You really don't think there are differences between female and male noses? You really don't think a female needs a smaller, more feminine nose? You really don't think guys can get away with stronger, more structured looking noses? Do you think that the same exact nose will look good on both a guy and a girl? Do you think Takeshi Kaneshiro's nose will look good on some 155cm tall girl?cersepn wrote:wah why the gender bias, feline?
Guy means no need to do tip meh?!
I beg to differ!!
Anyway it is not gender bias; I think you just didn't catch my drift ^_^ What I am saying is that xxo's nose isn't all that bad and only needs minor "tuning" if he/she prefers it. And the tip isn't all that big is it, don't you think? Don't you think xxo will look alright with just an implant if xxo is a guy? I am talking about just this particular case. That was not a general statement which applies to the whole male population. If a guy has a humongous tip and would like to change it, sure then ^_^
I have re read my other post, it didn't feel like I was making a general statement, but it could be just be me <_>