furly angel wrote:hi, im new here. got a few questions, really hope some experienced people could help me with it.
1. I want to get my double eyelids done and also open up my eyes to make it bigger, whats the name of the procedure and roughly how much does it cost?
I can help you answer this question as I had my eyes done 2 years ago and did alot of extensive research on it. I had my eyes done through the cutting method which is permenant and in my opinion has a better effect although it depends on what your eyes are like. If you have excess skin, fat and muscle the cutting method is the best solution as they can remove this. Anyway its called asian blepharoplasty/double eyelid surgery. What are your eyes like? Very droopy etc?
I had my eyes done in Malaysia and was very shocked that it only cost £200, which equates to $400USD the procedure is very simple but iv seen many US sites (cannot name names) that over complicate the procedure and takes them 2 hours(?!). Mine only took 20 minutes, although i admit i was very dubious when i found out it was a 20minute job but soon realised it was because he performs so many everyday it comes simple to him.
Not sure how much it costs elsewhere though....
hth x