I think you're doing the right thing to see an eye doctor - revision is tricky and its best to see a specialist for it. I really feel for you.changeinme wrote:
i've booked in an appointment with singapore eye centre's opthamologist for next thursday. i'll have to go in for an assessment. hopefully she can address my corcerns to swelling and a problem with scar tissue. hopefully i wouldn't have to go for a revision i would be devastated if so. i mean we have to wait at least 6 months before going through with it and after this nightmare i really doubt i'll be considering anymore surgery on my eye area.
anyone has any advice on this?
Its difficult to tell at the moment but if the problems of closing your eye are not due to swelling - then it might be some levtator muscle thing? The medical term for it I think is upper eyelid scleral show - its part of a complication from anything to eyelid surgery like in your case to even botox accidentally being injected into your eyelid muscle.
In most cases its due to early post surgical swelling.
Like here you can read doctor's responses.. this person's problems was 6 weeks in.
http://www.realself.com/question/eyelid ... haroplasty
The best thing to assure your fears is to see an eye specialist. The national eye center has great doctors but I tend to find national eye center rather rushed (the load of patients is really too high since they're short of manpower - one of their top doctors also passed away in an accident recently) and the appointments spaced too far away.
I think having been what you been through you might want something alot more thorough.
Anyways, rather than to ramble further I'd say there is this doc I saw before to remove a cyst (not for eyelid stuff though) and he used to be from the eye center and one of their top guys who focus on eyelids surgery...
I'd urge you to check him out. Maybe more pricey since he has clinics in mt. E and suntec but consultations would be alot more comprehensive - he really answers all your questions without clock-watching - he even started talking to my dad patiently about ptosis when my dad got curious.
I'm sure as well there are other eyelid specialists out there - you might want to ask your family GP for recommendations in the private sector.