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Post by jamie82 » Fri, 20 Nov 2009 4:08 am

changeinme wrote:
i've booked in an appointment with singapore eye centre's opthamologist for next thursday. i'll have to go in for an assessment. hopefully she can address my corcerns to swelling and a problem with scar tissue. hopefully i wouldn't have to go for a revision i would be devastated if so. i mean we have to wait at least 6 months before going through with it and after this nightmare i really doubt i'll be considering anymore surgery on my eye area.

anyone has any advice on this?
I think you're doing the right thing to see an eye doctor - revision is tricky and its best to see a specialist for it. I really feel for you.

Its difficult to tell at the moment but if the problems of closing your eye are not due to swelling - then it might be some levtator muscle thing? The medical term for it I think is upper eyelid scleral show - its part of a complication from anything to eyelid surgery like in your case to even botox accidentally being injected into your eyelid muscle.

In most cases its due to early post surgical swelling.

Like here you can read doctor's responses.. this person's problems was 6 weeks in. ... haroplasty

The best thing to assure your fears is to see an eye specialist. The national eye center has great doctors but I tend to find national eye center rather rushed (the load of patients is really too high since they're short of manpower - one of their top doctors also passed away in an accident recently) and the appointments spaced too far away.

I think having been what you been through you might want something alot more thorough.

Anyways, rather than to ramble further I'd say there is this doc I saw before to remove a cyst (not for eyelid stuff though) and he used to be from the eye center and one of their top guys who focus on eyelids surgery...

I'd urge you to check him out. Maybe more pricey since he has clinics in mt. E and suntec but consultations would be alot more comprehensive - he really answers all your questions without clock-watching - he even started talking to my dad patiently about ptosis when my dad got curious.

I'm sure as well there are other eyelid specialists out there - you might want to ask your family GP for recommendations in the private sector.

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Post by aadvark » Fri, 20 Nov 2009 12:42 pm

This article sounds suspiciously like Kalo in JB

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Post by aadvark » Fri, 20 Nov 2009 12:42 pm

This article from AsiaOne sounds suspiciously like Kalo in JB


Businesswoman, 36, loses nipples during boob removal

Fri 20 Nov 2009

By Zalinah Noordin

Believing that having her breasts removed could fulfil her lifelong wish of becoming a "man", a 36-year-old businesswoman ended up losing her nipples too.

The woman who wished to be known as Sam developed a bad infection which left her with a major scar after the botched cosmetic surgery at a beauty salon. On top of that, she ended up RM24,000 ($9,854.40) poorer.

Tired of being teased by her colleagues and friends, Sam had gone to a beauty salon in Subang in May to get the surgery done.

She also revealed that she had always felt like a man as she grew up with two elder brothers and wanted to be like them.

"I was told that the surgery would cost RM12,000 with an additional RM3,500 to beautify my body," she said after seeking help at the MCA Public Services and Complaints Department in Kuala Lumpur yesterday,

Sam paid up and was told to go to a clinic in Johor where surgery was done since the centre in Subang only did beauty treatment. She was promised that a specialist surgeon from China would do the job.

"However, when I spoke to the "surgeon", I found out he was a local and seemed unsure of what I was in for," said Sam.

Despite her nagging doubts, Sam still ahead with the procedure and it was all done in a few hours.

"I was discharged on the same day of the surgery and did not suspect anything amiss as my chest was wrapped in a bandage," she said.

A constant searing pain proved too much for her to bear and Sam was horrified to find both her nipples missing after she removed the bandage a week later. She also found that the wounds were infected as the area was swollen and pus was flowing out.

After the operation, she was not given any antibiotics or pills to take.

Thinking that it was a temporary condition, Sam went to seek medical treatment in Singapore. The infection cleared up but she still felt some pain.

Sam claimed that she later called up the beautician and demanded a refund including her medical fees and the beautician had initially agreed to it.

However, the salon operator changed her mind about giving a refund and challenged Sam to bring the case to court.

A police report was lodged at the Subang Jaya Police Station as Sam claimed that she was also constantly harassed and threatened by the salon operator and her partner.

MCA Public Services and Complaints Department head Datuk Michael Chong said that he would assist Sam in her legal suits against the beautician and advised people to check the credentials of beauticians and so-called plastic surgeons.
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Post by Miffy_2452 » Fri, 20 Nov 2009 1:33 pm

aadvark wrote:i'm not sure if nara is trying to catch up with the times, but i wld be hesitant to be the first few to let a doc try new ops on me, when he has had not enough experience yet with that new op...

a good cook might not bake as well as he cooks, if u catch my analogy

anyway, changeinme, i replied your PM, i hope it's due to swelling, because swelling does occur differently in different ppl, and even on diff parts of the body... my right lid was much more swollen than my left lid when i did it

do take more supplements, wun recommend applying much on the scar, think eating supplements wld interfere less with the scarring... and from experience, u need to give it 2-3 weeks for the swelling to go away b4 u can properly assess the result
Hey, Aadvark, can I have your email address coz I wanna ask ur opinion about my nose? I cant pm you since I am a newbie :oops: Thank you

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Post by Ebony » Fri, 20 Nov 2009 6:23 pm

Hi, i will be going to Hatyai on dec. Is Dr Puttisak good on Rhinoplasty? Greatly appreciate the help and info.

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Post by changeinme » Fri, 20 Nov 2009 10:46 pm

jamie82 wrote:
changeinme wrote:
i've booked in an appointment with singapore eye centre's opthamologist for next thursday. i'll have to go in for an assessment. hopefully she can address my corcerns to swelling and a problem with scar tissue. hopefully i wouldn't have to go for a revision i would be devastated if so. i mean we have to wait at least 6 months before going through with it and after this nightmare i really doubt i'll be considering anymore surgery on my eye area.

anyone has any advice on this?
I think you're doing the right thing to see an eye doctor - revision is tricky and its best to see a specialist for it. I really feel for you.

Its difficult to tell at the moment but if the problems of closing your eye are not due to swelling - then it might be some levtator muscle thing? The medical term for it I think is upper eyelid scleral show - its part of a complication from anything to eyelid surgery like in your case to even botox accidentally being injected into your eyelid muscle.

In most cases its due to early post surgical swelling.

Like here you can read doctor's responses.. this person's problems was 6 weeks in. ... haroplasty

The best thing to assure your fears is to see an eye specialist. The national eye center has great doctors but I tend to find national eye center rather rushed (the load of patients is really too high since they're short of manpower - one of their top doctors also passed away in an accident recently) and the appointments spaced too far away.

I think having been what you been through you might want something alot more thorough.

Anyways, rather than to ramble further I'd say there is this doc I saw before to remove a cyst (not for eyelid stuff though) and he used to be from the eye center and one of their top guys who focus on eyelids surgery...

I'd urge you to check him out. Maybe more pricey since he has clinics in mt. E and suntec but consultations would be alot more comprehensive - he really answers all your questions without clock-watching - he even started talking to my dad patiently about ptosis when my dad got curious.

I'm sure as well there are other eyelid specialists out there - you might want to ask your family GP for recommendations in the private sector.
hi jamie82 thanks for the advice i will check him out. i got a reply from nara he reassured me that everything was fine and it was the swelling causing the problem. i'm still going to consult an opthamologist i suppose i just need reassurance

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Post by changeinme » Fri, 20 Nov 2009 11:09 pm

aadvark wrote:i'm not sure if nara is trying to catch up with the times, but i wld be hesitant to be the first few to let a doc try new ops on me, when he has had not enough experience yet with that new op...

a good cook might not bake as well as he cooks, if u catch my analogy

anyway, changeinme, i replied your PM, i hope it's due to swelling, because swelling does occur differently in different ppl, and even on diff parts of the body... my right lid was much more swollen than my left lid when i did it

do take more supplements, wun recommend applying much on the scar, think eating supplements wld interfere less with the scarring... and from experience, u need to give it 2-3 weeks for the swelling to go away b4 u can properly assess the result
hi aadvark thanks for the reply. i'm getting kelo-cote for my epi scars they're so prominent right now its getting kinda worrisome. do you not recommend scar creams? i heard kelo-cote is pretty darn awesome from the reviews i've read off

also i've got a question for you. i'm not sure if you've had epi performed with nara. i kinda hate that theres a slight asymmetry on the epi. i like the left eye but the right eye seems a little under corrected. when i pull my skin out towards the nose bridge it achieves symmetry.

anyone who did epi have this problem? also i can't stop tearing in both eyes. omg i'll be sitting here and tears will be welling up and dripping down my face. its very annoying.

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Post by lotion » Sat, 21 Nov 2009 2:20 am

hi momoko,

cant reply to ur pm as not enuff posts. puttisak quoted me 45000 including 1 night stay. i tink its pretty cheap and he's experienced too so i took up the offer. lee gardens plaza hotel is fully booked so i will stay at kosit.

i didnt know if it feels natural or watsoever but i tink it doesnt matter after i looked thru at yahoo sites whereby they showcase celebs wif b4 and after boob job. even megan fox has got herself one!

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Post by sasa05_ » Sat, 21 Nov 2009 11:59 am

Been back to work on thursday (post op day 12) wearing thick frame glasses, everyone was like "why you wearing glasses?"
The 1st person i saw upon reaching office was my exec, he kind of stared at me for a min, it was only on fri after he knew I went for double eyelids surgery that he told me he found me looking different when I was back but could not pin point what was exactly wrong.

My workshop manager came to my desk to discuss something with me and ask "why you wearing glasses?"
i turned around and looked at him...

then he looked for a while and said "take out yr glasses lei"
I push it up and he looked for say about 10 secs?
then he exclaimed "YOU GO CUT DOUBLE EYELIDS AH?!" in chinese :lol:
then i scrunched up my face and give the (why you say so loud) face....
then he said very loudly again "WHY? I TALKED TOO LOUD HUH?"
My office, is open concept type, it was hilarious... :lol:

I wasnt angry, i mean it was just a matter of time before people know and I'm on very good terms with him.
To me, it's my life, my face, my eyes, my $.
As long as I'm happy, it doesn't matter if other people want to judge.
Even if people judge, they're not important to me, why should their comments affect me right? :P

Then on fri, i practically took out my glasses most of the time cos i wasn't feeling comfortable with it. But when i leave office to go lunch/toilets, i wore it.
Didnt want to frighten people with my super panda eyes lined with 2 fatty worms :lol:

Everything's going well. Although the eyelids are fat and black, I know they'll disappear eventually...
Anyway to bring the colour back to normal faster?
I looked as if I'm being punched in the eyes badly :P

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Post by sasa05_ » Sat, 21 Nov 2009 12:43 pm

Hi Changeinme,

Had read through your posts and experience with Dr Nara.
I was there from 7th-10th nov doing double eyelids and liposuction.
My gf did liposuction. We stayed till 14th Nov.
We were impressed with him.

Envyme and huskyjude had voiced out their experience and mine was quite smiliar with theirs, if not better.
I'm sorry to know that you didn't had a good experience.

As for your eyes, did you only notice the "opening" after taking out stitches or it was there once it's done?
As Aadvark had mentioned, it might be due to swelling.
I'm 2 weeks post-op and they're still very swollen, might be due to the fact i smoke so healing takes longer.
Sometimes, suddenly I'll just find the eyelids very tight, can't open fully.

I never had epi done but I think it's not possible for 2 sides of the body to be symmetrical.
Just like our body (w/o any surgery) is also never the same size, one side will definitely be bigger than the other.
fingers, wrist, feet, breasts etc..
I guess this is how the term "tua suay liap" comes about. hahaha :lol:

Esp you're now in the healing stage, everyone heals differently.
different sides of body heals at different rates too.
I personally also do feel that my right eye is under-corrected compared left eye.
But I trust Dr Nara and I know that it's only 2 weeks post op, it's too early to tell the final results.
It might just be because my right heals slower than left side.

I hope everything goes well for you.
Have a speedy recovery and keep us updated. :)

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Post by angelfern » Sat, 21 Nov 2009 1:09 pm

sasa05_ wrote:Been back to work on thursday (post op day 12) wearing thick frame glasses, everyone was like "why you wearing glasses?"
The 1st person i saw upon reaching office was my exec, he kind of stared at me for a min, it was only on fri after he knew I went for double eyelids surgery that he told me he found me looking different when I was back but could not pin point what was exactly wrong.

My workshop manager came to my desk to discuss something with me and ask "why you wearing glasses?"
i turned around and looked at him...

then he looked for a while and said "take out yr glasses lei"
I push it up and he looked for say about 10 secs?
then he exclaimed "YOU GO CUT DOUBLE EYELIDS AH?!" in chinese :lol:
then i scrunched up my face and give the (why you say so loud) face....
then he said very loudly again "WHY? I TALKED TOO LOUD HUH?"
My office, is open concept type, it was hilarious... :lol:

I wasnt angry, i mean it was just a matter of time before people know and I'm on very good terms with him.
To me, it's my life, my face, my eyes, my $.
As long as I'm happy, it doesn't matter if other people want to judge.
Even if people judge, they're not important to me, why should their comments affect me right? :P

Then on fri, i practically took out my glasses most of the time cos i wasn't feeling comfortable with it. But when i leave office to go lunch/toilets, i wore it.
Didnt want to frighten people with my super panda eyes lined with 2 fatty worms :lol:

Everything's going well. Although the eyelids are fat and black, I know they'll disappear eventually...
Anyway to bring the colour back to normal faster?
I looked as if I'm being punched in the eyes badly :P

HaHaHa, your post is so hilarious. Make my day!

Ya, don't care about those kay pohs, they like to exclaim loudly in mandarin "you go GE SHUANG YAN PI AH?"
Total strangers like librarian & fruit stall auntie, sigh, I just nodded & quickly fled before they continue with " where, how much, why, how etc" questions, followed by their criticisms.

I think having gone through this, I've learnt to be sensitive to people's feelings, Sometimes, it's obvious that something is done so don't purposely stare rudely & ask so loudly, then when we answered their queries, they start to judge and criticise.

Luckily your lipo areas are covered, don't tell them. :P
Last edited by angelfern on Sat, 21 Nov 2009 10:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by sasa05_ » Sat, 21 Nov 2009 1:52 pm

angelfern wrote:HaHaHa, your post is so hilarious. Make my day!

Ya, don't care about those kay pohs, they like to exclaim loudly in mandarin "you go GE SHUANG YAN PI AH?"
Total strangers like librarian & fruit stall auntie, sigh, I just nodded & quickly fled before they continue with " where, how much, why, how etc" questions, followed by their criticisms.

I think having gone through this, I've learnt to be sensitive to people's feelings, Sometimes, it obvious that something is done so don't purposely stare rudely & ask so loudly, then when we answered their queries, they start to judge and criticise.

Luckily your lipo areas are covered, don't tell them. :P
Actually, they can see my garments cos I need to be in uniform which is short sleeves.
A few colleagues asked. I just told them it's for shapewear.
Wear for a long period of time then can slim down. hahaha :P

Then while having smoke break yesterday, workshop manager ask if the Dr who did my eyes does correction of eyes.
He has a bit of squinting. (crude form is cock-eye lah)
I told him I don't think so cos this Dr is a cosmetic surgeon.
I think this will falls more into eye specialist area?
Any idea if there's a corrective surgery for this? :?

Tonight will have another round of questions and remarks as I'll be having dinner with mum, sis and 1 aunty and her family. :lol:

And as I mentioned, here's the pic of the hotel bed the following morning after arms lipo.
Bloody murder scene... hehehe :lol:
** those with weak heart, please don't click. :P

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Post by changeinme » Sat, 21 Nov 2009 2:20 pm

hi sasa05 thanks for sharing your experience with me. the reason as to why i'm worried is cos its a revisional surgery. hopefully it's the swelling causing the problem. i'm not sure if i was able to close my eye fully before the sutures were removed. i only realised i couldnt close my eyes when i took a photo of myself to see the crease when closed. i almost died. does it make a difference? can you explain your theory please? i've bought some skin tape to stick my eyelids down when i sleep so it doesn't damage my cornea.

i really pray its due to swelling and it well get better. for now i'm more worried about the epi scars. my left reveals more tear duct is the wound surface has developed into either keloid or a hyperthropic scar. impatiently waiting for my kelo-cote order to arrive this monday. dying at the moment. it's slightly raised and shiny. it looks damn obvious but nara advised that epi scars takes about 6 to 12 months before it will get better. i thank god i'm a girl and i sure as hell need to get good grade long stay concealer for the scars.

i've upload photos of my left and right eye's asymmetry and you can see the difference in epi and know what i mean exactly. to be honest i wish i didn't get epi done. its irreversible i suppose now looking at my old photos i kinda miss my epicanthal fold. dying right now. maybe its all part and parcel of the healing process. i honestly hope all this will pass and 2 months later i hope i'll be back here thankfully praising dr nara's for my new eyes.

Left Eye

Right Eye - Notice how the left lid stretches out and the right lid doesn't creating an unnatural round eyed look

Right Eye stretched out with finger achieves more symmetry with eyelids

Before Surgery

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Post by changeinme » Sat, 21 Nov 2009 2:34 pm

sasa05_ wrote:
angelfern wrote:HaHaHa, your post is so hilarious. Make my day!

Ya, don't care about those kay pohs, they like to exclaim loudly in mandarin "you go GE SHUANG YAN PI AH?"
Total strangers like librarian & fruit stall auntie, sigh, I just nodded & quickly fled before they continue with " where, how much, why, how etc" questions, followed by their criticisms.

I think having gone through this, I've learnt to be sensitive to people's feelings, Sometimes, it obvious that something is done so don't purposely stare rudely & ask so loudly, then when we answered their queries, they start to judge and criticise.

Luckily your lipo areas are covered, don't tell them. :P
Actually, they can see my garments cos I need to be in uniform which is short sleeves.
A few colleagues asked. I just told them it's for shapewear.
Wear for a long period of time then can slim down. hahaha :P

Then while having smoke break yesterday, workshop manager ask if the Dr who did my eyes does correction of eyes.
He has a bit of squinting. (crude form is cock-eye lah)
I told him I don't think so cos this Dr is a cosmetic surgeon.
I think this will falls more into eye specialist area?
Any idea if there's a corrective surgery for this? :?

Tonight will have another round of questions and remarks as I'll be having dinner with mum, sis and 1 aunty and her family. :lol:

And as I mentioned, here's the pic of the hotel bed the following morning after arms lipo.
Bloody murder scene... hehehe :lol:
** those with weak heart, please don't click. :P
say you have mild ptosis and its affecting your vision so you went to an opthamologist who recommended fixing it while they fix the problem you got double eyelids. that'll work i think. i'm sure if u tell them they won't know a thing unless they are med students and go i didn't notice you have droopy eyelids. haha

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Post by sasa05_ » Sat, 21 Nov 2009 3:23 pm

I think there might be some changes after taking out stitches although I can't explain what exactly will change.
Cos for myself, some bumps appeared on the incision line after I took out the stitches. They might be the holes of the stitches.
Try to recall, the hypertrophic scars place, is it where the stitches are before they were taken out?
And it seems like most problems is with the area starting of the eyes.
The skin there might be the most delicate, therefore the most "injured"

Before i left on 14th nov, i went to let Dr Nara have a look before I come back on 13th nov.
13th nov is 6 days post op, Dr Nara took a look and said they're not keloids.
My bumps are visible even when eyes are opened.
I think we'll need a lot of patience here.

My lipo scars are all healing well w/o any keloids. My tummy scar (which was done together with my eyes on same day).
the scars had already fully recovered, just like gotten stung by mosquitoes, healed and peeling now.
The chances of keloids is not high if you're not prone to developing keloids after having cuts etc.

I think your eyes are healing perfectly well.
If you seen my pics at day 6, you'll get a terrible shock.
Anyway, some pics as below, taken on tues evening (10 days post op)

Eyes close

Eyes open

Tummy scar

This is taken 6 days post op, see the difference btw us?

Yr incision line is so well defined :)
You're healing well, it's only 1 week post op for you.
More patience ok? :)

When you had chosen Dr Nara to be your PS, you need to have confidence in him.
I believed you didn't just jump into this.
And be positive. Your mind is a very powerful tool.
You attract what you think.
If you keep being pessimistic, it'll really happen.

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