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Plastic surgery in Thailand (Bangkok / Hatyai)

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Post by Blur » Thu, 07 Jan 2010 3:55 pm

May i check with all friends here, when you book the ticket for tiger air to hat yai, do u all tick the $10 insurance thingy?

I am booking now and doesn't know if i should tick it..

Thank you soo much if you can advise me... hehehe

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Post by aadvark » Fri, 08 Jan 2010 2:32 am

Mintan wrote: ... 74477.html

CEO dies after plastic OP

I am now convinced that the area of plastic surgery is a highly risky thing. The police documentated the case as an unnarural death and is passing the case over to the coroner.

I give up my pursuit of beauty in the area of plastic surgery. No more ops. :o
we did mention many times in the forum, lipo runs the highest risk of death compared to a nose job or boob job, hence i really recommend everyone exercise instead
Next: Forehead augmentation, botox, RF

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Post by purpur_her » Fri, 08 Jan 2010 8:40 pm

Hi ppl! I going to hatyai on the march to do a nose surgey, still deciding Dr Nara or Dr Patt to do though. haa! Anyone care to join me?

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Tokai Clinic - Dr. Pat

Post by turnerdhr » Sat, 09 Jan 2010 11:56 am

Mintan wrote:Is there any thailand surgeon that speciales in transexual surgery of the body figure that you guys know of ?

I want to have the figure similar to a ladyboy of Thai because they are very sexy. How to achieve slimer waist? I wanted improvement from the waist region all the way curving down to my hips......, I want to be sexy like them.

My bf also like big boobs, i am considering having a boobs surgery as well. I wanted a Thai surgeon that specializes in tranvertites' surgeries of the body, whom transform males into beautiful female contours, I have seen the ladyboys in Sg and find them very sexy. I feel abit inferior to them . Sigh! Can anyone help ?

Can anyone help me to find thailand Surgeon who is good with figures of woman , with strong emphasis on sexiness of the woman's contour ?

I saw some amazingly beautiful ladyboys at Dr. Pat's clinic, so i figure he must be pretty good in his surgical skills. I could only tell they were guys because of their voices and their leg hair! it was so surreal.... Aesthetically, they were close to perfection.

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Post by lushes » Sat, 09 Jan 2010 2:30 pm

Greenies wrote:lushes n changeinme, pls hold on there and be strong k. when nara did my epi he keep on tell me need to give it more time to heal n be patient. he said epi definately will have scar just tht it will fade slowly over time. ning told me the same thing also.

i look at my eyes now they are not 100% same but i hope as time goes they will heal nicely to be more similar.i have 2 very different eyes to begin with. 1 longer n smaller den the other 1 shorter n rounder. im telling myself not to look too much into the mirror n scrutinize my face. pls be optimistic n look at the bright side k. maybe it wasnt as bad as u thought. jia you!!! we will become pretty de!! :)

Hi greenies ^^Thank u, i am being stronger day by day now don worry .. kinda stop being obsessed with my eyes now and no more feeling guilty for my self . Its still swollen now and its been near to 2 months since i did epi . Can anyone tell me what is the longest time for the swollen eyes to subsides? The lump is fading its redness but ppl can see the lump and redness frm near la.. but from far it looks normal i guess.Kensan told me to apply scar cream (which is what she did) It helps the redness , dont know about the lump la. One last thing greenies, may i know how long has it since op now?

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Post by Greenies » Sat, 09 Jan 2010 2:36 pm

hi lushes!! good to hear from you. mine is coming 1month soon. healing slow down alot already it's almost stagnant now. i dun even bother to take picture now. lazy.. haha..

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Post by lushes » Sat, 09 Jan 2010 2:49 pm

perfectcut22 wrote:Hey babe

i didn't had epi but i did my alar, chin and breast implant with nara. I don't know anythin about epi but i had friends who did eyelid ops and their's look very very disastrous for the first few months. Now trust me they are beautiful!!!

I am sure you must be scared and frustrated now. Depression sure sets in. You know, we are what we feel and think sometimes. I am not saying that once you think you're ok means that you'll be ok but i think with a positive and optimistic mind, i am sure things will be better.

I seen your photos, i dunno why many thinks that it's so bad cuz to me i think it's just the post op. seriously when my friend did her eyes at yanhee i was with her. Her eyes looked so disgusting. Once again i have got not experience with epi but i just want to tell you to jia you from the bottom of my heart.

Don't give up yet. some ppl heal slower. give it time to heal.

Jia you jia you...
changeinme wrote:
lushes wrote:[quote="changeinme]

Thanks changeinme for ur advice and and knowledge..Unfortunately for me my epi scar is different from yours , its way deeper :( , and it didnt improve a single bit :( .. I couldnt care bout the scarring less , cuz theres always laser but its the epi fold that nara cut on me im worried about .... its totally uneven and whats worst its unrevisional ? My left eye was cut way too deep , the epi was way too sharp at the edge while my right one lost the Z shape and was oval .. but i quite like it that way ... i couldnt help feeling sad for myself . Went to the doctor just now , he said that my scar is deep too ... ask me to pray hard this few weeks that it might heal , or i have to go to a plastic surgeon again :( Looking back I really missed my eyes now ...and christmas is coming
Looks like we're in the same boat. I am thinking of going to Taiwan or Korea for revision in 6 months if my eye shape doesn't change or improve. Yea you can't get the epicanthal fold back but epicanthoplasty can be revised afterall its kinda like pulling your skin in different directions to modify the inner corner of the eye. I've researched a lot since I went through the same situation with the epi. I think Nara's epi skills are either a hit or miss. I haven't heard anyone who's satisfied with the epi at this stage. Trust me my epi scars was the exact same as yours. I can see the Z-plasty scar. The photo quality ain't that good but trust me look at the same spot where your depressed scar is and imagine that being as deep as yours cos the stitch was sitting there. It went away. It's kinda lumpy when I touch it now. Instead of it staying depressed it became a bit raised. I think it's just swelling around your eye area. Hell I even had bloody scabs. Did you experience that?

Look at this link. Not for faint hearted.
That was me with my eyes closed after 6 days. I wanted to die. Cried really hard too. My family has been really supportive so that helps. Everyone here was supportive and it kinda helped me a little. I think I'm developing obsessive compulsive disorder with my eyes. I still regret doing the procedure. My epi's not sharp at all. One side squarish one side semi-sharp. It's still like this now. My left eye also looks way bigger than the right. It's not that bad when you only look at the eyes but when you look at my face they look like 2 different eyes. One's big and other ones smaller. Nara might've overcorrected my left eye and opened it more which is now making me look like I have slight ptosis on my right.

BTW whats that piece of meat there? I'm confused. Was it there before?

Yea christmas and my birthday on NYE. I never had this problem with my first surgery you know. I was out and about in 2 weeks.

Ello perfectcut22.. Thank you for your concern :) Yeah I was really scared and depressed at first , but it couldnt help because my eyes post op are so fugly and i really feel disgusted even looking at myself at first!! I am so obsessed and worried bout my eyes at first , even look at the mirror while driving (pls dont follow) . I even feared to go out , hide in my house for few weeks and turn down every frens outing , that was how DOWN i am:). Now i am way pass that stage of fear , am more calm now . And haven been checking my eyes every 5 minutes for a long time . Its near to 2 months now since my op . Cross fingers i'll eventually heal fast like :) Yes JIA YOU !

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Post by lushes » Sat, 09 Jan 2010 2:49 pm

perfectcut22 wrote:Hey babe

i didn't had epi but i did my alar, chin and breast implant with nara. I don't know anythin about epi but i had friends who did eyelid ops and their's look very very disastrous for the first few months. Now trust me they are beautiful!!!

I am sure you must be scared and frustrated now. Depression sure sets in. You know, we are what we feel and think sometimes. I am not saying that once you think you're ok means that you'll be ok but i think with a positive and optimistic mind, i am sure things will be better.

I seen your photos, i dunno why many thinks that it's so bad cuz to me i think it's just the post op. seriously when my friend did her eyes at yanhee i was with her. Her eyes looked so disgusting. Once again i have got not experience with epi but i just want to tell you to jia you from the bottom of my heart.

Don't give up yet. some ppl heal slower. give it time to heal.

Jia you jia you...
changeinme wrote:
lushes wrote:[quote="changeinme]

Thanks changeinme for ur advice and and knowledge..Unfortunately for me my epi scar is different from yours , its way deeper :( , and it didnt improve a single bit :( .. I couldnt care bout the scarring less , cuz theres always laser but its the epi fold that nara cut on me im worried about .... its totally uneven and whats worst its unrevisional ? My left eye was cut way too deep , the epi was way too sharp at the edge while my right one lost the Z shape and was oval .. but i quite like it that way ... i couldnt help feeling sad for myself . Went to the doctor just now , he said that my scar is deep too ... ask me to pray hard this few weeks that it might heal , or i have to go to a plastic surgeon again :( Looking back I really missed my eyes now ...and christmas is coming
Looks like we're in the same boat. I am thinking of going to Taiwan or Korea for revision in 6 months if my eye shape doesn't change or improve. Yea you can't get the epicanthal fold back but epicanthoplasty can be revised afterall its kinda like pulling your skin in different directions to modify the inner corner of the eye. I've researched a lot since I went through the same situation with the epi. I think Nara's epi skills are either a hit or miss. I haven't heard anyone who's satisfied with the epi at this stage. Trust me my epi scars was the exact same as yours. I can see the Z-plasty scar. The photo quality ain't that good but trust me look at the same spot where your depressed scar is and imagine that being as deep as yours cos the stitch was sitting there. It went away. It's kinda lumpy when I touch it now. Instead of it staying depressed it became a bit raised. I think it's just swelling around your eye area. Hell I even had bloody scabs. Did you experience that?

Look at this link. Not for faint hearted.
That was me with my eyes closed after 6 days. I wanted to die. Cried really hard too. My family has been really supportive so that helps. Everyone here was supportive and it kinda helped me a little. I think I'm developing obsessive compulsive disorder with my eyes. I still regret doing the procedure. My epi's not sharp at all. One side squarish one side semi-sharp. It's still like this now. My left eye also looks way bigger than the right. It's not that bad when you only look at the eyes but when you look at my face they look like 2 different eyes. One's big and other ones smaller. Nara might've overcorrected my left eye and opened it more which is now making me look like I have slight ptosis on my right.

BTW whats that piece of meat there? I'm confused. Was it there before?

Yea christmas and my birthday on NYE. I never had this problem with my first surgery you know. I was out and about in 2 weeks.

Ello perfectcut22.. Thank you for your concern :) Yeah I was really scared and depressed at first , but it couldnt help because my eyes post op are so fugly and i really feel disgusted even looking at myself at first!! I am so obsessed and worried bout my eyes at first , even look at the mirror while driving (pls dont follow) . I even feared to go out , hide in my house for few weeks and turn down every frens outing , that was how DOWN i am:). Now i am way pass that stage of fear , am more calm now . And haven been checking my eyes every 5 minutes for a long time . Its near to 2 months now since my op . Cross fingers i'll eventually heal fast :) Yes JIA YOU !

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Post by lushes » Sat, 09 Jan 2010 2:55 pm

Greenies wrote:hi lushes!! good to hear from you. mine is coming 1month soon. healing slow down alot already it's almost stagnant now. i dun even bother to take picture now. lazy.. haha..
haha me too didnt take pic for a long time liao xD ur eyes swollen badly now huh?

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Post by lushes » Sat, 09 Jan 2010 3:13 pm

Is it okay to apply make up /bb cream on the epi spot post op? Any make-up tips for the swollen eyes to make it more natural? My birthday is coming le,very anxious ..

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Post by Greenies » Sat, 09 Jan 2010 3:20 pm

lushes wrote:
Greenies wrote:hi lushes!! good to hear from you. mine is coming 1month soon. healing slow down alot already it's almost stagnant now. i dun even bother to take picture now. lazy.. haha..
haha me too didnt take pic for a long time liao xD ur eyes swollen badly now huh?
mine still swollen but it looks more like panda eyes coz of the brown eyelid. look like those torn nites never sleep eyes.

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Post by Greenies » Sat, 09 Jan 2010 3:24 pm

lushes wrote:Is it okay to apply make up /bb cream on the epi spot post op? Any make-up tips for the swollen eyes to make it more natural? My birthday is coming le,very anxious ..
im thinking of the exact same thing also! need to get scar cream, bb cream n concealer to do some cover up. i googled to check and most websites says it's ok to apply make up after wound cover up that is like 1 week after.
btw.. are u using any eye cream? i dun dare to apply anything on the eyelid not even moisturiser. thts y thinking of getting the scar cream.

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Post by lushes » Sat, 09 Jan 2010 3:45 pm

Greenies wrote:
lushes wrote:Is it okay to apply make up /bb cream on the epi spot post op? Any make-up tips for the swollen eyes to make it more natural? My birthday is coming le,very anxious ..
im thinking of the exact same thing also! need to get scar cream, bb cream n concealer to do some cover up. i googled to check and most websites says it's ok to apply make up after wound cover up that is like 1 week after.
btw.. are u using any eye cream? i dun dare to apply anything on the eyelid not even moisturiser. thts y thinking of getting the scar cream.
Yeah i checked too , it says it is okay to apply make up after few weeks after op. I started applying scar gel after a few days taking out the stiches. If u think scar gel is too much , u can apply aloe vera gel which is more friendly to skin

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Post by jamie82 » Sat, 09 Jan 2010 6:07 pm

Mintan wrote:Is there any thailand surgeon that speciales in transexual surgery of the body figure that you guys know of ?

I want to have the figure similar to a ladyboy of Thai because they are very sexy. How to achieve slimer waist? I wanted improvement from the waist region all the way curving down to my hips......, I want to be sexy like them.

My bf also like big boobs, i am considering having a boobs surgery as well. I wanted a Thai surgeon that specializes in tranvertites' surgeries of the body, whom transform males into beautiful female contours, I have seen the ladyboys in Sg and find them very sexy. I feel abit inferior to them . Sigh! Can anyone help ?

Can anyone help me to find thailand Surgeon who is good with figures of woman , with strong emphasis on sexiness of the woman's contour ?
I doubt anyone here can really help, your best bet is to ask the ladyboys themselves straight up - if you've been to patpong in bangkok or Orchard Towers (I seen quite a few there when going to kumar's comedy club just ask around there) there's alot of 'em there. I think baht or SGD talks - I'm sure they'll sit down and share with you.

I don't think its possible to get their figures since they really have boyish teenaged type of figures and whatever curves you see is probably pumped silicon.

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Post by Mintan » Sun, 10 Jan 2010 1:33 am

Last edited by Mintan on Thu, 18 Nov 2010 1:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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