anan0606 wrote:leggybabe wrote:Anan,
I have schdueled for epi with Dr. Chi too on next week.
I am so nervous and scared, can you share more on your epi procedure please?
Is the immediate wound very bad?
So Dr. Chi will sew up the epi wound or some
I will be going back to work on the 3rd day, hopefully the swelling by then..
Can I get your help to email me the immediate after photos to me at
[email protected]
Thank you so much for your kindness!!
I dont have the after ops pics, i've just emailed you my 8th day post op pic!
immediate wound very bad?
- the wound is covered with small small white pieces of 'something like sticker'
going back to work on the 3rd day, hopefully the swelling by then
- i doubt the swelling will subside much on the 3rd day but you might want to buy Sinecch to minimize on the bruising and swelling.
Thank you for your compliment via email. (i reply you here so i can also share my experience for all to see)
I am not sure which method Dr Chi used. It doesnt matter to me at that point of time since i know i am still going to do it anyway.
Dr Chi's english is perfectly fine, we might have difficulties understanding his accent only. He is indeed a nice Dr. He doesnt pressure you to do anymore then u ask for and explain all my questions patiently.
Even for my BA, i actually wanted a C but after measurement and some issue about my breast tissue, he recommend a B for me and i took his advise. I'm glad i took his advise thus i am well and able to get out of bed the 2nd day.
Since you have done double eyelid before, dont need to be nervous or scared, it is almost the same procedure.
Wish you speedy recovery after the ops.