most painful part is my right eye epi coz its the smaller eye. my 2 eyes got diff shape n size. the rest of the pain is bearable. my nose swell mostly on 2nd n 3rd day after tht deswell mostly by the time i come back. eyes swell n bruise only on the double eyelid part. now deswell alot liao. weird thing is yesterday i came back i feel ok den this morning wake up i got some bruise at lower outer corner of my right eye. today day 6 liao still will get bruise de huh??
anyway.. first day at nara saw a 64yr old woman doing eyelift. very motivating lor.. her friends recommended her there. i saw her friends too. mid age and their ps look very natural.
the nite before i came back, went for checkup with nara n saw 2 ladies there doing lipo n eyelift. the ladies said their doctor friend did eye n nose with nara n recommended them there. they are both doctors also lor!!