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Plastic surgery in Thailand (Bangkok / Hatyai)

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furly angel
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Anybody wants to visit Dr Nara?

Post by furly angel » Fri, 24 Oct 2008 11:13 pm

Hi guys, I have booked Dr nara on 16,17 and 18 of nov but somehow I decided to visit yanhee first instead. I have not call up to cancel my appt with him, So if anyone of you who wish to visit Nara for surgery, I can change my appt to your name so you can get your surgery done. I have book appt for two person so you can bring a buddy along. Only condition is to share your experience after op with our forum expats here:) Interested please pm me!
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Post by feline.eyes » Fri, 24 Oct 2008 11:58 pm

mikeydokey wrote:Why do you say that? As in, yeah I didnt agree with my mum but she said "definitely not safe" then I started having second thoughts. But what makes you so sure?

Do you think you can tell me more about it? Or others who know more can you please fill me in on it? Much appreciated!

I'd like to travel to Bangkok at end of Jan'09. Who do I go to book, how to get there, where to stay and what are the accomodation costs? Minimum stay after a surgery would be?

So many questions here, hope someone can help!!
Even without googling, do you really think that 50% of the population are infected with HIV? Do you? Are you really going to believe that without any questioning just because mommy said it? And are you going to just go to a random forum to confirm your suspicion after hearing such a shocking piece of information? Shouldn't you be responsible in making sure about it instead of asking me when I am so sure about it?

There you go, the ball is in your court. Go confirm your suspicions yourself by doing some of your own research.
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Post by mikeydokey » Sat, 25 Oct 2008 1:05 am

feline.eyes wrote:
mikeydokey wrote:Why do you say that? As in, yeah I didnt agree with my mum but she said "definitely not safe" then I started having second thoughts. But what makes you so sure?

Do you think you can tell me more about it? Or others who know more can you please fill me in on it? Much appreciated!

I'd like to travel to Bangkok at end of Jan'09. Who do I go to book, how to get there, where to stay and what are the accomodation costs? Minimum stay after a surgery would be?

So many questions here, hope someone can help!!
Even without googling, do you really think that 50% of the population are infected with HIV? Do you? Are you really going to believe that without any questioning just because mommy said it? And are you going to just go to a random forum to confirm your suspicion after hearing such a shocking piece of information? Shouldn't you be responsible in making sure about it instead of asking me when I am so sure about it?

There you go, the ball is in your court. Go confirm your suspicions yourself by doing some of your own research.

feline.eyes, I really hope you didn't take any offence to what I said. I dont know what I said to ignite such a fiery response from you. I was merely in disbelief and wanted to clarify my doubts from people 'who have been there, and done that'. That clearly answers your question as to whether I believed my mum or not. As you said, I should be responsible in making sure of this claim, but isn't that the reason why I'm posing this question to everyone here for first hand accounts? As a matter of fact, I have researched. Even though figures weren't as shocking as my mum made out to be, it's still worrying to note that HIV is increasingly becoming more prevalent in Thailand, especially Bangkok.

I'd like to correct though, that it is not 50% of the population, but rather, "30-50% of injecting drug users (IDUs)" are infected with the virus, with "35 percent according to one study – [using] nonsterile injecting equipment"

That shows that my concerns are not unnecessary. As plastic surgeries involve the use of the anesthetic through the needle, it is therefore of the greatest concern to me as to whether it is 100% sterile. or not.

Thanks for your response feline.eyes, I suppose I needed more reassurance from people rather than just 'facts' you see on the web.

furly angel
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Post by furly angel » Sat, 25 Oct 2008 1:19 am

dont worry la mikeydokey,
Dr nara equipment are bound to be safe if not there will be complaints all around. If he is not professional enough, he wouldnt be so popular in this thread right?

But if u are really feeling insecure about thailand, mayb u should go korea or taiwan for ps instead?
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Post by mikeydokey » Sat, 25 Oct 2008 1:33 am

furly angel wrote:dont worry la mikeydokey,
Dr nara equipment are bound to be safe if not there will be complaints all around. If he is not professional enough, he wouldnt be so popular in this thread right?

But if u are really feeling insecure about thailand, mayb u should go korea or taiwan for ps instead?

Thanks furly angel! Well yeah I'm considering that, but just that I'm worried about the costs. Rough estimate of Otoplasty in Taiwan / Korean instead would be... any idea?

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Post by feline.eyes » Sat, 25 Oct 2008 1:50 am

mikeydokey wrote:I really hope you didn't take any offence to what I said. I dont know what I said to ignite such a fiery response from you. I was merely in disbelief and wanted to clarify my doubts from people 'who have been there, and done that'. That clearly answers your question as to whether I believed my mum or not. As you said, I should be responsible in making sure of this claim, but isn't that the reason why I'm posing this question to everyone here for first hand accounts? As a matter of fact, I have researched. Even though figures weren't as shocking as my mum made out to be, it's still worrying to note that HIV is increasingly becoming more prevalent in Thailand, especially Bangkok.

I'd like to correct though, that it is not 50% of the population, but rather, "30-50% of injecting drug users (IDUs)" are infected with the virus, with "35 percent according to one study – [using] nonsterile injecting equipment"

That shows that my concerns are not unnecessary. As plastic surgeries involve the use of the anesthetic through the needle, it is therefore of the greatest concern to me as to whether it is 100% sterile. or not.

Thanks for your response feline.eyes, I suppose I needed more reassurance from people rather than just 'facts' you see on the web.
It was a bit snide; I didn't think it was all that fiery... I wasn't really targeting your whole post but just the bit about your mother's claims. I was just shocked that you would even entertain that thought or post about it. I understand completely about asking people who have had experiences on the subject you are interested in. It is human nature to want to be assured about their fears. I wouldn't have said anything really if you were just voicing your fears about HIV control and safety practices in hospitals... but if you come to a forum and suddenly post about 50% of the population in some country being HIV positive... I think it would be rude not to respond to something so outlandish.

But yeah, Thailand isn't as backwater as you think it is. As long as your activities are limited to plastic surgery during relatively safe non political uprising time, you should be fine. Have safe traveller sense and grab a partner for company, you should do fine.
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furly angel
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Post by furly angel » Sat, 25 Oct 2008 2:24 am

mikeydokey wrote:
furly angel wrote:dont worry la mikeydokey,
Dr nara equipment are bound to be safe if not there will be complaints all around. If he is not professional enough, he wouldnt be so popular in this thread right?

But if u are really feeling insecure about thailand, mayb u should go korea or taiwan for ps instead?

Thanks furly angel! Well yeah I'm considering that, but just that I'm worried about the costs. Rough estimate of Otoplasty in Taiwan / Korean instead would be... any idea?

Im not sure, perhaps u can check it out at the plastic surgery abroad thread, or plastic surgery at taiwan thread. U can also email the Dr for a quote of price. For me, I will be going yanhee(bangkok) to do my eyelid, rhinoplasty and botox to reduce my facial jaw mass, abit hesitating abt the botox thou, as i am only 18 and not sure if i am suitable for it.
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Post by venust » Sat, 25 Oct 2008 5:16 am

:???: :???: :???:
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Post by aadvark » Sat, 25 Oct 2008 7:32 am

Jackjack wrote:Do i need to book an appt for consultation? Is consultation and the actual operation on the same day? Btw how is your eyesight now ? Perfect 6/6 ?
Sorry if i ask so much...dunno much about tis lasik stuff :D
yes, u need to book in advance, and no, u cannot do both checkup and op on same day. in fact, need to rest a few days at least. during the checkup, they will give u eyedrops that will dilate ur pupils, u will have temp long-sightedness for 1 day plus. so u shldn't drive in alone either
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Post by aadvark » Sat, 25 Oct 2008 7:49 am

mikeydokey wrote:
furly angel wrote:dont worry la mikeydokey,
Dr nara equipment are bound to be safe if not there will be complaints all around. If he is not professional enough, he wouldnt be so popular in this thread right?

But if u are really feeling insecure about thailand, mayb u should go korea or taiwan for ps instead?

Thanks furly angel! Well yeah I'm considering that, but just that I'm worried about the costs. Rough estimate of Otoplasty in Taiwan / Korean instead would be... any idea?
the first page of the Taiwan thread has a whole list of Taiwanese PS websites, courtesy of feline.eyes :D

I've been to Nara and Tokai so far, and I'm HIV negative still :D
Dun worry, they have those steriliser eqpt in the op room which u will recognise, and the op room is cold, white and sterile exactly the way u see on TV ;)

My mum makes the same exaggerated statements, so I know how you feel, but I dun think it was even necessary to google, cos how can every 1 out of 2 thai's be hiv positive? LOL :D

my solution? i did it b4 telling my mum, hehe :P
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Post by -bie- » Sat, 25 Oct 2008 5:19 pm

hi all... i'm an existing forummer who just registered using new nick (don't want people who know me to google my nick and find out that i've done PS haha..)

anyway.. i've been to tokai, nara and yanhee.. i would say the best is still nara...

tokai.. i did lipo at tokai and the results were not very obvious plus the stitching wasn't done properly and til now (9 months later) the scars are still visible arms are still lumpy even til now.. went to sg to be asssessed by another doc who said that the lipo was poorly done

nara.. very speedy recovery with minimal bruises.. i did chin augmentation and by the 3rd day, i looked normal enough to go to work and no one noticed anything.. did lipo on tummy too and when i went to a sg doc to remove stitches, he commented the lipo was nicely done.. :)

yanhee.. had rhino done and the bruising was very bad. my lower eye areas were all swollen and blue black.. the medication given is also not very strong compared to the previous 2..

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Post by daybreakk » Sat, 25 Oct 2008 9:00 pm

hihi Daybreakk is back again...

I'm back from hatyai with 3 friends..

Firstly i want to tell you all something,
Dont bother doing lipo in singapore. I got a girl friend i mention in the thread earlier that she did lipo with nara and had a good eperience. But she is already very skinny and nara refused to do it again for her, so she went to a singapore surgeon. He is sort of some director of plastic surgery, his name i will only tell u if you pm me. the doctor quote her 6000 SGD and end up lipo nothing out. and also she now have uneven arms size for no reason. She is those woman that obesses with Rexy look.(sexy and anorexia) dunnot if i spell correctly

Secondly I very happy with nara, even with his tight schedule, he still manage to revise my chin. I called in her nurse keep telling me its fully book disregard my persistent explaning that I already told nara my situation. I got so pissed off with her so I emailed nara. He gave me a prompt reply saying that I can come at my convenience, he is worry about my condition. so I went to him at 3pm, he look at me ask me which day do I wan to do. I made an appointment with the nurse for today. and was 7.30pm so i went back to hotel. But around 5pm, his nurse called me and ask me to go now. So I got my chin done.
(For those who went nara before, you know how tight his schedules are) He is really efficient.

Thirdly after my revising my chin, I went to Dr puttisak for changing my nose. Luckily i got friends with me, because though the sedative wears off, I amd still very weak, and cant focus. Puttisak explain alot regarding the implants and how the procedures work. i showed him the picture of lee jun ki. he said he could do something like that but might not be as projected, I also mention to him I want my bridge to be the same height or even higher for a bit. He said he will try. So i go ahead with the procedure. (2 operations with 2 different doctors with 2hours) you can imagine how weak i was already) before the surgery, the nurse gave me an injection for preventing infection which they do for all patient before surgery. its painless. After the surgery, puttisak gave me my previous implant as i requested. it was short and ugly but i lost it :(
He usually charge 8500baht. even when mine requires more effort like removing(he said my previous was hard to remove, he only charge me 8100 baht because i already got antibiotic. He also gave my sleeping pills in case i couldnt sleep at night due to pain. But the pill are work very good. I sleep my whole journey back to singapore.

And the nose is exactly what i wanted. So in my opinion DR puttisak is better than nara for nose job. But nara liposuction is alot better than singapore.

I hope my experience helps.

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Post by moonzz » Sat, 25 Oct 2008 9:19 pm

Hi all,

where can i get sinecch in singapore?

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Post by aadvark » Sat, 25 Oct 2008 10:04 pm

daybreakk wrote:hihi Daybreakk is back again...

I'm back from hatyai with 3 friends..

Firstly i want to tell you all something,
Dont bother doing lipo in singapore. I got a girl friend i mention in the thread earlier that she did lipo with nara and had a good eperience. But she is already very skinny and nara refused to do it again for her, so she went to a singapore surgeon. He is sort of some director of plastic surgery, his name i will only tell u if you pm me. the doctor quote her 6000 SGD and end up lipo nothing out. and also she now have uneven arms size for no reason. She is those woman that obesses with Rexy look.(sexy and anorexia) dunnot if i spell correctly

Secondly I very happy with nara, even with his tight schedule, he still manage to revise my chin. I called in her nurse keep telling me its fully book disregard my persistent explaning that I already told nara my situation. I got so pissed off with her so I emailed nara. He gave me a prompt reply saying that I can come at my convenience, he is worry about my condition. so I went to him at 3pm, he look at me ask me which day do I wan to do. I made an appointment with the nurse for today. and was 7.30pm so i went back to hotel. But around 5pm, his nurse called me and ask me to go now. So I got my chin done.
(For those who went nara before, you know how tight his schedules are) He is really efficient.

Thirdly after my revising my chin, I went to Dr puttisak for changing my nose. Luckily i got friends with me, because though the sedative wears off, I amd still very weak, and cant focus. Puttisak explain alot regarding the implants and how the procedures work. i showed him the picture of lee jun ki. he said he could do something like that but might not be as projected, I also mention to him I want my bridge to be the same height or even higher for a bit. He said he will try. So i go ahead with the procedure. (2 operations with 2 different doctors with 2hours) you can imagine how weak i was already) before the surgery, the nurse gave me an injection for preventing infection which they do for all patient before surgery. its painless. After the surgery, puttisak gave me my previous implant as i requested. it was short and ugly but i lost it :(
He usually charge 8500baht. even when mine requires more effort like removing(he said my previous was hard to remove, he only charge me 8100 baht because i already got antibiotic. He also gave my sleeping pills in case i couldnt sleep at night due to pain. But the pill are work very good. I sleep my whole journey back to singapore.

And the nose is exactly what i wanted. So in my opinion DR puttisak is better than nara for nose job. But nara liposuction is alot better than singapore.

I hope my experience helps.
can't wait to see ur nose! :D
then i might go revise also :P
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Post by Niew » Sat, 25 Oct 2008 10:20 pm

daybreakk wrote:hihi Daybreakk is back again...

I'm back from hatyai with 3 friends..

Firstly i want to tell you all something,
Dont bother doing lipo in singapore. I got a girl friend i mention in the thread earlier that she did lipo with nara and had a good eperience. But she is already very skinny and nara refused to do it again for her, so she went to a singapore surgeon. He is sort of some director of plastic surgery, his name i will only tell u if you pm me. the doctor quote her 6000 SGD and end up lipo nothing out. and also she now have uneven arms size for no reason. She is those woman that obesses with Rexy look.(sexy and anorexia) dunnot if i spell correctly

Secondly I very happy with nara, even with his tight schedule, he still manage to revise my chin. I called in her nurse keep telling me its fully book disregard my persistent explaning that I already told nara my situation. I got so pissed off with her so I emailed nara. He gave me a prompt reply saying that I can come at my convenience, he is worry about my condition. so I went to him at 3pm, he look at me ask me which day do I wan to do. I made an appointment with the nurse for today. and was 7.30pm so i went back to hotel. But around 5pm, his nurse called me and ask me to go now. So I got my chin done.
(For those who went nara before, you know how tight his schedules are) He is really efficient.

Thirdly after my revising my chin, I went to Dr puttisak for changing my nose. Luckily i got friends with me, because though the sedative wears off, I amd still very weak, and cant focus. Puttisak explain alot regarding the implants and how the procedures work. i showed him the picture of lee jun ki. he said he could do something like that but might not be as projected, I also mention to him I want my bridge to be the same height or even higher for a bit. He said he will try. So i go ahead with the procedure. (2 operations with 2 different doctors with 2hours) you can imagine how weak i was already) before the surgery, the nurse gave me an injection for preventing infection which they do for all patient before surgery. its painless. After the surgery, puttisak gave me my previous implant as i requested. it was short and ugly but i lost it :(
He usually charge 8500baht. even when mine requires more effort like removing(he said my previous was hard to remove, he only charge me 8100 baht because i already got antibiotic. He also gave my sleeping pills in case i couldnt sleep at night due to pain. But the pill are work very good. I sleep my whole journey back to singapore.

And the nose is exactly what i wanted. So in my opinion DR puttisak is better than nara for nose job. But nara liposuction is alot better than singapore.

I hope my experience helps.
hi daybreak.. how do u contact dr putt?? book how long in advance?? n wat procedure he did on ur nose.. i hav e would like to contact him too..

tia.. :)

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