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Post by beautyqueen_wanaB » Wed, 13 Apr 2011 7:47 pm

turnerdhr wrote:
beautyqueen_wanaB wrote:
aadvark wrote: hmmm, it's still worrying that a lot of ppl have not read up on the post-op healing process....

10 days for major swelling to go away, 3 mths for most micro swelling to disappear, and 6 mths for most shapes to be roughly finalised... more pineapples to deswell, papayas to fight infection, preferably started on a course of sinnech prior to op

if u r still in thailand, do approach any pharmacy for an extra course of antibiotics, just in case u get infection then u no need to go gp, just start one new course... just tell the pharmacy u just had PS... cheap insurance...

no worries abt getting thru thai customs, my head swelled to twice it size on 2 occasions and they didn't bat an eyelid

sorry to bother u..but how normal is norma? i do know everyone has different downtime and all but its almost 2 weeks n my eyes still look lik day 1 surgery..cant open it fully n my entire eyelid is still numb thou most of e swelling has more or less subside =(
i took my sineech looking for arnica montana in singapore..=((
how do we get Arnica Montana in Singapore? i looked at Guardian but they don't sell. Anyone seen it at other pharmacies? SinEcch is just a branded form of Arnica Montana. so anyone?
you can try ordering online @
but similarly they haf in a couple of pharmacies in SG under e brand NELSONS.
its called ARNICARE. i bought mine from watsons.lik20plus SGD~

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Post by koleicai » Thu, 14 Apr 2011 3:00 am

boii18 wrote:my nose implant 2 year plus almost 3 year no extrusion

is good quality

sometime depend on doctor and skill, placement and quality of implant

Hi there, how would we know when extrusion occur... Tis is my 2nd mth but i m so afraid there is extrusion... Please advise.. Thanks

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Post by turnerdhr » Thu, 14 Apr 2011 1:41 pm

beautyqueen_wanaB wrote:
turnerdhr wrote:
beautyqueen_wanaB wrote:
sorry to bother u..but how normal is norma? i do know everyone has different downtime and all but its almost 2 weeks n my eyes still look lik day 1 surgery..cant open it fully n my entire eyelid is still numb thou most of e swelling has more or less subside =(
i took my sineech looking for arnica montana in singapore..=((
how do we get Arnica Montana in Singapore? i looked at Guardian but they don't sell. Anyone seen it at other pharmacies? SinEcch is just a branded form of Arnica Montana. so anyone?
you can try ordering online @
but similarly they haf in a couple of pharmacies in SG under e brand NELSONS.
its called ARNICARE. i bought mine from watsons.lik20plus SGD~
hi beauty queen, do you know which Watsons has ARNICARE?

which one did you got to?
"Botox anyone?"

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Post by beautyqueen_wanaB » Fri, 15 Apr 2011 1:00 am

hi beauty queen, do you know which Watsons has ARNICARE?

which one did you got to?[/quote]

they shld haf in most i guess..i ask my mum to go to great world to help me get..dun wana scare ppl by leaving e house..
u can go on watsons webbie to get e number..any branch jus call n ask their pharmacist.dun get e store num..get watson pharmacy num..diff line~at least they knw their products better coz whn my mum went,e pharmacist ws on break n e scv staff there knws nothing..@,@

btw,u did ur nose only?

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Post by macaronincheeze » Fri, 15 Apr 2011 2:08 am

Hi everybody, I had check with Dr. Putti and Dr. Chi, both of them don't do Tipoplasty.

Dr. Putti more daring, my Rhino only did for 3 months and he says it can be redo even after 2 months.

Dr. Chi more safety come first, he wants me to send me my past photos in all angle and after Rhino operation photos. (which I had send but he still ask me to send (>.<)||| LOLx

So now I have to resend to Dr. Chi and ask him on advise but he takes ages to reply lor..

I will follow by a call after I email Dr. Chi. His english is not as good as Dr. Putti so if you wanna email him, maybe you can type in more layman term.

I will update more detail.


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Post by boii18 » Fri, 15 Apr 2011 11:54 am

koleicai wrote:
boii18 wrote:my nose implant 2 year plus almost 3 year no extrusion

is good quality

sometime depend on doctor and skill, placement and quality of implant

Hi there, how would we know when extrusion occur... Tis is my 2nd mth but i m so afraid there is extrusion... Please advise.. Thanks

extrusion unlikely unless ur doc is no good. my nose 3 years almost is still ok.


anyway, sign of extrusion is redness and/or pain. there may be no pain and it just extrudes. there's redness and inflammation at the sharpest point of the medial tip. other symptoms may transpire such as pain but not necessary.

and soon, the implant will poke out of the skin

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Post by yumikonista » Sat, 16 Apr 2011 2:05 am

Had just emailed dr.chi these few days and had postponed my appoinment at 22nd april. Anybody travelling at this time? :)

Btw dr.chi mentioned in his email dat he's outstation from 13-19th april. so he's not available at these time;)

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Post by boii18 » Sat, 16 Apr 2011 7:50 am

yumikonista wrote:Had just emailed dr.chi these few days and had postponed my appoinment at 22nd april. Anybody travelling at this time? :)

Btw dr.chi mentioned in his email dat he's outstation from 13-19th april. so he's not available at these time;)
hi darling my appointment is on the 20th april and i am flying out of hatyai on the 21st april :)

im just consulting him thats all. you doing surgery?

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Post by yumikonista » Sat, 16 Apr 2011 9:05 am

boii18 wrote:
yumikonista wrote:Had just emailed dr.chi these few days and had postponed my appoinment at 22nd april. Anybody travelling at this time? :)

Btw dr.chi mentioned in his email dat he's outstation from 13-19th april. so he's not available at these time;)
hi darling my appointment is on the 20th april and i am flying out of hatyai on the 21st april :)

im just consulting him thats all. you doing surgery?
Hi yea im doing epi, blepharoplasty & alar. So i'll stay 1 or 2 days there. My appoinment is at noon 22 april. :) :D So do you plan to stay over for surgery? :)

So do you plan to stay over for surgery? :)

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asymmetrical eyelid =(

Post by xuaniie89 » Sat, 16 Apr 2011 4:02 pm


im one month post epi and blepharoplasty with Dr nara. My friend did hers tgt, and it was perfect, symmetrical.

Right after the surgery i realised the incision were one high and one low, uneven height. Nurses told me its due to swelling. But i think there is an obvious difference angle in arch.

Back to singapore, now 1 month post surgery, my crease are still uneven though the swell of both eyes are same. The one with higher incision, my eyelashes were poking out real bad.

When i close my eyes, the incisions were obviously different height.
My scars at epi is terribly protruding out though it cant be really seen from the pics. They are actively growing annd spreading out. And my eyes cant be closed fully when i sleep, its really painful every morning.

So depressed. I have hence resigned because i dont even dare to step out of hse now.

Anybody experienced such case? It is impossible that Dr Nara cant see the asymmetrical incision right? I really need some help..


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Post by boii18 » Sat, 16 Apr 2011 7:27 pm

yumikonista wrote:
boii18 wrote:
yumikonista wrote:Had just emailed dr.chi these few days and had postponed my appoinment at 22nd april. Anybody travelling at this time? :)

Btw dr.chi mentioned in his email dat he's outstation from 13-19th april. so he's not available at these time;)
hi darling my appointment is on the 20th april and i am flying out of hatyai on the 21st april :)

im just consulting him thats all. you doing surgery?
Hi yea im doing epi, blepharoplasty & alar. So i'll stay 1 or 2 days there. My appoinment is at noon 22 april. :) :D So do you plan to stay over for surgery? :)

So do you plan to stay over for surgery? :)
haha,i will only be coming to hatyai in the afternoon on wednesday afternoon, and then will leave hatyai on thursday afternoon too....

i will be sleeping over at hatyai's airport, but u want we can proceed to do some sight-seeing together before night-fall when i'll sleep at hatyai airport

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Post by marson83 » Sun, 17 Apr 2011 11:13 am

beautyqueen_wanaB wrote:hi beauty queen, do you know which Watsons has ARNICARE?

which one did you got to?
they shld haf in most i guess..i ask my mum to go to great world to help me get..dun wana scare ppl by leaving e house..
u can go on watsons webbie to get e number..any branch jus call n ask their pharmacist.dun get e store num..get watson pharmacy num..diff line~at least they knw their products better coz whn my mum went,e pharmacist ws on break n e scv staff there knws nothing..@,@

btw,u did ur nose only?[/quote]

You can call Rachel, I think she is selling Sineech (Arnica Montana).
Last edited by marson83 on Sun, 17 Apr 2011 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Pandemonium » Sun, 17 Apr 2011 3:14 pm

Today is the 10th day after my surgery with dr chi.

I did lip reduction, brow bone implant and rhino+ alar with him.
I must say his skills is not good after all.

Dr Chi said he will use stitches that are dissolvable.
But for my lip reduction, I can see the stitch on my lower lip which is so long, dangling down on my lip. The other side of my lip has a transparent string-like line, which must be the stitch. So the stitch are not even dissolvable.
For alar, he did not cut any flesh(weird), he just squeeze the excess fats to the middle ( tip ) and stitch it for it to stay in shape. Both my nostril have obvious stitches and I need to go to a doc to remove them!

I don't really recommend people to go for brow bone implant ( very rare procedure ) as it changes your eyes expression totally, and your head will swell up and hurt extremely bad when you are washing your hair.

Dr Chi is fine otherwise for his professionalism, advices and the price.

I will be going to remove all my implants soon. Wasted 3.5k+ SGD for nothing. An expensive lesson I learnt..

Good luck everyone!
Life is a misery.

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Hi Jared

Post by marson83 » Sun, 17 Apr 2011 10:33 pm

jared86 wrote:
Pandemonium wrote:I had my nose done 3 days ago, it is very swollen and I noticed a lot of blackheads are accumulating on my nose, SO DISGUSTING.
Anyone can teach me what to do? I dont dare to squeeze it as I am afraid of pain..

Someone help please, there are so many blackheads growing, before that is normal de. :(

Use those 3m brand stick blackhead de loh.. Den no need squeeze Liao.. :)

Hi Jared, how is your condition? I would like to know your implant & alar result.

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Post by boii18 » Sun, 17 Apr 2011 11:22 pm

Pandemonium wrote:Today is the 10th day after my surgery with dr chi.

I did lip reduction, brow bone implant and rhino+ alar with him.
I must say his skills is not good after all.

Dr Chi said he will use stitches that are dissolvable.
But for my lip reduction, I can see the stitch on my lower lip which is so long, dangling down on my lip. The other side of my lip has a transparent string-like line, which must be the stitch. So the stitch are not even dissolvable.
For alar, he did not cut any flesh(weird), he just squeeze the excess fats to the middle ( tip ) and stitch it for it to stay in shape. Both my nostril have obvious stitches and I need to go to a doc to remove them!

I don't really recommend people to go for brow bone implant ( very rare procedure ) as it changes your eyes expression totally, and your head will swell up and hurt extremely bad when you are washing your hair.

Dr Chi is fine otherwise for his professionalism, advices and the price.

I will be going to remove all my implants soon. Wasted 3.5k+ SGD for nothing. An expensive lesson I learnt..

Good luck everyone!
hi darling

transparent stitches are dissolvable...

hope to help..

what do you think about his sense of beauty?

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