Someone in forum removed his implant with Dr Hong Soo Wan in 2008. You may wish to check out with the clinic. ... -3060.html
Joined: 30 Jun 2008
Posts: 63
Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 6:18 pm Post subject:
Hi all finally taken out my implant so relieved and happy to see my old nose... Ok today had day off so call Dr Hong and asked for price of removal... Price is reasonable so heck why not? I went down for consultation and doctor told me I got a strong nose that is pretty well done... But I told this new nose of mine does not really complement my features...
So went ahead with the surgery and I was put under LA not even asleep! Wa when he injected the LA needles into my nose it was soooo painful! Tears kept dripping and I asked why he don't want to put me to sleep? He told me its just a minor procedure and sedation is not required.. Which I realized after the op he is right... Took out the implant and it was actually very small only... Thickness only 3mm... And he commented wa your nose bridge so high already so put implant... We both laughed about it and I came to a conclusion that my natural bridge is already very nice... I was greedy for more and regretted it... Learnt my lesson by paying school fees... So anyone want to do rhino can ask me first... I will give you good advice... Don't take the wrong road like me... Waste time waste money...
But I'm not deterred by this episode... I had a long discussion with the doctor and we both came to a conclusion that I shld lenghten my tip and raise my alar to have a good looking nose... And leave the bridge alone...