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Re: Thank you! Very helpful

Post by Breeoei » Thu, 07 May 2009 9:02 am

aadvark wrote:
backwardscarousel wrote:
Oh no, does that mean that he'll possibly reject doing PS on you if you insist on something he think would not look natural? I think its good that he wants his patients to look natural in the end, but sometimes I think for PS what some of us want is more change in addition to enhancement :/
when nara uses the word "natural", i dun think it means subtle till no one can tell the difference. it's more of aesthetically pleasing so it balances the harmony in the facial proportions; as opposed to 'unnatural' where it throws the balance off

And i will prefer my dr to insist a little rather than give in to everything i want. He has decades of experience dealing with plastic surgery, i dun see why he shld submit to the whims and fancies of his patients, especially if he doesn't think it will turn out ok.

We may think we call the shots, cos we are paying for it, but if it does turn out unnatural, it's his reputation at stake

case in pt: hello84 did his nose in sg. he told the doc he wanted a longer tip and the doc gave it to him, and it was too long and caused extrusion instead. when he went bk to the doc, the doc told him, u wanted a longer tip ma. so be careful what u wish for

everyone in here is entitled to their own opinion, but i dunnoe why many can ignore 20 good reviews and assume the 1 negative opinion to be the voice of truth. are we truly that cynical?

*once again, i am not an agent of Nara's, just a grateful patient*[/quote

Hi Aadvark!!

You and Boi are the two most experienced guys in this forum.....I therefore would like to seek your advice please.

I would be going to Dr Pat middle of May for removal of fats on my upper eyelids, as suggested by the doc himself.

But I need a back up doctor if for any reason it doesn't work with Dr I guess you are the best person to assist.

So apart from Dr. Pat, can you please recommend me another doctor who is good at the surgery that I will be undergoing.


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Post by pootie » Thu, 07 May 2009 1:14 pm

Hi guys, just to check, i did my rhino 2 mths ago.. now im contemplating tipoplasty.. my S implant is extended to the tip.. does it mean the doctor has to redo my whole nose? or i can just do the tip??

thanks peeps! :D

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Re: Thank you! Very helpful

Post by aadvark » Thu, 07 May 2009 6:12 pm

Breeoei wrote:
aadvark wrote:
backwardscarousel wrote:
Oh no, does that mean that he'll possibly reject doing PS on you if you insist on something he think would not look natural? I think its good that he wants his patients to look natural in the end, but sometimes I think for PS what some of us want is more change in addition to enhancement :/
when nara uses the word "natural", i dun think it means subtle till no one can tell the difference. it's more of aesthetically pleasing so it balances the harmony in the facial proportions; as opposed to 'unnatural' where it throws the balance off

And i will prefer my dr to insist a little rather than give in to everything i want. He has decades of experience dealing with plastic surgery, i dun see why he shld submit to the whims and fancies of his patients, especially if he doesn't think it will turn out ok.

We may think we call the shots, cos we are paying for it, but if it does turn out unnatural, it's his reputation at stake

case in pt: hello84 did his nose in sg. he told the doc he wanted a longer tip and the doc gave it to him, and it was too long and caused extrusion instead. when he went bk to the doc, the doc told him, u wanted a longer tip ma. so be careful what u wish for

everyone in here is entitled to their own opinion, but i dunnoe why many can ignore 20 good reviews and assume the 1 negative opinion to be the voice of truth. are we truly that cynical?

*once again, i am not an agent of Nara's, just a grateful patient*[/quote

Hi Aadvark!!

You and Boi are the two most experienced guys in this forum.....I therefore would like to seek your advice please.

I would be going to Dr Pat middle of May for removal of fats on my upper eyelids, as suggested by the doc himself.

But I need a back up doctor if for any reason it doesn't work with Dr I guess you are the best person to assist.

So apart from Dr. Pat, can you please recommend me another doctor who is good at the surgery that I will be undergoing.

try dr greechart from yanhee :)
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Post by ennalove » Thu, 07 May 2009 11:06 pm

Last edited by ennalove on Mon, 11 May 2009 12:33 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by ennalove » Thu, 07 May 2009 11:42 pm

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Re: liposuction

Post by tweetyger1983 » Fri, 08 May 2009 2:08 am

Tks brenton for the reply, ah yo you know i email him until i pek che.leh i find tat i'm like an old auntie keep repeating the same old question but they seem to be evasive. Well ?? And i also do not know what type of pain killer is very strong, last time i do my vaser the doc only prescribe me postan but it just not strong enough for me , as i still feel the pain and sore.... I really scare of the pain and yet it a long journey back to sg
oh gosh..
Brenton wrote:You have to email him to ask for the specific type of painkiller.
I believe he will give painkiller of different dosage to different pple.
If you need a specific type, just email them and ask if they have it, if not, you can always do the preparation yourself before you go over. Just make sure you inform him of what medication you are taking or going to take - before and after sugery..

And No, Dr Nara does not reply the emails himself.
It's usually the nurse, Amy, or the other doctor Ning that replies the email.

tweetyger1983 wrote:Oh tks , Yup for those who had done it like quite sometime back, i would appreicate for those who had done recently to give me more feedback. Between i had email dr nara but just wonder is he the one who does the reply ?? cos i did email him the pic for the area i want to lipo regarding how many liter of fat can be suck out and will the result will be good etc. He seem like not answering or avoiding my question. So not so sure is his assistant or the nurse who does the reply that why they cant give me a confirm answer.

Can i know what type of pain killer dr nara prescribe you . As i got zero threhold of pain paracetemol or postan is totally no effect on me. i need a strong dosage.

aadvark wrote: No need to get all catty in here, i'm just pointing you to the info u wanted, cos it might take a while for someone to respond...

anyway, if you did READ the entire thread as you had claimed, many ppl did share THEIR experiences, and very recent ones too...

from the type of liposuction (tumescent) to detailed descriptions of the entire process, some even with pictures. how much fat was removed, how much you can remove, what kind of anaesthetic. type of compresses, brands of compresses, prices... how sore, how swollen, how blue-black, how long to deswell, how long to heal, how long then can go back to work.... what supplements to take, where to buy... what dr nara is like, what he said, how he looked... how to get there, where to stay...

and yes, i had shared all these in this thread b4, so i definitely AM WILLING to share...

if there's something else besides these info that you wanted to know, then do ask, and I'm more than willing to answer you to the best of my knowledge. if not, then u'd prob need to do more thorough reading

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Post by kensan » Fri, 08 May 2009 8:39 am

Hi ennalove,

So u appreciate H81 now? Haha, just joking. :lol:

Hope the worst is over for you. I better start to book Lee Garden for my end June appt with dr nara.

Rest well and have a fast recovery, maybe can post some pre and post ops pic to see dr putt works.

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Re: Thank you! Very helpful

Post by Breeoei » Fri, 08 May 2009 8:43 am

aadvark wrote:
Breeoei wrote:
aadvark wrote: when nara uses the word "natural", i dun think it means subtle till no one can tell the difference. it's more of aesthetically pleasing so it balances the harmony in the facial proportions; as opposed to 'unnatural' where it throws the balance off

And i will prefer my dr to insist a little rather than give in to everything i want. He has decades of experience dealing with plastic surgery, i dun see why he shld submit to the whims and fancies of his patients, especially if he doesn't think it will turn out ok.

We may think we call the shots, cos we are paying for it, but if it does turn out unnatural, it's his reputation at stake

case in pt: hello84 did his nose in sg. he told the doc he wanted a longer tip and the doc gave it to him, and it was too long and caused extrusion instead. when he went bk to the doc, the doc told him, u wanted a longer tip ma. so be careful what u wish for

everyone in here is entitled to their own opinion, but i dunnoe why many can ignore 20 good reviews and assume the 1 negative opinion to be the voice of truth. are we truly that cynical?

*once again, i am not an agent of Nara's, just a grateful patient*[/quote

Hi Aadvark!!

You and Boi are the two most experienced guys in this forum.....I therefore would like to seek your advice please.

I would be going to Dr Pat middle of May for removal of fats on my upper eyelids, as suggested by the doc himself.

But I need a back up doctor if for any reason it doesn't work with Dr I guess you are the best person to assist.

So apart from Dr. Pat, can you please recommend me another doctor who is good at the surgery that I will be undergoing.

try dr greechart from yanhee :)[/quot

Many thanks Aadvark!!

I realise that Dr Greechart charges US$540 and Dr Pat charges US$'s quite a huge margin....whom, in your opinion can do a better job?

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Re: Thank you! Very helpful

Post by aadvark » Fri, 08 May 2009 9:34 am

Breeoei wrote: Many thanks Aadvark!!

I realise that Dr Greechart charges US$540 and Dr Pat charges US$'s quite a huge margin....whom, in your opinion can do a better job?
It's hard to say, I dun have any personal friends who have done it with either one, but based on what i have read from the thread, both are quite ok.
greechart prob has more testimonials on the yanhee website :)
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Post by redruby2294 » Fri, 08 May 2009 7:02 pm

aadvark wrote:
dreampotion wrote:may i suggest to all who wish to reduce swelling/ bruises,
id like to recommend sinecch , its a kind of pre op/post op medication that will reduce swell and bruise by alot!

i went for 3 surgeries, and the first 2 bruised till i was purple, but my 3rd op the doc finally recommended sinecch, and it was very helpful.

just that im not sure if u can get it from any doc, i dont think its a prescription drug but maybe hospitals might have them
rachel sells sineech, think i given out the contact to quite a few ppl le, can get contact from me if u want. haha, think u forgot a lot of the stuff abt nara le, he only does L-implant for rhino ;)

as for the pain, gonna be quite subjective, depending on the threshold of the person u r asking... why dun u email nara and ask him wat he does for the pain in lipo?

Could you send me rachel's contact pl? Am keen on getting Sinecch from her. I have just paid S$62 for a 12-capsule supple -- got it from Neuglow -- and think I've overpaid it .... thanks! :)

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Re: Sinecch

Post by redruby2294 » Fri, 08 May 2009 7:06 pm

aadvark wrote:
shadydoll wrote:aadvark, must sinecch be taken immed post op?
its already day 12 since my lower eyelid and ba, is it too late to take it?

regret not getting it prior to the op, had to endure more than a wk of deep purple/blue bruising under my eyes, but now it seems close to normal. i wonder would sinecch help the breasts as there is slight bruising (like 4 small patches) and occasional pain/discomfort (considered minor i think). Dunno how to tell if there is still swelling but there is tenderness and soreness. I'm hoping so, cuz if not, they're really too big for my frame!

If u still think its advisable to take sinecch, can pls provide rachel's no.?
Did a search here but couldn't find her contact details.

Thanks loads!
Rachel said that it should be taken b4, during and the immediate few days after the op. Not sure if it's still effective so many weeks after the op. But anyway, here's her contact: 96371571

Saw Rachel's contact here. Thanks Aadvark!

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Post by ihatechinesefood » Sun, 10 May 2009 2:30 am

would like to ask, Dr Pat is from which hospital?

I want to get rid of the fats below my cheeks. (chipmunk cheeks), i dont know to do lipo or to remove my buccal fats.

any one has the same issue and what did you do? lipo or buccal fat removal?

also can reccomend a bkk hospital and doc for this?
lost faith in sg docs aleady.

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Post by aadvark » Mon, 11 May 2009 12:24 am

ihatechinesefood wrote:Hi,
would like to ask, Dr Pat is from which hospital?

I want to get rid of the fats below my cheeks. (chipmunk cheeks), i dont know to do lipo or to remove my buccal fats.

any one has the same issue and what did you do? lipo or buccal fat removal?

also can reccomend a bkk hospital and doc for this?
lost faith in sg docs aleady.
dr pat is from his own clinic, tokai

if u whole body is thin but cheeks still fat, then more likely is buccal fat pad. if yoy are chubby to begin with, then maybe shld try lipo first
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Post by ihatechinesefood » Mon, 11 May 2009 1:09 am

hi aadvark,
right now i'm eyeing bumungrad, but i have no idea which doc is good.
whats your opinion on bumungrad and tokai?

i was slim, den became fat. i used to have a chiseled face but now the area below my cheeks (where ppl usually pinch) are very fat.

my body lipo already, did face lipo too but very very slight reduction
(as good as no result) my family says my face dun match my body..
my chipmunk cheeks still as big as ever.

how long did the swelling take to subside for buccal fat removal?

thanks so much!

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Post by aadvark » Mon, 11 May 2009 10:45 am

ihatechinesefood wrote:hi aadvark,
right now i'm eyeing bumungrad, but i have no idea which doc is good.
whats your opinion on bumungrad and tokai?

i was slim, den became fat. i used to have a chiseled face but now the area below my cheeks (where ppl usually pinch) are very fat.

my body lipo already, did face lipo too but very very slight reduction
(as good as no result) my family says my face dun match my body..
my chipmunk cheeks still as big as ever.

how long did the swelling take to subside for buccal fat removal?

thanks so much!
bumrungrad is suppose to be good , but it's so exp! easily twice the cost of doing it elsewhere, hence no one in the forum has visited it yet, maybe you can feedback to us after going to them :)

i'm not sure how long the buccal fat pad took to recover, cos i did together with my jaws so the whole area was swollen together. but from experience, most ops i did so far usually recover by 3rd week
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