Hi mint_leaf, I just went for stitch removal today(post op day 6). It feels a little pain though.mint_leaf wrote:Hi Ddelusionss,
Mind telling me which doctor u went for the stitch removal. ? Is he a
PS or a GP ? Do you feel pain during the stitch removal. Cos I am doing my Rhino & Alar in 2 months times.
Thanks yea..
Epi stitches especially, cos very near the eyes.
For nose not so painful as my alar stitches are at the side of my nose.
Inner nostrils stitches are dissolvable in the nose.
The doc says that I should have gone earlier maybe yesterday cos I'm healing fast and some of the stitches are stuck beneath my skin..yikes
I went to a normal clinic and it costs 50 bucks.
Ddelusionss, how much is your cost ?