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by Theimperfectme » Fri, 15 Nov 2013 6:47 pm
I just got back from hatyai few days ago and going to share my experience while i was there
Day 1
Arrived at hatyai international airport around 2.20pm local time, meet up with several ladies from this forum so we can accompany each other and share accomodation. Took cab n went straight to hotel
Nothing much for first day, mostly looking around the area, and eat
Day 2
Met another girl to go together to dr prinya. Took tuk tuk to go to dr prinya's clinic.. The drivers didn't know the address when we show the map but after we told that we are going to dr prinya, they instantly know the address..
Got to the clinic before 9 am (very eager to be first in line lol). Since my appointment and another girl were on the next day we cannot see the doctor, only 1 girl with the appointed date can see the doctor and did her procedures. So we decided to go sight seeing and going to pick up our lady friend later when she is finished..
Till 12 pm nurse said she still on surgery, so we head to the market, buy some things and went back to hotel for a nap.. Suddenly a call from dr nara's clinic woke us saying they have a slot for us.. Rushed there, got my tummy lipo along with jaw botox and my friend got her nose job..
Back at hotel and the other lady friend had already went back to the hotel after her procedures at dr prinya
My tummy was swollen that night but no drainage leak, perhaps it was because the drainage was squished out before doc stitched me up. My friend's nose started to swollen, and my other friend from dr prinya was too tired and fell asleep before she can share her story
Day 3
All 3 went back to dr prinya oh and another (different girl from yesterday) joined us to go there. This time several ladies n men also have already lined up at the door, but since we have come there before and booked appointment the nurses let us to go in first. Consultation with dr prinya (very communicative doctor, english is much better than dr nara), wait for few hours till my turn for lipo arm and thigh. Doctor suggested traditional for arm and vaser for thigh (makes sense since he said the result will be smoother for thigh if did under vaser) but in the end i go for traditional lipo for both. Oh and got my chin filler, first he injected 1ml, and add some more for better result but he said i only need to pay for the price of 1ml!!
During lipo, mrs prinya (she's also a doctor) cannot find my vein for sedatives.. Injected the drainage liquid with local anesthesy mixed in it to my arm and thigh.. Was quite painful for the thigh, pain level 9/10.. Dr prinya kept saying he is sorry n wish he can give me more sedative but cannot due to my small vein (blame my vein for this lol), told the nurses to hold my hands during procedure.. I feel sorry for the nurse i hope her hands are alrite from being squished..
I can see the bruises on my thigh instantly after he stitch me up.. Went downstairs (operation room is on the 2nd floor), my 2 ladies friends are already waiting for me. I have to sit for a while because i felt dizzy.. Doc took 3 full jars of fat!!!! A bit surprised seeing that many fat can be sucked out from the arm an inner thigh only. Go back to hotel, going to rest for a bit before walking around when i started to leak!! Bad!!! Went to the bathroom n force myself to push the drainage out (bathroom floor looks like a murder scene).. After we are certain i can walk around without dripping, we went for dinner date with the other lady we met this morning, bought some bandage n all other medical supplies etc
Day 4
Getting ready to go back home, made 1 last visit to dr prinya for consultation, go back to hotel, look around for souvenirs and went to the airport
Till today my thighs were still bruising and i still walk like a robot, but the pain is bearable 2/10, whole body was swollen especially after i landed from my flight.. Note : good compression garment is a must! I use a slimming girdle when my compression garment were washed and i feel uncomfortable
The end. Some things are not mentioned bcause i forgot or to keep long story short, post here if want to know anything else and i will try to answer
Pps : dr nara and dr prinya are both good doctors.. I feel very safe on their hands