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Post by aadvark » Fri, 11 Mar 2011 3:34 am

wannabeplasticteen wrote:I guess I will wait a week and see what happens? I think that will be the wiser choice rather than rushing into a removal just post-op 2 days. Might sound silly to say remove an implant post-op 2 days, but sometimes you can just feel that something is really wrong.
lol, if it's your first time doing PS, then there's no way to 'feel' if it's wrong... not unless u r in the habit of stuffing foreign objects into your body :S

i was super depressed the first time i did PS, i did eyes nose chin and swelled like a freak... i felt i disfigured myself and i was whining to my friends for days from hatyai... my hp bill cost a bomb... i threatened to burn down Nara's clinic a few times...

there's just no way to prepare yourself looking like that even if u have seen a thousand post-op pix
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Post by aadvark » Fri, 11 Mar 2011 3:44 am

wannabeplasticteen wrote:yeah! I thought he should know what he's doing, but I don't think he chose L because he wanted to go for a 'natural' effect'!! I think he chose it for the maximum impact. Plus its the type with wings! I think those kind is more suitable for a male. My face is really LONG now.

Dr. Nara told me I didnt need a chin implant, shit, should have listened to him. I contacted a doc in SG regarding removal. It costs $800! I dont have that much money at the moment.

Aiya, I dont know. I am really stressed out. I dare not look at my family in the eye because I am so afraid they will find out. I rushed back home and went straight into my room when i touchdown from the flight. I can't sleep because I am so stressed.
if ur family finds out, i think shld just let them know, quite hard to hide for so long, cos like i mentioned above, 2 weeks just for major swelling to be gone... and also, be prepared to have friends, family tell u that it looks unnatural, it looks ugly etc, that u wasted money to disfigure urself etc...

sgporean mentality i suppose, we as a lot are not very supportive... but mths down the rd, when it finally all looks ok, u might be pleasantly surprised... and u might get hit on much more frequently too, lol!
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Post by wannabeplasticteen » Fri, 11 Mar 2011 4:36 am

Oh maaaan. Aadvark, do you know how happy and reassured you have made me?

Thank you soooo much for your words of encouragement. I really sincerely thank you! *cyberhug*

My incision was intra-oral and yes, I do look freakish at the moment, I don't wanna say this but I resemble some woman hungry ghost kinda look now. Hahahaha. Really freakish. But after hearing what you've said, really put me at ease. I can't thank you enough.

Thanks a lot. I'll try to get through this. It's really life-changing, and I want to thank all the help this forum has given me. But for now, I think I've dabbled more than enough into the plastic surgery world. Although this entire journey was for me to improve my looks, with a little bit of insecurity and self-hatred mixed in, I've come to a realisation that I should appreciate the beauty that I already have and be happy with it.

I've learnt a lot from this journey and although it came with the cost of post-op swelling, I learnt to love myself.

Sounds a little er... cheesy, but yeah.

I don't know how long I can keep it from friends and family, but they will definitely notice the difference. And it scares me to be confronted with this.

But I guess this is all part of the journey.

Alright, I'm gonna go get some sleep and hopefully wake up looking like a normal person. *crosses fingers*

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Alarplasty Standalone Procedure

Post by marson83 » Fri, 11 Mar 2011 11:47 am

May I know, if anyone of you ever did Alarplasty Standalone Procedure?

I sent an email to Dr Nara but Ling Ling replied "Only alarplasty does not work must include implant procedure.

Look forward to hear from you guys soon.

Thanks :)

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Post by wannabeplasticteen » Fri, 11 Mar 2011 5:38 pm

Hi everyone. If you've been reading this forum, then you'll know about my mini-episode about my chin implant.

Well, I got mine removed a few hours ago. I am sooo relieved. I have never been so relieved and happy.

The thing about the chin implant was that it was GINORMOUS (it was an L size with wings), and yes yes, I know everyone has been telling me about the swelling and whatnot, but really, I could tell if the swelling went down I wouldn't like it AT ALL. My natural face shape round. And even though we all know the ideal shape is an oval, forcing my facial features to blend with that... isn't exactly a good idea.

I called up a local doc and pleaded for a removal at a price that I can afford. With the help of some friends, I got the implant removed. The process was quite tedious because Dr. Chi had used screws to get the implant to stay in place, the local doc was not expecting that. And the local doctor was pretty shocked at the size of the implant (well, that's kinda a given because local doctors tend to look down on Hat Yai doctors - lets face it, SG doctors are rather smug)

Yes. It was a foolish thing for me to go get a chin implant at $750 and then spend another few hundred trying to get the implant out just a few days later. But I have learnt from my mistake. And right now, I really feel this overwhelming feeling of self-acceptance and I feel fine just the way I am.

It is a pity to waste the money just like that. Put in implant, then extract it out a few days later. But I'm going to treat this as a life lesson - a very hefty life lesson for a poor student like me.

I am not going to say ALL chin implants are going to turn out they way mine did. I definitely think chin implants are here for a good reason, they add balance to your face, but only in the right amounts administered.

Dr. Chirayut is a good man. I can't deny that, even though I did not like the chin implant he gave me. I do like him. The thing is, he doesn't rule his practice with an iron hand like how Dr. Nara does it.

My only advice I can give from this experience is; don't be too ambitious. You can't magically morph into Megan Fox through surgery. Embrace what you already have. Each of you are perfectly imperfect, but you don't realise it. It's difficult to put it through to those who constantly seek perfection and the best in their appearances (which was what I was going for). I was silly and naive. And I guess this was a mistake that I had to commit to really learn from.

I'm a few hours post-removal. The shape of the implant is still there, but definitely a MILLION times more natural looking. It's not so harsh anymore and humungous anymore.

I hope what I have wrote in this forum has helped someone out there, but for now this wannabeplasticteen is retiring from a "wanna-be plastic teen" to just being herself.

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Post by turnerdhr » Fri, 11 Mar 2011 11:06 pm

wannabeplasticteen wrote:Hi everyone. If you've been reading this forum, then you'll know about my mini-episode about my chin implant.

Well, I got mine removed a few hours ago. I am sooo relieved. I have never been so relieved and happy.

The thing about the chin implant was that it was GINORMOUS (it was an L size with wings), and yes yes, I know everyone has been telling me about the swelling and whatnot, but really, I could tell if the swelling went down I wouldn't like it AT ALL. My natural face shape round. And even though we all know the ideal shape is an oval, forcing my facial features to blend with that... isn't exactly a good idea.

I called up a local doc and pleaded for a removal at a price that I can afford. With the help of some friends, I got the implant removed. The process was quite tedious because Dr. Chi had used screws to get the implant to stay in place, the local doc was not expecting that. And the local doctor was pretty shocked at the size of the implant (well, that's kinda a given because local doctors tend to look down on Hat Yai doctors - lets face it, SG doctors are rather smug)

Yes. It was a foolish thing for me to go get a chin implant at $750 and then spend another few hundred trying to get the implant out just a few days later. But I have learnt from my mistake. And right now, I really feel this overwhelming feeling of self-acceptance and I feel fine just the way I am.

It is a pity to waste the money just like that. Put in implant, then extract it out a few days later. But I'm going to treat this as a life lesson - a very hefty life lesson for a poor student like me.

I am not going to say ALL chin implants are going to turn out they way mine did. I definitely think chin implants are here for a good reason, they add balance to your face, but only in the right amounts administered.

Dr. Chirayut is a good man. I can't deny that, even though I did not like the chin implant he gave me. I do like him. The thing is, he doesn't rule his practice with an iron hand like how Dr. Nara does it.

My only advice I can give from this experience is; don't be too ambitious. You can't magically morph into Megan Fox through surgery. Embrace what you already have. Each of you are perfectly imperfect, but you don't realise it. It's difficult to put it through to those who constantly seek perfection and the best in their appearances (which was what I was going for). I was silly and naive. And I guess this was a mistake that I had to commit to really learn from.

I'm a few hours post-removal. The shape of the implant is still there, but definitely a MILLION times more natural looking. It's not so harsh anymore and humungous anymore.

I hope what I have wrote in this forum has helped someone out there, but for now this wannabeplasticteen is retiring from a "wanna-be plastic teen" to just being herself.
hmmmm....... interesting.... which doc did you go to? is he a specialist plastic surgeon or a general surgeon?

would you be able to PM me your pic before removal? i wanted to see the result of the wing implant...
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Post by wannabeplasticteen » Sat, 12 Mar 2011 1:26 am

I went to a plastic surgeon. Can general surgeons do it too? I didn't shop around for surgeons, I googled and called up one at Gleneagles as I want to get it removed ASAP.

Either way, what's done is done. I'm happy that I got it removed, no matter what surgeon I went to.

I'm sorry, but I don't have pictures. The best comparison I can give is if you think big wide chin à la Heidi Montag ... with an asian face.

I would think Gong Li's face shape would be a perfect example of how a chin implant with wings will turn out to be like. Stunning woman with a gorgeous face, right? Well, as inspiring as she is, I think the main factor you have to take into consideration is if it blends in with the rest of your features... and maybe don't jump to an L sized implant.

Perhaps if I waited it out for de-swelling, I might've turn out pretty darn gorgeous too. But in all fairness, I do think I am
pretty darn gorgeous just the way I am, round faced, slight receeding chin and all.

Actually, I've heard of restylane injections for the chin. And although this idea may not appeal to you, because the result is impermanent and rather expensive to keep up. I think perhaps if anyone is seeking a permanent chin implant to try out those restylane injections first. Just to get a feel on how you might turn out; how much projection you actually need etc. Just a thought.

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Post by aadvark » Sat, 12 Mar 2011 3:33 am

wannabeplasticteen wrote:Hi everyone. If you've been reading this forum, then you'll know about my mini-episode about my chin implant.

Well, I got mine removed a few hours ago. I am sooo relieved. I have never been so relieved and happy.

The thing about the chin implant was that it was GINORMOUS (it was an L size with wings), and yes yes, I know everyone has been telling me about the swelling and whatnot, but really, I could tell if the swelling went down I wouldn't like it AT ALL. My natural face shape round. And even though we all know the ideal shape is an oval, forcing my facial features to blend with that... isn't exactly a good idea.

I called up a local doc and pleaded for a removal at a price that I can afford. With the help of some friends, I got the implant removed. The process was quite tedious because Dr. Chi had used screws to get the implant to stay in place, the local doc was not expecting that. And the local doctor was pretty shocked at the size of the implant (well, that's kinda a given because local doctors tend to look down on Hat Yai doctors - lets face it, SG doctors are rather smug)

Yes. It was a foolish thing for me to go get a chin implant at $750 and then spend another few hundred trying to get the implant out just a few days later. But I have learnt from my mistake. And right now, I really feel this overwhelming feeling of self-acceptance and I feel fine just the way I am.

It is a pity to waste the money just like that. Put in implant, then extract it out a few days later. But I'm going to treat this as a life lesson - a very hefty life lesson for a poor student like me.

I am not going to say ALL chin implants are going to turn out they way mine did. I definitely think chin implants are here for a good reason, they add balance to your face, but only in the right amounts administered.

Dr. Chirayut is a good man. I can't deny that, even though I did not like the chin implant he gave me. I do like him. The thing is, he doesn't rule his practice with an iron hand like how Dr. Nara does it.

My only advice I can give from this experience is; don't be too ambitious. You can't magically morph into Megan Fox through surgery. Embrace what you already have. Each of you are perfectly imperfect, but you don't realise it. It's difficult to put it through to those who constantly seek perfection and the best in their appearances (which was what I was going for). I was silly and naive. And I guess this was a mistake that I had to commit to really learn from.

I'm a few hours post-removal. The shape of the implant is still there, but definitely a MILLION times more natural looking. It's not so harsh anymore and humungous anymore.

I hope what I have wrote in this forum has helped someone out there, but for now this wannabeplasticteen is retiring from a "wanna-be plastic teen" to just being herself.
Glad that you are happier now :) the post-op process can be a crazy experience, and for girls, i think it's much tougher to deal with, with society pressure and all to look good...

for me, i just told myself, screw it, i'm a guy, i shall conc on my job if i am really disfigured and i stopped looking in the mirror for abt 2 mths...
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Post by koleicai » Sat, 12 Mar 2011 8:35 am

Hi ppl i done my rhinoplasty and i m back to sg nw.. Waiting for the de swell.. When to the kuldech clinic to check the clinic out.. Many tranny say it gd and cheaper. It very near dr nara just take tutu over 40baht 2 person. But doctor nt in so we just go back dr nara.. Btw where is the dr chi clinic and wat the name...

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Post by turnerdhr » Sat, 12 Mar 2011 8:48 pm

wannabeplasticteen wrote:Hi everyone. If you've been reading this forum, then you'll know about my mini-episode about my chin implant.

Well, I got mine removed a few hours ago. I am sooo relieved. I have never been so relieved and happy.

The thing about the chin implant was that it was GINORMOUS (it was an L size with wings), and yes yes, I know everyone has been telling me about the swelling and whatnot, but really, I could tell if the swelling went down I wouldn't like it AT ALL. My natural face shape round. And even though we all know the ideal shape is an oval, forcing my facial features to blend with that... isn't exactly a good idea.

I called up a local doc and pleaded for a removal at a price that I can afford. With the help of some friends, I got the implant removed. The process was quite tedious because Dr. Chi had used screws to get the implant to stay in place, the local doc was not expecting that. And the local doctor was pretty shocked at the size of the implant (well, that's kinda a given because local doctors tend to look down on Hat Yai doctors - lets face it, SG doctors are rather smug)

Yes. It was a foolish thing for me to go get a chin implant at $750 and then spend another few hundred trying to get the implant out just a few days later. But I have learnt from my mistake. And right now, I really feel this overwhelming feeling of self-acceptance and I feel fine just the way I am.

It is a pity to waste the money just like that. Put in implant, then extract it out a few days later. But I'm going to treat this as a life lesson - a very hefty life lesson for a poor student like me.

I am not going to say ALL chin implants are going to turn out they way mine did. I definitely think chin implants are here for a good reason, they add balance to your face, but only in the right amounts administered.

Dr. Chirayut is a good man. I can't deny that, even though I did not like the chin implant he gave me. I do like him. The thing is, he doesn't rule his practice with an iron hand like how Dr. Nara does it.

My only advice I can give from this experience is; don't be too ambitious. You can't magically morph into Megan Fox through surgery. Embrace what you already have. Each of you are perfectly imperfect, but you don't realise it. It's difficult to put it through to those who constantly seek perfection and the best in their appearances (which was what I was going for). I was silly and naive. And I guess this was a mistake that I had to commit to really learn from.

I'm a few hours post-removal. The shape of the implant is still there, but definitely a MILLION times more natural looking. It's not so harsh anymore and humungous anymore.

I hope what I have wrote in this forum has helped someone out there, but for now this wannabeplasticteen is retiring from a "wanna-be plastic teen" to just being herself.

sorry, i have to disagree.... i got interested in PS after seeing the transformation of DAWN YANG. It proves and shows you can look good through PS. Also, the ladyboys in Bangkok aren't looking too bad themselves.... it shows the skills of Thai Surgeons...
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Post by ahappycamper » Sun, 13 Mar 2011 7:51 pm

koleicai wrote:Hi ppl i done my rhinoplasty and i m back to sg nw.. Waiting for the de swell.. When to the kuldech clinic to check the clinic out.. Many tranny say it gd and cheaper. It very near dr nara just take tutu over 40baht 2 person. But doctor nt in so we just go back dr nara.. Btw where is the dr chi clinic and wat the name...
Chi's clinic is called Phi Beauty clinic. It's right on suparangsan rd, next to a dentist office. It has a pink/purpleish sign. I am going there tomorrow. Can you tell me where the Kuldech clinic is? I would like to go check it out tomorrow. Like what hotel is it next to, and the street? It is impossible for me to find stuff here because of the language barrier. I must have walked past Dr. Chi's clinic 5 times before noticing it.

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Post by johanxxxx » Mon, 14 Mar 2011 12:18 am

i have just found a PS in BKK which perform korean style rhinoplasty

any1 knows abt it????

Pls help!

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Reviews on Dr Chuang bleopharoplasty

Post by Worries » Mon, 14 Mar 2011 3:15 am

Hi Lacey, I'm Irene I'm new in this forum, I had been trying to contact u regarding bleopharoplasty with Dr Chuang and I had PM u last 2 weeks. I had seen ur photo before n after photo done by Dr Chuang.I like it so much to e extend I went to dr Chuang n show him I want this type of eyelid. I ever did my double eyelid in Singapore but it's not symmatical so I did my revision with Dr Chuang in last Jan.However,this time was worst than before, I had a double eyelid incision with epi surgery, now already 2mths yet my eyelid now open eyes 5mm height looks high n fake,thus my epi scar still quite obvious. Can I check with u how long u take to subside n regain the natural look? Even e photo of ur 10 days result although still swollen but still look much than my current look. I'm I facing a failure result? Pls advise. Thank u
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Post by Fishball » Mon, 14 Mar 2011 11:57 am


I just confirm my appt with Dr Chi for Rhinoplasty & maybe Alar, could someone please tell me which hotel is the nearest to his clinic.

Thanks in advance.

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Post by ahappycamper » Mon, 14 Mar 2011 2:22 pm

Fishball wrote:Hi,

I just confirm my appt with Dr Chi for Rhinoplasty & maybe Alar, could someone please tell me which hotel is the nearest to his clinic.

Thanks in advance.
Hotel closest is Wangnoy hotel, walk is less than 1 minute. I am currently staying here right now. The room is air conditioned, very clean, fridge. Only con is there is construction and sometimes it gets very noisy during the day fmor hammers and nails. Cost is 600 Baht per night.

Another hotel is down the road about 5 minute walk for 400 baht I think, air conditioned, and 290 baht for fan only. It looks pretty ghetto and rusty but I think its fine if you want to save money. No fridge either.

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