you can try ordering online @ makemeheal.comturnerdhr wrote:how do we get Arnica Montana in Singapore? i looked at Guardian but they don't sell. Anyone seen it at other pharmacies? SinEcch is just a branded form of Arnica Montana. so anyone?beautyqueen_wanaB wrote:aadvark wrote: hmmm, it's still worrying that a lot of ppl have not read up on the post-op healing process....
10 days for major swelling to go away, 3 mths for most micro swelling to disappear, and 6 mths for most shapes to be roughly finalised... more pineapples to deswell, papayas to fight infection, preferably started on a course of sinnech prior to op
if u r still in thailand, do approach any pharmacy for an extra course of antibiotics, just in case u get infection then u no need to go gp, just start one new course... just tell the pharmacy u just had PS... cheap insurance...
no worries abt getting thru thai customs, my head swelled to twice it size on 2 occasions and they didn't bat an eyelid
sorry to bother u..but how normal is norma? i do know everyone has different downtime and all but its almost 2 weeks n my eyes still look lik day 1 surgery..cant open it fully n my entire eyelid is still numb thou most of e swelling has more or less subside =(
i took my sineech looking for arnica montana in singapore..=((
but similarly they haf in a couple of pharmacies in SG under e brand NELSONS.
its called ARNICARE. i bought mine from watsons.lik20plus SGD~