Scars not very obvious lah but it's still healing. i am sure it'll go away. Nara stitiching very fine. For my alar, totally heal with no signs of anything done and i am only day 10 post ops. Chin scar also going away. cant see a thing,momoko wrote:can i know how obvious is the scars at the armpits?perfectcut22 wrote:
I did 230cc only. Cuz i am very slim, i cant take too big breast, not nice on me anyway. I am contented now.
Ba is done in a hospital and i stayed one night there.
HOspital bed gave me bad back ache!!!
Day of surgery...
My whole ops is 5 hours long!! i did ba, alarplasty and chin implant all at once!!! I woke up in pain due to BA. Of course it was after the surgery!!! Dont worry about the injection cuz not painful at all.
But Ba to me is very very painful, maybe cuz i dont have much breast tissues to stretch so different ppl might be diff bah.
I was wheeled into ops room and waited for nara. The lady anesthesiologist is so nice she came to calm me down and talk to me. Finally after about 45 mins freezing cold in the ops room, nara came and i breathe in the oxygen mask then concussed! Next thing i know is, cold and pain. Can't move. Check out of the hotel after the next day and proceed to hospital.
Day 2,3, is quite bad for me, alot of pressure on my chest. But just endure thru these 3-4 days, things should get better after that.
did doc place the implants over or under muscles?
how was your post op care?
is it possible to stretch your arms after the op? as in lift up ur hands into the sky?
Doc place implants over the muscles.
My post op care? Have to manage cuz they have very little post op care. I waz in great pain cuz of the breast. Mayb cuz i did alar, chin and ba together bah.
It is not possible to stretch ur hands or even open a mineral water bottle cap. Very painful for me. But it was ok for other girls. So i guess diff ppl bah.