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Post by perfectcut22 » Tue, 10 Nov 2009 7:31 pm

momoko wrote:
perfectcut22 wrote:
I did 230cc only. Cuz i am very slim, i cant take too big breast, not nice on me anyway. I am contented now.

Ba is done in a hospital and i stayed one night there.

HOspital bed gave me bad back ache!!!

Day of surgery...

My whole ops is 5 hours long!! i did ba, alarplasty and chin implant all at once!!! I woke up in pain due to BA. Of course it was after the surgery!!! Dont worry about the injection cuz not painful at all.

But Ba to me is very very painful, maybe cuz i dont have much breast tissues to stretch so different ppl might be diff bah.

I was wheeled into ops room and waited for nara. The lady anesthesiologist is so nice she came to calm me down and talk to me. Finally after about 45 mins freezing cold in the ops room, nara came and i breathe in the oxygen mask then concussed! Next thing i know is, cold and pain. Can't move. Check out of the hotel after the next day and proceed to hospital.

Day 2,3, is quite bad for me, alot of pressure on my chest. But just endure thru these 3-4 days, things should get better after that.
can i know how obvious is the scars at the armpits?
did doc place the implants over or under muscles?
how was your post op care?
is it possible to stretch your arms after the op? as in lift up ur hands into the sky?

Scars not very obvious lah but it's still healing. i am sure it'll go away. Nara stitiching very fine. For my alar, totally heal with no signs of anything done and i am only day 10 post ops. Chin scar also going away. cant see a thing,

Doc place implants over the muscles.

My post op care? Have to manage cuz they have very little post op care. I waz in great pain cuz of the breast. Mayb cuz i did alar, chin and ba together bah.

It is not possible to stretch ur hands or even open a mineral water bottle cap. Very painful for me. But it was ok for other girls. So i guess diff ppl bah.

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Post by perfectcut22 » Tue, 10 Nov 2009 7:35 pm

aadvark wrote:
perfectcut22 wrote:Hi aadvark or anyone who has did alarplasty...

My alar heal nicely without scar, question is, when i smile... its f_*king pain. Anyone has this feeling of tight feeling and pain? Can anyone advice me how long will this pain last and will it go away? I am 9 days post op.

For chin implant, how long before the see the final shape? Thanks
it will be tight for a while and the wound area kept peeling over the next 2 mths also, prob cos so much movement in that area when we talk smile etc...

the chin implant give it 3 months ba, shld see the final length already
Thanks aadvark... Ya lor, my nose keep on peeling and looks so ugly!!! I am apply vit e gel. It helps alot. I am peeling like one onion!!!

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Post by tf108 » Tue, 10 Nov 2009 11:48 pm


i'm a 17 year old guy and i have snubby nose. quite snubby actually. is it possible to make it very straight? i really dun like my nose.

if possible straight like daniel craig's.


is it possible?

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Post by sasa05_ » Wed, 11 Nov 2009 6:43 am

Did my arms last evening.
Finished all 4 areas, very happy already. :D

After finishing, Dr Nara congrats me on getting the 4 areas all done.
Then he told me my arms gots the most fats extracted! :o
Imagine inner thighs, out thighs, tummy, arms and arms is the smallest area yet the most extracted! the cylinder to hold the fats is almost full! :shock:
Could it be because arms got the least muscles?
My arms are really dangling badly, then before the op started, while Ning is cleaning the area with the brown solution, she says it's because i gained and lost a lot which is true.
I gained 25kg during pregnancy and when i lost them, the skin doesnt retract back, got fats and alot of skin.

My arms really bad, i think the nurses never seen anything that bad cos they kept looking. :oops:
Dr Nara is very nice. when during consultation on 1st day, he did inform me the skin on my arms might not retract back and I might get loose skin. If that happens, i might need a cut of loose skin which will leave a long scar which runs from the armpit to above elbow.
When he was drawing my arms last evening, he told me the same thing again of the loose skin. I told him I'm aware of it.

I told him if that happens, i'll just be sticking to what I'm wearing now, short sleeves tops loh, don't intend to wear sleeveless or tubes.
I explained my target is just to get my arms smaller so i can fit into blouses.
I told him when i try to get blouses, my shoulders, chest, body all ok but
arms part cant button. :mad: cannot be the sleeve don't button mah and it looks as if the sleeve is going to burst its seams any moment. :oops:

Angel, I would really suggest plastic sheets for the hotel bed now.
My both arms leaked so badly last night, now the whole bed is err.. errrr.... horrible.
me and gf joked it looks like a bloody murder scene! :P
Took pics but can't upload now, using another gf's lappy, I don't want to anyhow touch it unneccesarily.
all the 4 areas are very sore , very swollen and badly bruised (looked badly abused! hahaha) but I know it's not the final result. I'll patiently wait for results to come in. :)

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Post by EnvyMe » Wed, 11 Nov 2009 8:54 am

sasa05_ wrote:Did my arms last evening.
Finished all 4 areas, very happy already. :D

After finishing, Dr Nara congrats me on getting the 4 areas all done.
Then he told me my arms gots the most fats extracted! :o
Imagine inner thighs, out thighs, tummy, arms and arms is the smallest area yet the most extracted! the cylinder to hold the fats is almost full! :shock:
Could it be because arms got the least muscles?
My arms are really dangling badly, then before the op started, while Ning is cleaning the area with the brown solution, she says it's because i gained and lost a lot which is true.
I gained 25kg during pregnancy and when i lost them, the skin doesnt retract back, got fats and alot of skin.

My arms really bad, i think the nurses never seen anything that bad cos they kept looking. :oops:
Dr Nara is very nice. when during consultation on 1st day, he did inform me the skin on my arms might not retract back and I might get loose skin. If that happens, i might need a cut of loose skin which will leave a long scar which runs from the armpit to above elbow.
When he was drawing my arms last evening, he told me the same thing again of the loose skin. I told him I'm aware of it.

I told him if that happens, i'll just be sticking to what I'm wearing now, short sleeves tops loh, don't intend to wear sleeveless or tubes.
I explained my target is just to get my arms smaller so i can fit into blouses.
I told him when i try to get blouses, my shoulders, chest, body all ok but
arms part cant button. :mad: cannot be the sleeve don't button mah and it looks as if the sleeve is going to burst its seams any moment. :oops:

Angel, I would really suggest plastic sheets for the hotel bed now.
My both arms leaked so badly last night, now the whole bed is err.. errrr.... horrible.
me and gf joked it looks like a bloody murder scene! :P
Took pics but can't upload now, using another gf's lappy, I don't want to anyhow touch it unneccesarily.
all the 4 areas are very sore , very swollen and badly bruised (looked badly abused! hahaha) but I know it's not the final result. I'll patiently wait for results to come in. :)
Wowowow Sasa! Finally you're done!

Am now 10weeks post op liao! Almost forgotten the pain I had went through already. Read your post and it seems so painful when I had undergone these. LOL.

I'm going to do 5 areas on my next trip!!! Hope I can endure! AI SWEE MAI?! Lol.

By the way where is the Boots you talking about?? The scar cream will be my number 1 in my to-buy-list when I reach there.

How is the size for your arms compression garment? Still can??

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Post by angelfern » Wed, 11 Nov 2009 9:05 am

Hi sasa,

Really appreciate your detailed post. It's not easy to find someone who's willing to entertain & answer all the questions, especially for me who has bombarded you with so many questions. Thanks again for your patience and advice.

You'll definitely come home with a much smaller size overall. For me, if I target the individual part per trip to utilise one compression garment, i've to be patient to wait till it's all done to see the overall results. Thighs not so bad, it's the arms, can't wait to get rid of some excess fats during my first trip with tummy but it'll take too many days, not feasible.

Just check tiger, flight during CNY for 2 is $665+, other months are around $365 for 2. Such a big difference in price!

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Post by hibear » Wed, 11 Nov 2009 9:17 am

Hi everyone im gg for rhinoplasty what are the thing that i have to prepare before the surgery? like
how many hrs cant eat or drink
cant take vitamine 1 wk before surgery date

I still have a session of fractional co2 laser treatment will i be able to do it after implant or its better to do the treatment before gg implant?

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Post by sasa05_ » Wed, 11 Nov 2009 3:04 pm

Hi Envyme,

Boots is just on ground flloor of lee garden plaza...
once you go out of the lift, it's either on your left or right.
One side will be the main glass door, the other end will be boots pharmacy.

my CG is ok.. needs some tugging here and there when putting on cos very swollen. But it's still ok, can fit in.

Hi Angel,

No worries, i was once like you too.
I can understand your feelings.
Worries, many uncertainties, etc etc
Even after reading through the thread for info but would still appreciate if the more recently done ppl are willing to share right? :)

My nose really needs work, last night before op started, Ning ask me "you don't want do nose?" then today morning when i went to change dressing, another patient there ask why I never do nose.
I got my personal reasons not to touch it as I mentioned before.
I also believe after doing eyes, the features will change already.
But already started swaying loh, my gf said it's because of my badly bruised and swollen eyes, making me look so damn ugly,
that's why I'll sway also.
Now got the impulse feeling go and tell Dr Nara I want do my nose! :oops:

Oh, btw, i did my teeth whitening. The purple signboard 1.
Friend commented teeth already much whiter and I'll go collect my take home kits later cos they need to do my bleaching tray which is made to do after taking my "measurements" before laser just now.
They're to be put on at night for about 1-2 weeks or until the gel runs out and my teeth will get whiter and whiter. :D

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Post by perfectcut22 » Wed, 11 Nov 2009 4:06 pm

Aadvark, my chin seems alittle bit slanted to the right. Is it because of the swell or??? I didnt knock onto anything and i sleep straight up. I am day 11 post op. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Post by angelfern » Wed, 11 Nov 2009 4:25 pm

Hi sasa,

Regarding the CG, will the nurse put on for you immediately after the Op or we've to do it when we return back to the hotel?

Since it leaks, we've to wash it and let it dry for a few hours each day?
With the CG & plastic sheets, don't think I can sleep comfortably.

So have you tried the ba kut teh, sizzler & japanese, thai food there? Any nice food you want to recommend?

Thanks! I've asked so many questions until I paiseh already. :lol:

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Post by aadvark » Wed, 11 Nov 2009 4:53 pm

tf108 wrote:Hi,

i'm a 17 year old guy and i have snubby nose. quite snubby actually. is it possible to make it very straight? i really dun like my nose.

if possible straight like daniel craig's.


is it possible?
well, we wun noe unless u show us ur nose right? :)
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Post by aadvark » Wed, 11 Nov 2009 4:55 pm

perfectcut22 wrote:Aadvark, my chin seems alittle bit slanted to the right. Is it because of the swell or??? I didnt knock onto anything and i sleep straight up. I am day 11 post op. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hmmm, daybreakk and i also felt ours a bit slanted, but it gets less obvious as it heals, think daybreakk went to nara to get it revised in the end, dun think he was charged
Next: Forehead augmentation, botox, RF

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Post by huskyjude » Wed, 11 Nov 2009 6:02 pm

may i ask should we do the eyes first or the nose first?

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Post by Greenies » Wed, 11 Nov 2009 8:36 pm

anyone already book the dates with nara le but cant go. wanna exchange date? i already book early jan with another ger, but i hope to do it asap coz i have some function in jan to attend so hope to do it earlier.

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Post by sasa05_ » Wed, 11 Nov 2009 10:39 pm

angelfern wrote:Hi sasa,

Regarding the CG, will the nurse put on for you immediately after the Op or we've to do it when we return back to the hotel?

Since it leaks, we've to wash it and let it dry for a few hours each day?
With the CG & plastic sheets, don't think I can sleep comfortably.

So have you tried the ba kut teh, sizzler & japanese, thai food there? Any nice food you want to recommend?

Thanks! I've asked so many questions until I paiseh already. :lol:
You wont get to wear the garment on the op day itself cos of the leakage..
I always put on gauzes overnight and until when the next day morning change to water proof dressing, bath then wear.

Taken sizzler for dinner tonight, they have promo every wed. :D
Tried the japanese food at basement, shop name is fuji, the food's not bad, quite nice
havent get to eat bak ku teh, fish maw soup yet.
Anyway, took very yummy tomyam soup.
Amy recommended it but she keep reminding us to control.
the stall is opp Dr Nara's clinic, the stall is not directly opp.
The stall directly opp is white signboard, then it's the 1 on the left with a brown signboard.

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