Hi envyme,
U've ever considered arthur from medan, what's makes u go back to Dr nara again?
1) Apart from anti chinese sentiment, security reason, lack of shopping in medan, previously I considered medan because of the convincing pics too. He'll target comprehensive areas for each section. so let's say, we used this knowledge and asked nara to do the same, it should have the same effect right? in fact, we may remove more because nara concentrate on one area per day, we can max the amt taken out. Medan can remove about 2L per session.
For Dr Nara,
To fully utilise the compresion garment, for tummy 5 areas ( upper, lower, flank, waist, back) will take 5 days, we have to do it for 5 days straight, besides being uncomfortable (can't bathe), we've to bear the pain & LA continuosly. Don't know have side effect? I just wish I can just pain one time & get over it.
We can't just do 2 areas & come back again as the garment will be looser. So if we split up the 5 areas of the tummy to 2 sessions, we'll have to buy 2 compression garment, the second one size smaller.
for thighs worse, 7 areas? 7 to 9 days in Hatyai?
To buy second hand compression garment is a good idea too, can save on costs.
Medan is good in a way that they do all the parts within 1 surgery but price kept increasing.
Nov rate is (16x 650= $10400, may give 2k discount if sign up for all 16 parts & pay on first session = $8400)
Dec may go up to $700 per part.
Nara's is (16x 450 = $7200) He may not even divide to 16 parts, I'm not sure, will he include knee as one part?
So even if we split up the tummy into 2 visits, buy 2 compression garment for each section, may still be cheaper & a chance to draw out more.
It's just the hassle of doing it seperately everyday that bugs me.
Advice please.