Thanks macaronincheeze for replying.
Ya I was thinking of the seafood there too.....
Ok, here are the things I would like to know:
1. Did you take any pre-op Supplements & Vitamins, like this
2. How is your feeling when they did your lipo? I mean do u know anything or feel the tug and pull when Dr. did for u? Or were u on GA?
3. Did u have a speedy healing on your wounds? How long it takes to heal?
4. Which area(s) did you do?
5. Do you tink is ok to do chin, arms, abdomen, thighs & buttock at one go? I left out my back cos worried I cant sleep well if I do my back too?
Oh, btw, Dr. Nara is a lady or man huh?

Till now I still dunno but saw some addressed "her", some "him"....
Is he/she very good in Lipo? Cos I tot of gg there for my back next yr...
Lastly, how many incision did u hv & where?