to get because im still in my baloon shape
But if i am going to buy more compression garment i will choose the stage 1 with smaller size (easier to wear them thanks to the zipper)
I read somewhere that you should get real Stage 2 garment because the zip is meant for changing of dressing at early stages after the op, and also stage 2 is more comfortable than the one with zip. How's the pain like during and after surgery? 10 being the most unbearable.

Take care~ I believe the massage will help a lot for reducing swelling based on what I heard.

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Post by Theimperfectme » Sat, 16 Nov 2013 5:48 pm

Yes stage 2 is also important but i cannot find a stage 2 body suit (the one that got arm sleeves), stage 2 gives more compression too.. Pain after surgery was like 2/10, i felt slight pain on the stitches if i make sudden movements or pressed the lipoed area, but so far i havent taken the painkillers provided

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Post by cardiff » Sat, 16 Nov 2013 8:53 pm

Theimperfectme wrote:Yes stage 2 is also important but i cannot find a stage 2 body suit (the one that got arm sleeves), stage 2 gives more compression too.. Pain after surgery was like 2/10, i felt slight pain on the stitches if i make sudden movements or pressed the lipoed area, but so far i havent taken the painkillers provided
Sorry dear. I believe this shall be the final question i have for you (i hope ><):

I am at and I'm wondering if I should be buying Sinecch (swelling and bruise reducer), pain killer and scar removal. Will these be provided at the clinic, or only the painkiller is provided?

thank you~!

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