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Post by perfectcut22 » Sun, 19 Jul 2009 6:27 pm

aadvark, actually nara replied me via email (dunno if its him but i tink should be his assistant that reply) to do my chin and nose revision at the clinic so that can save cost.

But do to what i read here, a few of the forumers woke up and it was quite scary when i tink of that. faint.

So i decided to do all under Ga which is so expensive... but i tink i wont wake up half way bah... Haha...

This is their reply via email:

for standard condition 2 operation at clinic revise nose(12,000 baht), chin implant (8,000)and (at hospital)breast augmentation 50,000 baht = 70,000 baht.
you can have all operations at the same day.
for extra condition(as you need)3 operations at hospital under GA : BA 50,000 baht + revise nose 40,000 baht + chin augmentation 28,000 baht total cost
= 118,000 baht .

They emailed me and quoted me 118000 for the whole surgery under GA. I've calculated that if i do chin and nose in his clinic i save about $2k sg dollars. But huh, i damned scared.

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Post by Shaprincess » Sun, 19 Jul 2009 7:01 pm

perfectcut22 wrote:aadvark, actually nara replied me via email (dunno if its him but i tink should be his assistant that reply) to do my chin and nose revision at the clinic so that can save cost.

But do to what i read here, a few of the forumers woke up and it was quite scary when i tink of that. faint.

So i decided to do all under Ga which is so expensive... but i tink i wont wake up half way bah... Haha...

This is their reply via email:

for standard condition 2 operation at clinic revise nose(12,000 baht), chin implant (8,000)and (at hospital)breast augmentation 50,000 baht = 70,000 baht.
you can have all operations at the same day.
for extra condition(as you need)3 operations at hospital under GA : BA 50,000 baht + revise nose 40,000 baht + chin augmentation 28,000 baht total cost
= 118,000 baht .

They emailed me and quoted me 118000 for the whole surgery under GA. I've calculated that if i do chin and nose in his clinic i save about $2k sg dollars. But huh, i damned scared.
Perfectcut! all ops in a day, tt is damn scary lar! anyway when will u be going over? have u considered going to Dr putt?

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Post by Shaprincess » Sun, 19 Jul 2009 7:33 pm

actually how long is the down time for rhino ah? Is one month enuff?
(i mean not totally recovered but able to go to work without ppl noticing the swollen nose/face or even scars?)

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Post by Berserkmind » Sun, 19 Jul 2009 9:37 pm

Annakilly wrote:

I agree that Dr. Pat is very vague!
I had to ask him alot of questions as well, which made me feel very paiseh cause I had to ask and ask and ask and he didn't seem bothered to reply much.
Upon much pushing him to reply my answer specifically, he took out the cheek implants he was going to use to show me and answered all my questions...finally.
This is what i learnt, before you go for any surgery in Thailand, be sure to do alot of research on your own too, if not you will be in for a shock. Oh and don't be scared to ask, keep asking if they don't reply you haha! Thick skinned abit!

Do ask Dr. Pat to give you a mild dose of General anethesia which will knock you out for about half an hour to an hour!
That way you will not know that you have undergone the surgery when you wake up, AND you won't feel them injecting LA into your specific body part that is undergoing surgery.
Honestly, the process of the surgeon injecting you with local anesthetic is really painful!
Poor Berserkmind :(

Baseline Berserkmind's process of recovery is similar to mine, except that i did not use the compression for the face because i am afraid the compression will shift my cheek implants!
5-8 days is the average time you need to recover.

Berserk, did you go for Buccal alone or did you go for cheek implants too? Any other procedures?
Either way i hope you recover soon, albeit Dr. Pat may have some flaws in the way he handles things, he's a rather alright surgeon in my opinion.
I doubt you will be unhappy with the results of your Buccal fat removal :)

As a rough gauge, Its day 15 for me now and i can see a lil of the results of my Buccal removal already. I can see the contours of my cheeks already, and there is a lil hollowness from the side of my face to under my cheekbones. But the bruise from the Hematoma on my left cheek is still there and the bruise on my hands from the injection of the GA is still there too.

Recover soon :)
Hi Anna and all, I am on Day 11 of my surgery. Swelling of my cheeks have really gone down alot now, and i can see the 'hollow' where my fats were removed. problem is, one side looks more hollow than the other :shock:
There are stills some remaining stitches inside my mouth though most have dissolved, leaving my inside of the cheeks scarred :( When i use my tongue to feel inside it feels bumpy and not smooth like before. but im glad it cannot be seen lar..

I only removed buccal fat becos i intend to go to Dr Nara to do the rest. The prices quoted at Tokai are really way way more ex!

By the way, abt the LA, erm actually it was me who gey kiang asked for LA. Becos I got phobia of not waking up from GA! Haha sounds silly but it is a personal phobia of mine.. but as Aadvark mentioned before, GA has its risks too la. But of course the LA was so so so scary! when i was on the surgery table i did regret my choice for the faintest bit and overall i think it was still the right choice as i could make my way back to hotel and buy food and cold compress on the way and was not too groggy.

For the bruise on your hands, you need to keep rubbing them every day and mine disappeared on day 6.

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Post by EnvyMe » Mon, 20 Jul 2009 12:24 am

pitsoul wrote:I'm going to order more garments, stage 2. For those who wants to order garment can go to this website ... fault.aspx to take a look. We ordering direct from local distributor so mayb we can get cheaper if we all order together. Let me know if u wana order thru me yah?
Hi pitsoul, don't know if you saw it or not but i pm you a few times le never hear from you~?

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Re: waterjet lipo at sp-clinic

Post by oscarbunny » Mon, 20 Jul 2009 1:12 am

mooncake_ wrote:just came back from waterjet lipo at sp-clinic in bangkok. did my butt + whole thigh. if anybody wants details, I'll be more than willing to share. :)
hi mooncake, sorry i cant pm you because i dont have enough posts, i would love to find out more about water jet lipo as i am keen to get it done at sp clinic. could you please email me at [email protected] please?

greatly appreciated!!!

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Post by aadvark » Mon, 20 Jul 2009 2:26 am

Shaprincess wrote:actually how long is the down time for rhino ah? Is one month enuff?
(i mean not totally recovered but able to go to work without ppl noticing the swollen nose/face or even scars?)
nose recovers the fastest, after 2 weeks of healing, just throw on a pair of specs for a couple of mths, and no one will notice anything after u remove the sepcs like 6 mths down the rd
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Post by aadvark » Mon, 20 Jul 2009 2:28 am

Berserkmind wrote:
Annakilly wrote:

I agree that Dr. Pat is very vague!
I had to ask him alot of questions as well, which made me feel very paiseh cause I had to ask and ask and ask and he didn't seem bothered to reply much.
Upon much pushing him to reply my answer specifically, he took out the cheek implants he was going to use to show me and answered all my questions...finally.
This is what i learnt, before you go for any surgery in Thailand, be sure to do alot of research on your own too, if not you will be in for a shock. Oh and don't be scared to ask, keep asking if they don't reply you haha! Thick skinned abit!

Do ask Dr. Pat to give you a mild dose of General anethesia which will knock you out for about half an hour to an hour!
That way you will not know that you have undergone the surgery when you wake up, AND you won't feel them injecting LA into your specific body part that is undergoing surgery.
Honestly, the process of the surgeon injecting you with local anesthetic is really painful!
Poor Berserkmind :(

Baseline Berserkmind's process of recovery is similar to mine, except that i did not use the compression for the face because i am afraid the compression will shift my cheek implants!
5-8 days is the average time you need to recover.

Berserk, did you go for Buccal alone or did you go for cheek implants too? Any other procedures?
Either way i hope you recover soon, albeit Dr. Pat may have some flaws in the way he handles things, he's a rather alright surgeon in my opinion.
I doubt you will be unhappy with the results of your Buccal fat removal :)

As a rough gauge, Its day 15 for me now and i can see a lil of the results of my Buccal removal already. I can see the contours of my cheeks already, and there is a lil hollowness from the side of my face to under my cheekbones. But the bruise from the Hematoma on my left cheek is still there and the bruise on my hands from the injection of the GA is still there too.

Recover soon :)
Hi Anna and all, I am on Day 11 of my surgery. Swelling of my cheeks have really gone down alot now, and i can see the 'hollow' where my fats were removed. problem is, one side looks more hollow than the other :shock:
There are stills some remaining stitches inside my mouth though most have dissolved, leaving my inside of the cheeks scarred :( When i use my tongue to feel inside it feels bumpy and not smooth like before. but im glad it cannot be seen lar..

I only removed buccal fat becos i intend to go to Dr Nara to do the rest. The prices quoted at Tokai are really way way more ex!

By the way, abt the LA, erm actually it was me who gey kiang asked for LA. Becos I got phobia of not waking up from GA! Haha sounds silly but it is a personal phobia of mine.. but as Aadvark mentioned before, GA has its risks too la. But of course the LA was so so so scary! when i was on the surgery table i did regret my choice for the faintest bit and overall i think it was still the right choice as i could make my way back to hotel and buy food and cold compress on the way and was not too groggy.

For the bruise on your hands, you need to keep rubbing them every day and mine disappeared on day 6.
the bumps disappear with time, i feel a tiny little bump now, but u wun notice it unlike the big mess left behind at the start
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BA + Double Eyelids

Post by crispypanda » Mon, 20 Jul 2009 3:18 am

Hi all! Forgot my old nick’s pw, had to re-register ): I visited Dr. Nara with Sganbaatar.

Basically when I went in, I just told Dr. Nara I wanted dbl eyelids and asked what he would suggest for my face. He told me that he would do tapered and medium crease (which is exactly what I wanted, so bingo!) One thing I learnt: If you have an epicanthal fold, a parallel crease will turn out to look tapered unless you do epicanthoplasty. After the sedation I lost sensation on my T-zone, just felt like there were a thick layer of masking tape there and he was cutting on the tape (actually my skin). He used some laser thing I guess (couldn’t see : P) to burn off some tissue(?) from my eyelids cause I heard crackling sounds and there was a charred smell after. I was quite busy thinking how cool it was that I couldn’t feel the pain yet felt everything he did.

After that I had squinty vision but I managed to get on a tuktuk to the hosp. and register for my BA (same day) myself.

Personally, I think I bruise easily so I took Sinecch despite Dr. Nara saying that he doesn’t recommend cause it ‘might thin the blood’. I think that + pineapple juice helped my bruising and swelling a lot : D My eyes seemed to have healed fast.

Like Sganbaatar mentioned (scroll up), learn your cc. amounts if you wanna know what a cup or two is equivalent to. He is not going to suggest a size based on bra measurements. Also, if you have asymmetric breasts don’t expect him to give you different sizes to balance them out. Cause unlike some ps surgeons who do, he only uses the same sized implant for both boobs.

If you’ve done your research, you’d know about profiles and muscle placement. He only uses low-profile (although he claims that low profile for the implants he use are actually medium profiles for other brands). He doesn’t use high profile and stopped doing subpectoral placement.

Dr. Nara examined me and said that my skin is ‘young’ therefore it’s tight. (I’m 20, no kids btw.) Before that I had stretch marks cause I slimed down a lot, having the implants just widened them. Bummer!

I was suggested the same cc. amount as Sganbaatar but as she mentioned above, we’ve got diff body types. So when I wanted a size up, he explained that because of my smaller frame and narrower chest the smaller implant would be sufficient. If I wanted bigger, it would expand all sides (i.e. higher up my chest, lower down my abdomen, middle would be squeezed, lots of side-boob.) So thinking about it, does make sense if I wanted to look natural. He popped in ‘For your body size, these are not small at all.’ For good measure : D My boy seems to agree.

I’m quite happy that my healing was rather smooth, I was sick from the GA as well but after a day or two I was fine. There isn’t much discomfort from my BA as well, only due to my incision (transax) using my arms were a pain in the butt. And you pretty much need your arms for anything. :[

Dr. Nara was more patient with me cause I hardly disagreed with him, but asked a ton of questions from my research during my consult. I read that he's a man of few words, but all my queries were answered. During my eye surgery he was even talking to me about why some of his plastic surgeon friends chose to use certain methods he doesn’t. Overall, I’m happy about both procedures. Waiting for my crease to drop and boobies to soften further. So far so good (:


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Re: BA + Double Eyelids

Post by kensan » Mon, 20 Jul 2009 8:24 am

crispypanda wrote:Hi all! Forgot my old nick’s pw, had to re-register ): I visited Dr. Nara with Sganbaatar.

Basically when I went in, I just told Dr. Nara I wanted dbl eyelids and asked what he would suggest for my face. He told me that he would do tapered and medium crease (which is exactly what I wanted, so bingo!) One thing I learnt: If you have an epicanthal fold, a parallel crease will turn out to look tapered unless you do epicanthoplasty. After the sedation I lost sensation on my T-zone, just felt like there were a thick layer of masking tape there and he was cutting on the tape (actually my skin). He used some laser thing I guess (couldn’t see : P) to burn off some tissue(?) from my eyelids cause I heard crackling sounds and there was a charred smell after. I was quite busy thinking how cool it was that I couldn’t feel the pain yet felt everything he did.

After that I had squinty vision but I managed to get on a tuktuk to the hosp. and register for my BA (same day) myself.

Personally, I think I bruise easily so I took Sinecch despite Dr. Nara saying that he doesn’t recommend cause it ‘might thin the blood’. I think that + pineapple juice helped my bruising and swelling a lot : D My eyes seemed to have healed fast.

Eyelids healing rate is very slow, I thought my healing was fast in the first week but now three weeks post op still look very swollen at times :( .

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Post by Shaprincess » Mon, 20 Jul 2009 9:08 am

aadvark wrote:
Shaprincess wrote:actually how long is the down time for rhino ah? Is one month enuff?
(i mean not totally recovered but able to go to work without ppl noticing the swollen nose/face or even scars?)
nose recovers the fastest, after 2 weeks of healing, just throw on a pair of specs for a couple of mths, and no one will notice anything after u remove the sepcs like 6 mths down the rd
Hi aadvark,
thank you for your reply. :) May i ask rhino isit just for the bridge? And alar is to alter the tip of the nose? Am i right to say that?

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Post by boii18 » Mon, 20 Jul 2009 9:12 am

Is there any review on yoskarn clinic's dr somyos? Going there in 2 mo time for lip lift.

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Re: BA + Double Eyelids

Post by Brenton » Mon, 20 Jul 2009 9:27 am

crispypanda wrote:Hi all! Forgot my old nick’s pw, had to re-register ): I visited Dr. Nara with Sganbaatar.

Basically when I went in, I just told Dr. Nara I wanted dbl eyelids and asked what he would suggest for my face. He told me that he would do tapered and medium crease (which is exactly what I wanted, so bingo!) One thing I learnt: If you have an epicanthal fold, a parallel crease will turn out to look tapered unless you do epicanthoplasty. After the sedation I lost sensation on my T-zone, just felt like there were a thick layer of masking tape there and he was cutting on the tape (actually my skin). He used some laser thing I guess (couldn’t see : P) to burn off some tissue(?) from my eyelids cause I heard crackling sounds and there was a charred smell after. I was quite busy thinking how cool it was that I couldn’t feel the pain yet felt everything he did.

After that I had squinty vision but I managed to get on a tuktuk to the hosp. and register for my BA (same day) myself.

Personally, I think I bruise easily so I took Sinecch despite Dr. Nara saying that he doesn’t recommend cause it ‘might thin the blood’. I think that + pineapple juice helped my bruising and swelling a lot : D My eyes seemed to have healed fast.

Like Sganbaatar mentioned (scroll up), learn your cc. amounts if you wanna know what a cup or two is equivalent to. He is not going to suggest a size based on bra measurements. Also, if you have asymmetric breasts don’t expect him to give you different sizes to balance them out. Cause unlike some ps surgeons who do, he only uses the same sized implant for both boobs.

If you’ve done your research, you’d know about profiles and muscle placement. He only uses low-profile (although he claims that low profile for the implants he use are actually medium profiles for other brands). He doesn’t use high profile and stopped doing subpectoral placement.

Dr. Nara examined me and said that my skin is ‘young’ therefore it’s tight. (I’m 20, no kids btw.) Before that I had stretch marks cause I slimed down a lot, having the implants just widened them. Bummer!

I was suggested the same cc. amount as Sganbaatar but as she mentioned above, we’ve got diff body types. So when I wanted a size up, he explained that because of my smaller frame and narrower chest the smaller implant would be sufficient. If I wanted bigger, it would expand all sides (i.e. higher up my chest, lower down my abdomen, middle would be squeezed, lots of side-boob.) So thinking about it, does make sense if I wanted to look natural. He popped in ‘For your body size, these are not small at all.’ For good measure : D My boy seems to agree.

I’m quite happy that my healing was rather smooth, I was sick from the GA as well but after a day or two I was fine. There isn’t much discomfort from my BA as well, only due to my incision (transax) using my arms were a pain in the butt. And you pretty much need your arms for anything. :[

Dr. Nara was more patient with me cause I hardly disagreed with him, but asked a ton of questions from my research during my consult. I read that he's a man of few words, but all my queries were answered. During my eye surgery he was even talking to me about why some of his plastic surgeon friends chose to use certain methods he doesn’t. Overall, I’m happy about both procedures. Waiting for my crease to drop and boobies to soften further. So far so good (:

Actually I guessed Dr Nara is more friendly to people who did their research.

He only agreed to do my eyes initially in the email. During the face to face consultation, he also suggested that i do not need to do my nose.

But after chatting and sharing my views with him, he agreed to do my nose for me. He told me that he is only doing it for me as i understood the limitation.

He became a whole lot friendlier after the chat and even hold me back after surgery to chat somemore regarding his website...

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Re: BA + Double Eyelids

Post by kensan » Mon, 20 Jul 2009 9:52 am

Brenton wrote:
Actually I guessed Dr Nara is more friendly to people who did their research.

He only agreed to do my eyes initially in the email. During the face to face consultation, he also suggested that i do not need to do my nose.

But after chatting and sharing my views with him, he agreed to do my nose for me. He told me that he is only doing it for me as i understood the limitation.

He became a whole lot friendlier after the chat and even hold me back after surgery to chat somemore regarding his website...
After the surgeries I feel like shit, u can still stay and chit chat somemore

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Post by aadvark » Mon, 20 Jul 2009 10:20 am

boii18 wrote:Is there any review on yoskarn clinic's dr somyos? Going there in 2 mo time for lip lift.
hey boii18, long time no see.... nope, after so many pages, still no info abt somyos, will you be our pioneer :D
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