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Post by confabulate » Mon, 03 Aug 2009 2:19 pm

If u hv a nose bridge tat is totally flat to begin wif, i tink Putt is better. Me n fren do nt hv any bridge at all, bt i chose Nara to operate on me and she turn to Putt instead. She end up wif a very high bt nice bridge, mine is very natural = medium height. Ppl wif very flat bridge, need alot of height for the change to be a great difference.

Am i happy? I like my nose, bt still it could be better if i went Putt in the 1st place. Tinking of going bk to Putt for revision end of tis yr, dropping out Yoskarn clinic coz it bloody expensive.

Visit both of them for consultation, u will get a better idea whom to choose.
How did she achieve such significant change ? I suppose she has very thick skin ? If not, wont it have extrusion ? Pardon me. But was her skin really very thick ? Also, how long has it been already.. She doesnt have any problem till now ?

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Post by vivilen81 » Mon, 03 Aug 2009 3:09 pm

confabulate wrote:

If u hv a nose bridge tat is totally flat to begin wif, i tink Putt is better. Me n fren do nt hv any bridge at all, bt i chose Nara to operate on me and she turn to Putt instead. She end up wif a very high bt nice bridge, mine is very natural = medium height. Ppl wif very flat bridge, need alot of height for the change to be a great difference.

Am i happy? I like my nose, bt still it could be better if i went Putt in the 1st place. Tinking of going bk to Putt for revision end of tis yr, dropping out Yoskarn clinic coz it bloody expensive.

Visit both of them for consultation, u will get a better idea whom to choose.
How did she achieve such significant change ? I suppose she has very thick skin ? If not, wont it have extrusion ? Pardon me. But was her skin really very thick ? Also, how long has it been already.. She doesnt have any problem till now ?
My priority of my rhino is to achieve a high bt very straight bridge. Ppl make fun of my nose since i was a kid, all i wanted is a high, straight bridge. Seriously i dun really care alot of my tip, even i hv a big round tip. Study Jolin Tsai nose bridge in both front & side profile n u noe wat i mean, Jolin's bridge is more straight than curve. My fren wanted something more curvy, although L-shape can be mould n shape to curvy shape too, bt S-shape could fit in the tissue plane better. Tats y i chose Nara over Putt, i tot L-shape can achieve wat i wanted. Wan to make my point clear, the only thing i dislike my nose is i feel like it is nt high enuff FOR ME, bt itz very straight n natural. Hope tat answer ur question. :)

If u read my other posts, i mentioned tat Nara is a gentleman bt he does nt do much talking though, some ppl experienced a arrogant Nara - Dunno why? & some find him nice, like me lah. Putt on the other side, hd given me a very detailed explaination.

I dunno whether my fren hd very thick skin anot, bt i hv. Despite my thick skin, my tip only extended a bit. I tink ppl wif thick skin can hold implant better but results mayb less significant than thin skin. If u hv a bulbous tip like me needed a tiplasty, u wont be able to achieve ur desired look wif only a augmentation n alarplasty. Dun expect a L or S implant can project ur tip alot. Her nose is near 3 mths, no problems at all. Mine is 3 mths old too, done in May n i went back in Jun to do my eyes.

Actually, if Nara willing to revise my nose i will choose him again, as i said i hv a irrational craze for straight as an arrow noses, if he tink my nose aredi high enuff, i suppose he wont revise my nose then i will look for Putt. Havent ask Nara yet, definitely going back cos im doing Chin n BA end yr or early nxt yr.
Last edited by vivilen81 on Mon, 03 Aug 2009 3:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by lulla » Mon, 03 Aug 2009 3:16 pm

confabulate wrote:Think Dr Putt is also quite....
Also, i heard he works in the same hospital as Dr Nara [citation needed]

dr.puttisak works at unit of general sergery , Department of Surgery

dr. nara works at unit of plastic and reconstructive surgery, Department of Surgery

at the same hospital

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Post by winter21 » Mon, 03 Aug 2009 4:09 pm

erm.... after reading so many new posts.... i feel that some new forumers have not read up enough....

which doc we choose in the end is mostly base on what we read here, consultation and the feeling we have for them... whether we are comfortable or not..

there is no right or wrong ans... in choosing which doc to do the op for you.

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Post by confabulate » Mon, 03 Aug 2009 5:14 pm

vivilen81 wrote:
confabulate wrote:

If u hv a nose bridge tat is totally flat to begin wif, i tink Putt is better. Me n fren do nt hv any bridge at all, bt i chose Nara to operate on me and she turn to Putt instead. She end up wif a very high bt nice bridge, mine is very natural = medium height. Ppl wif very flat bridge, need alot of height for the change to be a great difference.

Am i happy? I like my nose, bt still it could be better if i went Putt in the 1st place. Tinking of going bk to Putt for revision end of tis yr, dropping out Yoskarn clinic coz it bloody expensive.

Visit both of them for consultation, u will get a better idea whom to choose.
How did she achieve such significant change ? I suppose she has very thick skin ? If not, wont it have extrusion ? Pardon me. But was her skin really very thick ? Also, how long has it been already.. She doesnt have any problem till now ?
My priority of my rhino is to achieve a high bt very straight bridge. Ppl make fun of my nose since i was a kid, all i wanted is a high, straight bridge. Seriously i dun really care alot of my tip, even i hv a big round tip. Study Jolin Tsai nose bridge in both front & side profile n u noe wat i mean, Jolin's bridge is more straight than curve. My fren wanted something more curvy, although L-shape can be mould n shape to curvy shape too, bt S-shape could fit in the tissue plane better. Tats y i chose Nara over Putt, i tot L-shape can achieve wat i wanted. Wan to make my point clear, the only thing i dislike my nose is i feel like it is nt high enuff FOR ME, bt itz very straight n natural. Hope tat answer ur question. :)

If u read my other posts, i mentioned tat Nara is a gentleman bt he does nt do much talking though, some ppl experienced a arrogant Nara - Dunno why? & some find him nice, like me lah. Putt on the other side, hd given me a very detailed explaination.

I dunno whether my fren hd very thick skin anot, bt i hv. Despite my thick skin, my tip only extended a bit. I tink ppl wif thick skin can hold implant better but results mayb less significant than thin skin. If u hv a bulbous tip like me needed a tiplasty, u wont be able to achieve ur desired look wif only a augmentation n alarplasty. Dun expect a L or S implant can project ur tip alot. Her nose is near 3 mths, no problems at all. Mine is 3 mths old too, done in May n i went back in Jun to do my eyes.

Actually, if Nara willing to revise my nose i will choose him again, as i said i hv a irrational craze for straight as an arrow noses, if he tink my nose aredi high enuff, i suppose he wont revise my nose then i will look for Putt. Havent ask Nara yet, definitely going back cos im doing Chin n BA end yr or early nxt yr.
Hi Vivien, gazillion thanks, you're really generous in sharing your experience. With the information you have provided im sure i could decide better now. many many thanks.

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Post by kensan » Mon, 03 Aug 2009 5:29 pm

vivilen81 wrote: Mayb brenton shld try Micro Laser Peel. It works for me, i hv depressed acne scars for yrs n im seeing good results.
How much is the package? I chose Retin-A cream / gel becos it's a lot cheaper but got to use it long enuff like 6 weeks to see the result.

"Retin-A also referred to as tretinoin, Retin-A is an acne treatment that is available in a gel and cream form. It is a derivative of Vitamin A, which is formulated for topical application. Retin-A works by accelerating the natural turnover of skin cells, minimizing scar formation and boosting the healing of existing pimples. Like many medicines, there are a number of side effects of Retin-A, the severity of which vary from one person to the next. "

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Post by gabs » Mon, 03 Aug 2009 6:52 pm

gabs wrote:
confabulate wrote: Oh. No worries, i asked even more questions when i was at your stage. Ya i have not decided whether to go to Dr Nara or Dr Putt (i have appt with both but i have made clear to them that i might not be doing). But i would probably go to Dr Putt. Im going with a fellow forumner, he's going for his nose revision and he will lead the way (i heard is not easy to locate the place, but Dr Putt will provide you with the map(eng/thai) upon confirmation of apptment) i heard is within walking distance from Lee Garden.

I bought the sinnech from $120 SGD for 2 sets. The price quoted in the webby is in USD so you need to do some conversion.

When would you be going ?
Thankyou for your help in this and the website too:) Though I hope I will not get lost and all with the map :oops: I'm going this december with one of my friends, yes she wants to tag along for a short holiday :)
May I know if I am to take sinnech right before the operation or a couple of hours before? :oops:
tag along for a short holiday ? -> i heard theres nothing there ? But nvr mind you can have her for companionship

if I am to take sinnech right before the operation or a couple of hours before? -> is something like anitibiotic where you have to complete the full course. It comes in a set, you have to consume b4 and after the surgery. It takes 4-5 days(cant recall) to complete the whole course. Theres instruction given on how you should go about consuming so not to worry..

Yup told her there's really nothing there but she chooses to tag along.. Perhaps she just wants a break from work *shrugs*

Thanks a lot for the help confabulate=] Really helps alot much appreciates!

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Post by kaya_toast » Mon, 03 Aug 2009 10:12 pm

perfectionist wrote:hi all, i have removed my nose implan on fri at mount E.
My skin has not yet heal, it seem like rotting, i am very depress, never wanna do anything to my nose again
Hug hug... :console:

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Post by vivilen81 » Mon, 03 Aug 2009 10:38 pm

Hey confabulate ,

I hv aredi sent u my be4 & after pics together wif my fren nose pic to u by email. The resolution of pics is nt gd as my camphone is lousy. Hope to hear frm u after ur surgeries, all the best! :D

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Post by vivilen81 » Mon, 03 Aug 2009 10:46 pm

kensan wrote: How much is the package? I chose Retin-A cream / gel becos it's a lot cheaper but got to use it long enuff like 6 weeks to see the result.
Im sensitive to Retin-A, used be4 n stopped after a week. I din take package for Micro Laser Peel, visited dermatologist once. My bf holding the receipt, update u the cost after i check wif him.

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Post by kensan » Mon, 03 Aug 2009 10:53 pm

vivilen81 wrote:
kensan wrote: How much is the package? I chose Retin-A cream / gel becos it's a lot cheaper but got to use it long enuff like 6 weeks to see the result.
Im sensitive to Retin-A, used be4 n stopped after a week. I din take package for Micro Laser Peel, visited dermatologist once. My bf holding the receipt, update u the cost after i check wif him.
Do we need long term maintenance for this type of skin peeling treatment? If yes, it would be costly.

Base on 46 reviews here, effectiveness of Retin-A is 7.61/10 but side effect is also high at 7.35/10 :lol: .

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Post by vivilen81 » Tue, 04 Aug 2009 12:05 am

kensan wrote:
vivilen81 wrote:
kensan wrote: How much is the package? I chose Retin-A cream / gel becos it's a lot cheaper but got to use it long enuff like 6 weeks to see the result.
Im sensitive to Retin-A, used be4 n stopped after a week. I din take package for Micro Laser Peel, visited dermatologist once. My bf holding the receipt, update u the cost after i check wif him.
Do we need long term maintenance for this type of skin peeling treatment? If yes, it would be costly.

Base on 46 reviews here, effectiveness of Retin-A is 7.61/10 but side effect is also high at 7.35/10 :lol: .

I juz check the cost of the treatment, OMG! :shock: Micro Laser Peel costs $1,500 per session, 3 to 4 sessions mayb needed for severe cases. wonder my bf's face look so black when we step out of the clinic, dare nt ask him abt the treatment cost since he's paying for it, nw then i realised i burned a hole in his pocket. Dun tink i can afford to go again, hv to find another way for my face.

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Post by aadvark » Tue, 04 Aug 2009 12:08 am

confabulate wrote:Hi thanks for all the explanations for L and S implant. I still cant decide whether to go Dr Nara or Dr Putt (I have appt with both of them this week).

For Dr Nara: A handful of them has commented that hes really good in nose job. But some has also mentioned that he goes for natural look till the extend that you could hardly see any changes. Then again some mentioned that he uses L shape which can look very unnatural. :shock: *confused*. Also, based on his webbie ... hinoplasty it seems like the change is really subtle.

For Dr Putt, is more expensive(but that should not be a concern since the difference is not that great) have seen some of his work pickyrice, mygoal. Not bad. And he uses S shape and i suppose it looks more natural and can refine the tip better (as compared to L shape, but correct me if im wrong)

Its so hard to decide. Sigh.

Also any pointers to note Before and After Surgery ?

Some points

Before Surgery
1. Makan sinnech
2. Stop taking any vitamins or supplement 24hrs before the surgery

Post Surgery.
1. Makan sinnech again
2.Cannot wash your face for three days, since your nose should not come in contact with water for 3 days after the surgery
3. Major Swelling will be on the 2nd and 3rd day
4. Drink more pineapple/berries juice
5. Sleep on 2 pillows
6. Complete the full course of anti-biotic
7. Avoid seafood
8. Try to rest more and pray for the best

Any pointers that i have missed out?
diff ppl are restricted by their own genes, some ppl can achieve a greater difference, some can't... so u need to compare before and after pix rather than just the final results, cos what worked for them may not work for u
Next: Forehead augmentation, botox, RF

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Post by confabulate » Tue, 04 Aug 2009 12:37 am

vivilen81 wrote:Hey confabulate ,

I hv aredi sent u my be4 & after pics together wif my fren nose pic to u by email. The resolution of pics is nt gd as my camphone is lousy. Hope to hear frm u after ur surgeries, all the best! :D
Yeapz. Received. Thanks

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Post by confabulate » Tue, 04 Aug 2009 12:38 am

aadvark wrote:
confabulate wrote:Hi thanks for all the explanations for L and S implant. I still cant decide whether to go Dr Nara or Dr Putt (I have appt with both of them this week).

For Dr Nara: A handful of them has commented that hes really good in nose job. But some has also mentioned that he goes for natural look till the extend that you could hardly see any changes. Then again some mentioned that he uses L shape which can look very unnatural. :shock: *confused*. Also, based on his webbie ... hinoplasty it seems like the change is really subtle.

For Dr Putt, is more expensive(but that should not be a concern since the difference is not that great) have seen some of his work pickyrice, mygoal. Not bad. And he uses S shape and i suppose it looks more natural and can refine the tip better (as compared to L shape, but correct me if im wrong)

Its so hard to decide. Sigh.

Also any pointers to note Before and After Surgery ?

Some points

Before Surgery
1. Makan sinnech
2. Stop taking any vitamins or supplement 24hrs before the surgery

Post Surgery.
1. Makan sinnech again
2.Cannot wash your face for three days, since your nose should not come in contact with water for 3 days after the surgery
3. Major Swelling will be on the 2nd and 3rd day
4. Drink more pineapple/berries juice
5. Sleep on 2 pillows
6. Complete the full course of anti-biotic
7. Avoid seafood
8. Try to rest more and pray for the best

Any pointers that i have missed out?
diff ppl are restricted by their own genes, some ppl can achieve a greater difference, some can't... so u need to compare before and after pix rather than just the final results, cos what worked for them may not work for u
noted with thanks

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